Aims and scope

Griffith Law Review: Law Theory Society is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the socio-legal, inter-disciplinary, critical and theoretical study of law. Our focus is international and we engage with worldwide issues and agendas.

Griffith Law Review invites submissions with a focus on the social, cultural, theoretical and aesthetic dimensions of law, including international law.

Griffith Law Review's  Open Space section offers a forum for alternative pieces of scholarship, such as interviews, reports on conferences attended, creative works, and photo essays.  Open Space aims to foster cutting edge non-traditional legal inquiry in keeping with the journal’s focus on interdisciplinary, socio-legal, theoretical and critical legal scholarship. Contributions to Open Space are reviewed by our Academic Editors.

As part of its commitment to social and critical engagement in legal scholarship, Griffith Law Review also publishes book reviews. Book reviews, consonant with the journal’s aims and scope, are also reviewed by our Academic Editors.

Griffith Law Review publishes four issues per volume/year: typically one/two themed (symposium) issues and two/three non-themed (general) issues.  

Peer review policy
All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous double anonymized peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by two anonymous referees.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.