Editorial board

Farzad Rahnema, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Editorial Office
American Nuclear Society
1111 Pasquinelli Dr.
Suite 350
Westmont IL, 60559

Associate Editors
Michael L. Corradini - University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA
Sandra Dulla - Politecnico di Torino, Italy
William R. Martin - University of Michigan, USA
James F. Stubbins - University of Illinois, USA
Kan Wang - Tsinghua University, China

NSE Editorial Advisory Board

Lei R. Cao - Ohio State University, USA
Expertise: in-core and ex-core instrumentation; radiation detection and measurement; advanced radiation sensors; neutron imaging; neutron depth profiling; nuclear batteries

Mark DeHart - Idaho National Laboratory, USA
Expertise: reactor physics; multiphysics; advanced reactors; depletion; space nuclear power

Chaitanya Deo - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Expertise: nuclear materials; computational materials science; adiation damage and effects

Jeffrey A. Favorite - Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Expertise: transport theory; deterministic and Monte Carlo transport applications; sensitivity analysis

Barry Ganapol - University of Arizona, USA
Expertise: particle transport theory; applied mathematics; numerical methods

David P. Griesheimer - Naval Nuclear Laboratory, USA
Expertise: Monte Carlo methods; multiphysics methods; analytical benchmarks

Alireza Haghighat - Virginia Polytechnic Institute, USA
Expertise: reactor analysis and reactor physics; theoretical and computational radiation transport; atomic and nuclear physics, radiation detection and measurements; applications of artificial intelligence; medical and health physics

Deokjung Lee - Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea
Expertise: reactor theory; steady-state and transient reactor analysis; reactor design; multiphysics and multiscale methods; verification and validation

Walid Metwally - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Expertise: criticality analysis of nuclear fuel storage; radiation transport modeling; radiation detection and measurement

Ali Mosleh - University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Expertise: probabilistic risk assessment; system prognostics and health monitoring; multiphysics multiscale probabilistic simulation; uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis

Abderrafi M. Ougouag - Idaho National Laboratory, USA
Expertise: neutronics and reactor physics; materials irradiation performance modeling; novel reactor concepts; passive and inherent safety

Imre Pàzsit - Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Expertise: neutron fluctuations and neutron noise; stochastic transport; reactor noise diagnostics; transport theory; in-core and ex-core instrumentation; safeguards

Bojan Petrovic - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Expertise: advanced reactors design; hybrid deterministic-stochastic methods; radiation shielding analysis; ex-core analysis (including detectors and pressure vessel fluence)

Dumitru Serghiuta - Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Canada
Expertise: reactor physics, analysis, and design; safety and risk analysis, and licensing; multiphysics multiscale methods and simulation; verification and validation, uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis

Glenn Sjoden - University of Utah, USA
Expertise: reactor physics, analysis, and design; neutral and charged particle transport; nonproliferation, verification, and safeguards

Thomas Sutton - Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (retired), USA
Expertise: Monte Carlo transport methods; reactor physics; stochastic processes in nuclear systems

Chris Wang - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Expertise: computational medical physics; radiation detection and measurement; Monte Carlo transport methods; criticality

Dean Wang - Ohio State University, USA
Expertise: neutron transport; reactor physics; advanced reactor technology

Xu Wu - North Carolina State University, USA
Expertise: multiphysics multiscale methods and simulation; verification and validation, uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis; scientific machine learning, reduced-order models, data science

Akio Yamamoto - Nagoya University, Japan
Expertise: reactor core analysis methods; verification and validation of neutronics methods; uncertainty quantification; reduced-order modeling; data science; nuclear safety

Editors Emeritus
J. G. Beckerley, March 1956 to February 1960
Everitt P. Blizard, March 1960 to September 1965
Dixon Callihan, October 1965 to April 1984
John M. Kallfelz, May 1984 to April 1986
Dan G. Cacuci, May 1986 to November 2019
Michael L. Corradini, December 2019 to December 2020

ANS Officers
Kenneth Petersen, President
Lisa Marshall, Vice President/President-Elect
Harsh Desai, Treasurer
Craig H. Piercy, Executive Director/CEO

ANS Publications Staff
John Fabian, Publications Director
David Strutz, Production Manager
Faith Michal, Peer Review Specialist