Society information

The Royal Society of South Africa, founded in 1908, is an independent, interdisciplinary organisation that aims to further all branches of science in South Africa. Fellows and Members occupy senior positions in universities, research agencies and industry. The Society recognises research excellence, advises government and non-governmental bodies, organises scientific conferences, workshops and seminars, fosters science education, publishes an accredited international journal and promotes public awareness of all aspects of science and technology.

Like its counterpart in Britain, the Royal Society of London, the Royal Society of South Africa fosters both pure and applied science in a variety of ways:

  • by promoting the exchange and development of scientific ideas and knowledge, especially in the inter-disciplinary context;
  • by recognizing excellence in research and scholarship;
  • by promoting international contacts and cooperation;
  • by promoting independent expert advice on important matters which require scientific analysis;
  • by initiating debate on matters of public importance which affect science or arise from its application;
  • by encouraging the study of the history of science in South Africa.

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