Aims and scope

Aim of the Journal
The Journal of Global Sport Management (JGSM) aims to be the global platform for focused, rigorous, and interdisciplinary research that has originality, depth, and clarify of insights into significant issues and developments of interest to sport management. Its main objectives: to advance research; to enhance practice; and to facilitate good policy-making decisions.

Scope of Research and Topics
The JGSM will publish peer-reviewed conceptual and empirical papers with a theoretical foundation, and cases of original works. Typically, theory-driven empirical studies are considered by JGSM, but conceptual and theoretical papers are also considered when they have clear contributions to advancing out theoretical/conceptual understanding of sport management issues; for example, building new theories and proposing propositions, but a simple review of literature is not normally considered. The JGSM covers a wide range of topics including the following topical areas:

1. sport organization and governance;
2. sport marketing;
3. sport media and communication;
4. sport human resource management;
5. sport policy;
6. legal issues in sport management;
7. sport consumer psychology;
8. sport event and tourism;
9. sport development; and
10. sport, culture, and management
11. sport economics and finance

Contributors and Readership
Contributors of articles typically come from academic backgrounds. However, the articles are written in an accessible style to benefit both scholars and practitioners; also, manuscripts are to be received and accepted from every corner of the world to reach the global readership.

Peer Review Policy
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double-anonymized and submission is via ScholarOne Manuscripts.


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