Aims and scope

Published by Johns Hopkins University Press from 2017.

"Twentieth-Century China has long been an important go-to place for smart work on Chinese social, cultural and intellectual history...I'm delighted to see it continue to move in new directions." Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Editor, Journal of Asian Studies

Twentieth-Century China, a refereed scholarly journal, considers manuscripts written from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. The journal seeks original scholarly contributions that challenge old paradigms, propose new ideas and theses, set forth innovative research and methodologies, or engage significant historiographical or interpretive issues regarding China’s long twentieth century, as seen in mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or diasporic activities. Comparative empirical and/or theoretical studies that are rooted in Chinese experience but touch on non-China-related subjects are also welcome. In addition, the journal welcomes proposals for reviews of significant works published in languages other than English and related to twentieth-century China, for English translations of influential articles, or for symposium-style special issues.

Peer Review Policy: Twentieth-Century China employs double-blind peer review and evaluation by one or more of the journal’s academic editors in order to select articles for publication.

Routledge History