Aims and scope

Aims and Scope

Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies is now indexed in Scopus

Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies is a learned review dedicated to research on the visual histories, cultures and civilizations of Spain, Portugal and Latin America. Scheduled to appear twice-yearly from April 2017, it is a sibling journal of Bulletin of Spanish Studies , also known as the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (1949–2001), which was founded at Liverpool in 1923 by the influential British Hispanist E. Allison Peers, and is now recognised internationally as a front-ranked journal in Hispanic research and scholarship.

Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies publishes articles, review-articles and reviews on almost any and all authors, artists, works, topics, genres and periods concerned with the visual cultures of both the Old and the New Worlds of Hispanic cultures and civilizations.

For a list of some forthcoming articles, please click here.

Peer Review Statement

To be considered for publication, submissions to Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies need to be original scholarly works not previously published elsewhere.

All articles accepted for publication will have been peer-reviewed and approved by recognized specialists in the appropriate fields. Peer assessors involved in the evaluation processes include members of Bulletin ’s Executive Editorial Board and/or international Editorial Advisory Committee (names as published) and also external assessors world-wide, selected for their expertise and standing in the relevant aspects and areas of Ibero-American Visual Studies.

Rigorous peer assessment procedures ensure that all studies published in the BSVS meet the highest standards of scholarship and make an enduring and influential contribution to Visual Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.