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China’s Public Diplomacy on Twitter: Networks, Discourses, and Reactions

The Initial Digitalization of Chinese Diplomacy (2019–2021): Establishing Global Communication Networks on Twitter



The way in which Chinese diplomats communicate has changed recently, from being mostly reactive and pragmatic to being rhetorically more combative. This has generated strong academic, media, and policy interest. However, less academic attention has been devoted to the employment of social media for China’s new diplomatic communication strategy. By analyzing the recent employment of Twitter by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), this article explores the initial digitalization of China’s public diplomacy from November 2019 to February 2021. Approaching Twitter as both a virtual network structure and an interactive strategic communication process, we collected 61,000 tweets from Chinese diplomats plus 282,000 tweets from Chinese official media and applied data analytics to examine how the MFA augmented its diplomatic digital presence by responding, reposting/retweeting, mentioning, and hashtagging. We also used discourse analysis to investigate how Chinese diplomats selected topics to generate, diffuse, and affect hegemonic discourses. We argue that China’s MFA initially adopted Twitter using a centrally controlled structure of topic, rhetoric, and discourses as well as cohesive dissemination and augmenting strategies. These communication structures created a self-referencing network closely aligned with Chinese official media on Twitter.


The authors highly appreciate the feedback provided on earlier versions of this article at two workshops held by the University of Denver’s Josef Korbel School of International Politics, Hong Kong Baptist University, and Hong Kong Metropolitan University. We are thankful to Laura Paulsen, Victor Møller Poulsen, Rasmus Rossen Thy and Mikkel Werling for their valuable research assistance.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Supplementary material

Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online at https://doi.org/10.1080/10670564.2023.2195811.


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3 BCW Global, ‘Twiplomacy Study 2020’ <https://twiplomacy.com/blog/twiplomacy-study-2020/&gt; accessed Feb. 7, 2022.

4 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, ‘Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang’s Regular Press Conference on January 13, 2020’.

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6 Ibid.

7 Philip M. Seib, Real-time Diplomacy: Politics and Power in the Social Media Era (Palgrave Macmillan 2012); Corneliu Bjola and Marcus Holmes (eds), Digital Diplomacy: Theory and Practice (Routledge 2015); Andreas Sandre, Digital Diplomacy: Conversations on Innovation in Foreign Policy (Rowman & Littlefield 2015); Ilan Manor, The Digitalization of Public Diplomacy (Palgrave Macmillan 2019).

8 Jan Melissen, ‘The New Public Diplomacy: Between Theory and Practice’ in Jan Melissen (ed), The New Public Diplomacy: soft power in international relations (Palgrave Macmillan 2007).

9 Ibid; Robert M. Entman, ‘Theorizing Mediated Public Diplomacy: The U.S. case’ (2008) 13 The International Journal of Press/Politics 87.

10 Manor, The Digitalization of Public Diplomacy.

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16 Defined as the following countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, the US, and the EU. Detailed explorations of diplomatic strategic communication included only Chinese diplomatic representations communicating in English, thereby excluding France, Germany, Italy, and Japan.

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18 Anne-Marie Slaughter, A New World Order (Princeton University Press 2004); Manuel Castells, Communication Power (Oxford University Press 2009); Manuel Castells, The Rise of the Network Society (Wiley-Blackwell 2009); Zaharna, ‘Network Purpose, Network Design: Dimensions of Network and Collaborative Public Diplomacy’; Anne-Marie Slaughter and Gordon LaForge, ‘Opening Up the Order: A More Inclusive International System’ Foreign Affairs.

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20 Peter Martin, China’s Civilian Army: The Making of Wolf Warrior Diplomacy (Oxford University Press 2021).

21 Pauline Kerr, Stuart Harris and Yaqing Qin, China’s ‘new’ diplomacy : tactical or fundamental change? (Palgrave Macmillan 2008); Xuetong Yan, ‘From Keeping a Low Profile to Striving for Achievement’ (2014) 7 The Chinese Journal of International Politics 153; Zhimin Chen, ‘China’s Diplomacy’ in Costas M. Constantinou, Pauline Kerr and Paul Sharp (eds), The SAGE Handbook of Diplomacy (SAGE Publications 2016); Suisheng Zhao, ‘China’s Foreign Policy Making Process: Players and Institutions’, China and the World (Oxford University Press 2020); Jiemian Yang, ‘Xi Jinping waijiao sixiang lilun tixi tanxi [Analysing the theoretical system of Xi Jinping thought on diplomacy]’ (2021) Guoji wenti yanjiu (International Studies) 1.

22 Peng Ju, ‘Xi Jinping zai Zhongyang waishi gongzuo huiyi shang qiangdiao jianchi yi xan shidai Zhongguo tese shehui zhuyi waijiao sixiang wei zhidao nuli kaichuang Zhongguo tese daguo waijiao xin jumian [Xi Jinping emphasized at the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference to adhere to the guidance of diplomacy of the new era’s socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strive to create a new situation of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics]’ Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily] (Beijing June 24, 2018) 1.

23 People’s Daily Commentator, ‘Xi Jinping waijiao sixiang shi xin shidai Zhongguo tese daguo waijiao de genben zunxun he xingdong zhinan. Yi lun guanche luoshi Zhongyang waishi gongzuo huiyi jingshen [Xi Jinping thought on diplomacy is the basis to follow and action guide for major-country diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics in the new era. On the implementation of the spirit of the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference]’ Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily] (Beijing June 24, 2018) 1; Andrew J. Nathan and Boshu Zhang, ‘“A Shared Future for Mankind”: Rhetoric and Reality in Chinese Foreign Policy under Xi Jinping’ (2021) Journal of Contemporary China 1.

24 Yi Wang, ‘Study and Implement Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy Conscientiously and Break New Ground in Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics’ <https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/wjdt_665385/zyjh_665391/202007/t20200721_678873.html&gt; accessed Feb. 16, 2022.

25 Jinping Xi, ‘The Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs was Held in Beijing’ <https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/wjb_663304/zzjg_663340/xws_665282/xgxw_665284/201412/t20141201_600270.html&gt; accessed Feb. 14, 2022; Michael Swaine, ‘Xi Jinping’s Address to the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs: Assessing and Advancing Major Power Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics’ China Leadership Monitor, 5 <https://www.hoover.org/sites/default/files/clm46ms.pdf&gt; accessed Feb. 6, 2022; Denghua Zhang, ‘The Concept of “Community of Common Destiny” in China’s Diplomacy: Meaning, Motives and Implications’ (2018) 5 Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies 196.

26 Nadège Rolland, China’s Vision for a New World Order (The National Bureau of Asian Research 2020); Yi Edward Yang, ‘China’s Strategic Narratives in Global Governance Reform under Xi Jinping’ (2021) 30 Journal of Contemporary China 299.

27 Hung-jen Wang, ‘Contextualising China’s Call for Discourse Power in International Politics’ (2015) 13 China: An International Journal 172.

28 Zhengrong Hu and Deqiang Ji, ‘Ambiguities in communicating with the world: the “Going-out” policy of China’s media and its multilayered contexts’ (2012) 5 Chinese Journal of Communication 32; Lutgard Lams, ‘Examining Strategic Narratives in Chinese Official Discourse under Xi Jinping’ (2018) Journal of Chinese Political Science 1; Daya Kishan Thussu, Hugo de Burgh and Anbin Shi, China’s Media Go Global (Routledge 2018).

29 Xi Jinping 819 jianghua quanwen: yanlun fangmian yao ganzhua ganguan ganyu liangjian [Full text of Xi Jinping’s August 19 speech: dare to grasp the opportunity, seize control, and unsheathe the sword] <https://chinadigitaltimes.net/chinese/321001.html&gt; accessed July 7, 2022.

30 See e.g. Shulan Ye, ‘Zhongguo guoji huayuquan jianshe: chengjiu, tiaozhan yu shenhua lujing [The construction of China’s international discourse power: achievements, challenges, ways and means]’ (2021) 4 Guoji wenti yanjiu [International Studies] 26.

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33 Rolland, China’s Vision for a New World Order; Ye, ‘Zhongguo guoji huayuquan jianshe: chengjiu, tiaozhan yu shenhua lujing [The construction of China’s international discourse power: achievements, challenges, ways and means]’.

34 Reuters Staff, ‘China demands “fighting spirit” from diplomats as trade war, Hong Kong protests simmer’ Reuters <https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-diplomacy/china-demands-fighting-spirit-from-diplomats-as-trade-war-hong-kong-protests-simmer-idUSKBN1Y80R8&gt; accessed June 13, 2022;, ‘State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press’ <https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/wjb_663304/wjbz_663308/2461_663310/202005/t20200525_468769.html&gt; accessed June 13, 2022; Xinhua News Agency, ‘Xi Jinping zai Zhonggong zhongyang zhengzhi ju di sanshi ci jiti xuexi shi qisngdiao jiaqiang he gaijin guoji chuanbo gongzuo zhanshi zhenshi liti quanmian de Zhongguo [During the 30th collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping emphasized strengthening and improving international communication work and showing a true, solid and comprehensive China]’ <http://www.xinhuanet.com/politics/leaders/2021–06/01/c_1127517461.htm&gt; accessed Feb. 16, 2022.

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36 Omnicore, ‘Twitter by the Numbers: Stats, Demographics & Fun Facts’ 2022) <https://www.omnicoreagency.com/twitter-statistics/&gt; accessed July 21, 2022.

37 Swaine, ‘Xi Jinping’s Address to the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs: Assessing and Advancing Major Power Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics’; Suisheng Zhao, ‘Top-level Design and Enlarged Diplomacy: Foreign and Security Policymaking in Xi Jinping’s China’ (2022) Journal of Contemporary China 1.

38 Guoguang Wu, ‘The Emergence of the Central Office of Foreign Affairs: From Leadership Politics to “Great Diplomacy”’ China Leadership Monitor <https://www.prcleader.org/wu-1&gt; accessed Feb. 14, 2022.

39 Clyde Yicheng Wang, ‘Changing Strategies and Mixed Agendas: Contradiction and Fragmentation within China’s External Propaganda’ Journal of Contemporary China <https://doi.org/10.1080/10670564.2022.2109808&gt; accessed Jan. 3, 2023.

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41 Various stakeholders such as provincial authorities and state-owned enterprises are also involved in decision-making and the implementation of China’s foreign policies, but do not speak on behalf of China. Jie Yu and Lucy Ridout, ‘Who decides China’s foreign policy?’ Chatham House Briefing <https://www.chathamhouse.org/2021/11/who-decides-chinas-foreign-policy&gt; accessed Feb. 18, 2022.

42 See supplemental online material Table 2.

43 The re-centralization of power to the CCP has also brought a return to strong overseas state propaganda efforts by significantly increasing the scope of global media initiatives. See Thussu, Burgh and Shi, China’s Media Go Global; Wang, ‘Changing Strategies and Mixed Agendas: Contradiction and Fragmentation within China’s External Propaganda’.

44 See supplemental online material Table 3.

45 All the data is proprietary and has been collected through Twitter’s API v2: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api.

46 T. R. Keller and U. Klinger, ‘Social bots in election campaigns: Theoretical, empirical, and methodological implications’ (2019) 36 Political Communication 171.

47 Schliebs and others, ‘China’s Public Diplomacy Operations: Understanding Engagement and Inauthentic Amplification of PRC Diplomats on Facebook and Twitter’; Raymond Serrato and Bret Schafer, ‘Reply All: Inauthenticity and Coordinated Replying in Pro-Chinese Communist Party Twitter Networks’ Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD).

Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), London <https://www.isdglobal.org/isd-publications/reply-all-inauthenticity-and-coordinated-replying-in-pro-chinese-communist-party-twitter-networks/&gt; accessed March 3, 2022.

48 Twitter, ‘Information operations directed at Hong Kong’ (Twitter, Aug. 19, 2019) <https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2020/information-operations-june-2020&gt; accessed Jan. 3, 2023.

49 Twitter, ‘Disclosing networks of state-linked information operations we’ve removed’ (Twitter, June 12, 2020) <https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2020/information-operations-june-2020&gt; accessed Jan. 3, 2023.

50 Twitter, ‘Disclosing state-linked information operations we’ve removed’ (Twitter, Dec. 2, 2021) <https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2021/disclosing-state-linked-information-operations-we-ve-removed&gt; accessed Jan. 3, 2023.

51 Details on methodology is available as supplemental online material.

52 See supplemental online material Table 2 and Table 3.

53 Details on the applied network analysis are available as supplemental online material.

54 This restriction to tweets only in English language for LDA was based on the constraints and liabilities still inherent in automated language technology translating texts in other languages into English.

55 Wu and others, ‘A survey of human-in-the-loop for machine learning’.

56 Subsamples consisted of 4,879 tweets in total.

57 The German Marshall Fund of the United States Alliance for Securing Democracy, ‘Hamilton 2.0 Dashboard ’ <https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/hamilton-dashboard/&gt; accessed Jan. 3, 2023.

58 See supplemental online material Table 4.

59 Metadata on followers and followings was retrieved on June 21, 2021 for the majority of @handles in our dataset, and a few were retrieved on Feb. 25, 2022.

60 Followers were registered on March 29, 2022.

61 See .

62 See .

63 See .

64 See supplemental online material Table 2.

65 See supplemental online material Table 5a.

66 See supplemental online material Table 5b and 5c.

67 Schliebs and others, ‘China’s Public Diplomacy Operations: Understanding Engagement and Inauthentic Amplification of PRC Diplomats on Facebook and Twitter’; Serrato and Schafer, ‘Reply All: Inauthenticity and Coordinated Replying in Pro-Chinese Communist Party Twitter Networks’.

68 Details on methodology are available as supplemental online material.

69 See supplemental online material Figures 6a-6d.

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71 Michela Del Vicario and others, ‘Echo Chambers: Emotional Contagion and Group Polarization on Facebook’ (2016) 6 Scientific Reports 37,825.

72 Florian Schneider, China’s Digital Nationalism (Oxford University Press 2018).

73 Nimrod Baranovitch, ‘A Strong Leader for A Time of Crisis: Xi Jinping’s Strongman Politics as a Collective Response to Regime Weakness’ (2021) 30 The Journal of Contemporary China 249; Xinhua News Agency, ‘Xi Jinping zai Zhonggong zhongyang zhengzhi ju di sanshi ci jiti xuexi shi qisngdiao jiaqiang he gaijin guoji chuanbo gongzuo zhanshi zhenshi liti quanmian de Zhongguo [During the 30th collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping emphasized strengthening and improving international communication work and showing a true, solid and comprehensive China]’; Zhao, ‘Top-level Design and Enlarged Diplomacy: Foreign and Security Policymaking in Xi Jinping’s China’.

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This work was supported by Aarhus University Research Foundation under Research Grant AUFF-E-2020-9-1.

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