Society information

The Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS) is composed of educators, researchers and practitioners involved in the design, creation, use and dissemination of geographic information. CaGIS provides an effective network that connects professionals who work in the broad field of Cartography and Geographic Information Science both nationally and internationally.

In 2004, the CaGIS Journal became one of the three official journals of the International Cartographic Association (ICA). This distinction has allowed the Journal to expand its reach worldwide, with the benefits of including international submissions and inviting international participation in the editorial and review process of submissions to the International Cartographic Conference.

The CaGIS journal is the home of the U.S. National Report to the ICA. More information on the U.S.-ICA National Committee.

Cartography and Geographic Information Society

PO Box 1107

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29465,