Society information

Members of the European Urban Research Association (EURA) can receive an individual print and online subscription to Urban Research & Practice at a special society member rate of €42. Contact +44 (0)20 8052 0501 or [email protected] to subscribe. (Quote YB16601W)

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The European Urban Research Association (EURA) was launched at an international conference held in Brussels, Belgium in September 1997 after the proposal to create a new association of urban researchers was first discussed at an international seminar on 'Shaping the Urban Future' held in Bristol, England, in July 1994.

Aims and objectives

The aims of the European Urban Research Association are

  • To provide a forum for people from different disciplines and policy backgrounds to exchange information about findings from research on towns and cities as the basis for closer cooperation
  • To encourage interdisciplinary and cross-national approaches to research in and education for urban and regional studies as a professional and academic field
  • To bridge the gap between academic, professional and policy interests, inform public debate and improve the quality of urban policy

Our urban future

At a time when global forces are strengthening and localism struggles to reassert itself, there is a need to re-examine the place which cities take in the social and economic order. Figures speak for themselves, as the world population grows, the future is largely urban:

EURA is mainly European through its membership and expertise. As the world goes urban, it is therefore timely to review and reflect the role and function of the city in a changing Europe, examine European cities' similar characteristics (of history and heritage, of design and built form, of politics, governance and democracy, of economic function, of social structure and association) and their distinctive features.

However, Europe is only a small part of our urban future. In a world that is both globalising and urbanising at the same time it makes no sense for urban researchers to limit their perspective to experience within a single continent. Hence, from the outset the European Urban Research Association (EURA) has welcomed dialogue with scholars from countries beyond the frontiers of 'Europe'.

For more information about EURA click here.