Editorial board

RIP Alun Munslow (1947-2019)

It is with profound regret that we must announce that the journal's Founding Editor, Alun Munslow, passed away suddenly on 1 October 2019.

This is tragic and terribly sad news. In due course, the Editors will bring forward proposals to mark Alun's passing in the pages of Rethinking History. The whole journal of course also stands as a lasting memorial to him.

Alun is survived by his wife, Jane.


Kalle Pihlainen - University of Turku , Finland

Patrick Finney - Aberystwyth University , UK

Founding Editors:

Alun Munslow

Robert A. Rosenstone - California Institute of Technology, USA

Social Media Editor

Laura Guillaume

Editorial Board:

Frank Ankersmit - Groningen University, Netherlands
Jaume Aurell - University of Navarra, Spain
Marjorie Becker - University of Southern California, USA
Douglas Booth - University of Otago, New Zealand
Linda J. Borish - Western Michigan University, USA
Robert Burgoyne - University of St. Andrews, UK
Peter Burke - University of Cambridge, UK
Jack R. Censer - George Mason University, USA
Anna Clark - Australian Centre for Public History, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Sande Cohen - California Institute of the Arts, USA
Dennis Dworkin - University of Nevada at Reno, USA
Elizabeth D. Ermarth - Trent University, Canada
James Goodman - Rutgers University, Newark, USA
Jonathan Gorman - The Queens University, Belfast, N. Ireland
Jerome de Groot - University of Manchester, UK
David Harlan - California State University, San Luis Obispo (CalPoly), USA
Montserrat Herrero - University of Navarra, Spain
Martha Hodes - New York University, USA
Jessica Hower - Southwestern University, USA
Keith Jenkins - University of Chichester, UK
Alison Landsberg George Mason University, USA
Allan Megill - University of Virginia, USA
Sue Morgan - University of Chichester, UK
Rila Mukherjee - Hyderabad University, India
Claire Norton - St. Mary’s University, UK
David D. Roberts - University of Georgia, USA
Beverley Southgate - University of Hertfordshire, UK
Gabrielle Spiegel - Johns Hopkins University, USA
Barbara L. Tischler - Columbia University, USA
Jonathan Walker - University of Kent, UK
Guy Westwell - University of London, UK