Aims and scope

Founded in 1995, parallax has established an international reputation for bringing together outstanding new work in cultural studies, critical theory and philosophy. parallax publishes themed issues that aim to provoke exploratory, interdisciplinary thinking and response. Each issue of parallax provides a forum for a wide spectrum of perspectives on a topical question or concern. parallax will be of interest to those working in cultural studies, critical theory, cultural history, philosophy, gender studies, queer theory, post-colonial theory, English and comparative literature, aesthetics, art history and visual cultures.

Guest Editors:

parallax regularly publishes issues compiled by guest-editors. Potential guest-editors should make an initial proposal to the editors including a title, thematic outline and suggested contributors.

"Elegant, literate, questioning, preposterous at times, never the least bit boring - ’parallax’ is that rare and wonderful thing, a real critical journal"
Zygmund Bauman

"In the flood of bland, semi-identical publications now credentialling cultural studies, it stands out bright as a beacon"
Meaghan Morris

parallax will be of interest to those working in many areas including critical theory, cultural history, gender studies, philosophy, queer theory, english and comparative literature, post-colonial theory, art history and of course, cultural studies.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.