Aims and scope

Water Science is an open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles on all aspects of water science research.

Water Science is sponsored and managed by the National Water Research Center of Egypt.

The journal aims at faster interdisciplinary and integrative approaches to sustainable water resources development and management at catchment/aquifer level.

Water Science encourages the submission of significant and quality research that leads either to a better understanding of the natural water phenomena processes or propose practical applications of this knowledge. Topics of interest to the journal include but are not limited to:

  • River basin planning and management
  • Hydraulic structures and machinery
  • Surface and ground water hydrology/hydraulics
  • River morphology and engineering
  • Coastal zone systems
  • Water quality and pollution control over water bodies
  • Climate change and hydro-environmental studies
  • Water resource socio-economics

Water Science welcomes original research articles covering all issues associated with the above-listed topics.

The journal operates a double anonymized peer review policy.

All articles will be made freely and permanently available online through gold open access publication.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.