Society information

Founded in 1986, the Italian Association of Remote Sensing (AIT) is a non-profit scientific society that is involved in the theory and applications of remote sensing in Italy.

The aim of the AIT is to promote the diffusion of remote sensing in Italy, linking together all of the different theoretical and application domains, with a particular emphasis on environmental applications.

AIT governance is constituted by an elected President, a Steering Committee whose representatives are based around Italy, and an administration office based in Torino. The AIT is one of the founding members of ASITA (the Italian federation of scientific associations involved in environmental studies).

EuJRS, the European Journal of Remote Sensing (formerly known as the Rivista Italiana di Telerilevamento/ Italian Journal of Remote Sensing), has been the official journal of the Italian Association of Remote Sensing since 2012 (and since 1993 as the Rivista Italiana di Telerilevamento). The journal is an online-only publication with a Gold Open Access policy.

Published for scientists, practitioners and concerned communities, EuJRS contains scientific papers that cover topics across geomatics with a particular attention on remote sensing.

Members of the AIT are eligible for a discount of 30% on the standard APC. AIT members wishing to take advantage of this discounted rate should contact Patrizia Rossi at [email protected] to obtain a discount code prior to submission.