Editorial board


Simon J. G. Burton (University of Edinburgh, UK) [email protected]

Deputy Editors:

Ruth Atherton (University of South Wales, UK) [email protected]

Martin Keßler (University of Basel, Switzerland) [email protected]

David Manning (University of Leicester, UK) [email protected]

Mickey Mattox (Marquette University, USA) [email protected]

Book Reviews Editor:

Dr Jon Balserak (University of Bristol, UK) [email protected]

Editorial Board:

Paul Ayris (University College, London, UK)

David Bagchi (University of Hull, UK)

Erik de Boer (TU Kampen and VU Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Amy Nelson Burnett (University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA)

Emidio Campi (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

Jane Dawson (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Barbara Diefendorf (Boston University, USA)

Mark W Elliott (University of Glasgow, UK)

Alison Forrestal (National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland)

Bruce Gordon (Yale University, USA)

Berndt Hamm (University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany)

Ian Hazlett (University of Glasgow, UK)

Gerald Hobbs (Vancouver School of Theology, Canada)

Luka Ilic (Leibniz Institute for European History, Mainz, Germany)

Dr. Hyun-ah Kim (Theological University Kamen, The Netherlands)

W J Torrance Kirby (McGill University, Canada)

Charlotte Methuen (University of Glasgow, UK)

Prof. Anthony Milton (University of Sheffield, UK)

Nelson Minnich (The Catholic University of America, USA)

Richard Muller (Calvin Theological Seminary, USA)

Prof. Annie Noblesse-Rocher (University of Strasbourg, France)

Barbara Pitkin (Stanford University, USA)

Richard Rex (University of Cambridge, UK)

Bernard Roussel (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France)

Herman Selderhuis (Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn, Netherlands)

Nicholas Thompson (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

Monique Venuat (Universite de Clermont-Ferrand, France)

Piotr Wilczek (University of Warsaw, Poland)