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Hoping for the Best, Preparing for the Worst: China’s Varied Responses to US Strategic Competition



America’s embracement of a competition posture against China has redefined their bilateral relationship and reordered the latter’s strategic environment. However, how China has responded to US strategic competition has been understudied. This study seeks to fill the gap by using structural realism to gauge China’s reactions. It argues that China’s periodic confrontations with the United States, such as the one over Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan visit, do not define its strategy towards the United States. In fact, this strategy incorporates three components: binding, balancing, and competition. China continues to seek to bind further with the US to limit Washington’s ability to shift towards a full containment posture. As the same time, China has also been pursuing bolder or new balancing and competition measures to safeguard its security and influences. While binding represents China ‘hoping for the best’, balancing and competition show it is ‘preparing for the worst’. China’s balancing and competition measures have only further intensified the strategic rivalry with the US, even though Beijing prefers as much cooperation with Washington as possible.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

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This article has been corrected with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.


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5 Evan S. Medeiros, ‘China Reacts: Assessing Beijing’s Response to Trump’s New China Strategy’, China Leadership Monitor, No. 59 (Spring 2019), https://www.prcleader.org/medeiros; Ryan Hass, ‘How China Is Responding to Escalating Strategic Competition with the U.S’. China Leadership Monitor, No. 71 (Spring 2022), https://www.prcleader.org/hass-1.

6 Kenneth N. Waltz, Theory of International Politics (Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, 1979).

7 Ibid., p. 72.

8 Ibid., p. 105.

9 Ibid., p. 118.

10 Ibid., p. 91.

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12 Robert Jervis, ‘Cooperation under the Security Dilemma’, World Politics, Vol. 30, No. 2 (January 1978), p. 178.

13 John J. Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (New York: W.W. Norton, 2001), p. 3.

14 Ibid., p. 2.

15 Thomas F. Lynch III, ‘Major Findings on Contemporary Great Power Competition’, in Thomas F. Lynch III, ed., Strategic Assessment 2020 L Into a New Era of Great Power Competition (Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press 2020), p. xvi.

16 Michael J. Mazzar, Jonathan Blake, Abigail Casey, Tim McDonald, Stephanie Pezard, and Michael Spirtas, Understanding the Emerging Era of International Competition: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives (Washington, D.C.: Rand Corporation 2018), p. 5.

17 For a synthesis of the issue, see Steven E. Lobell, ‘Structural Realism: Offensive and Defensive Realism’, in Robert A. Denemark, ed., The International Studies Encyclopedia (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. 6651–6669.

18 Kenneth N. Waltz, ‘Evaluating Theories’, American Political Science Review, Vol. 91, No. 4 (December 1997), p. 916.

19 David M. Edelstein, Over the Horizon: Time, Uncertainty, and the Rise of Great Powers (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020).

20 David M. Edelstein, ‘Cooperation, Uncertainty, and the Rise of China: It’s All About “Time”’, The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 41, No. 1 (Spring 2018), p. 158.

21 Stacie E. Goddard, When Right Makes Might: Rising Powers and World Order (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2018).

22 Michael D. Swaine and Ashley J. Tellis, Interpreting China’s Grand Strategy: Past, Present, and Future (Washington, D.C.: RAND Corporation, 2000).

23 Iain Marlow, ‘China Seeks to Tone Down Assertive Diplomacy That “Backfired”, US Official Says’, Bloomberg News, December 9, 2022, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-08/white-house-s-china-view-beijing-wants-stability-after-assertive-push.

24 Daniel H. Nexon, ‘The Balance of Power in Balance’, World Politics, Vol. 61, No. 2 (April 2009), p. 346.

25 Ibid.

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29 Xinhua News Agency, ‘Xi Speaks with Biden Over Phone’, July 29, 2022, https://english.news.cn/20220729/28e38973384f488996949220c94ecdce/c.html.

30 ‘Wang Yi Interviewed by Xinhua News Agency on Current Sino-US Relations’ (王毅就当前中美关系接受新华社专访), Foreign Ministry of China, August 5, 2020, https://www.mfa.gov.cn/web/wjbz_673089/zyjh_673099/202008/t20200805_7588953.shtml.

31 ‘Xi Jinping Held Video Meeting with US President Biden’ (习近平同美国总统拜登举行视频会晤), Foreign Ministry of China, November 16, 2021, https://www.mfa.gov.cn/web/ziliao_674904/zt_674979/dnzt_674981/qtzt/kjgzbdfyyq_699171/202111/t20211116_10448827.shtml.

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37 Ibid.

38 Ibid.

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44 Ibid.

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52 Sutter, p. 6.

53 Ibid., p. 7.

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55 Ibid.

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62 Minnie Chan, ‘China Building Up Nuclear Arsenal in Response to US Pressure’.

63 See note 2.

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81 Daniel H. Nexon, ‘The Balance of Power in Balance’, p. 345.

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87 Daniel H. Nexon, ‘The Balance of Power in Balance’, World Politics, p. 346.

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89 Ibid.

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104 Yan Xuetong, ‘Why and How to Prevent Escalating Sino-US Ideological Rivalry?’ (为何及如何防范中美意识形态之争加剧), Guoji zhengzhi kexue, Vol. 5, No. 4 (2020), pp. III-VI.

105 Jevans Nyabiage, ‘China Opens Party School in Africa to Teach Its Model to Continent’s Officials’, South China Morning Post, February 26, 2022, https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3168462/china-opens-party-school-africa-teach-its-model-continents.

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108 Yan Xuetong, note 105.

109 Zhao, The Dragon Roars Back, p. 218.

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