Editorial board

Managing Editors:
Jennifer Brass - School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, USA
Ronelle Burger - Stellenbosch University, South Africa
David Fielding - Global Development Institute (GDI), University of Manchester, UK
Oliver Morrissey - School of Economics, University of Nottingham, UK
Richard Palmer-Jones - School of Development Studies, University of East Anglia, UK
Emmanuel Teitelbaum - The George Washington University, USA

Administrative Editor:
Judi MinostSchool of Environment, Education and Development (SEED), University of Manchester, UK

Book Reviews Editor:
Pritish Behuria - Global Development Institute (GDI), University of Manchester, UK

Please note that book reviews are by invitation only.

Editorial Board:
Sonia Bhalotra - University of Bristol, UK
Moussa Blimpo - University of Toronto, Canada
Steven Block  - Tufts University, USA
Ronelle Burger - Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Matthias Busse - Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany
Michael Carter - University of California, Davis, USA
Lisa Chauvet


Development, Institutions, and Globalization (DIAL), France
Indraneel Dasgupta - Indian Statistical Institute, India
Adam Moe Fejerskov - Danish Institute for International Studies, Denmark
Elliott Green - London School of Economics, UK
John Hoddinott - Cornell University, USA
Vegard Iversen - Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK
Sohini Kar - London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Abbi Kedir - University of Sheffield, UK
Krisztina Kis-Katos - University of Göttingen, Denmark
Sunil Kumar -  Kings College, London, UK
Anirudh Krishna - Duke University, USA
Robert Lensink - University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Lauren MacLean - Indiana University at Bloomington, USA
Edoardo Masset - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Trudy Owens - University of Nottingham, UK
Sarmistha Pal - University of Surrey, UK
Amber Peterman - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Amy Poteete - Concordia University, Canada
Danielle Resnick - Brookings Institute, USA
Indrajit Roy - University of York, UK
Diego Sanchez-Ancochea - University of Oxford, UK
Aaron Schneider - University of Denver, USA
Ken Shadlen - London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Finn Tarp - University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Neda Trifković - University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Arjan Verschoor - University of East Anglia, UK
Howard White - The Campbell Collaboration, Norway

Updated 03-05-2024