Aims and scope

Transportmetrica B is an international journal that aims to bring together contributions of advanced research in understanding and practical experience in handling the dynamic aspects of transport systems and behavior, and hence the sub-title is set as “Transport Dynamics”.

Transport dynamics can be considered from various scales and scopes ranging from dynamics in traffic flow, travel behavior (e.g. learning process), logistics, transport policy, to traffic control. Thus, the journal welcomes research papers that address transport dynamics from a broad perspective, ranging from theoretical studies to empirical analysis of transport systems or behavior based on actual data.

The scope of Transportmetrica B includes, but is not limited to, the following: dynamic traffic assignment, dynamic transit assignment, dynamic activity-based modeling, applications of system dynamics in transport planning, logistics planning and optimization, traffic flow analysis, dynamic programming in transport modeling and optimization, traffic control, land-use and transport dynamics, day-to-day learning process (model and behavioral studies), time-series analysis of transport data and demand, traffic emission modeling, time-dependent transport policy analysis, transportation network reliability and vulnerability, simulation of traffic system and travel behavior, longitudinal analysis of traveler behavior, etc.

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees.

Peer Review Policy
All peer review is single anonymized and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.


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