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The untold story of the first Italian-Turinese female lawyer: Netflix’s The Law According to Lidia Poet



The Netflix nineteenth-century period drama The Law According to Lidia Poet presents the adventures of a young Italian law graduate in her pursuit of solving murder cases. Lidia Poet is not a fictional character, but very little is known about her journey to become a lawyer- and the series only adds a little to this knowledge. This review has several aims. First, it will reconsider the implications of reel history. Second, it will add some context to Netflix’s introduction of Lidia Poet and compare her experiences accessing the legal profession with her English colleagues, such as Bertha Cave and Gwyneth Bebb. Attention will be paid to the courts’ rejections of their appeals.

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1 The translations in the text (from Italian to English) are my own unless specified otherwise.

2 Elizabeth Lesser, Cassandra Speaks: When women are storytellers, The Human Story Changes (Harper Collins publisher, 2020).

3 Ibid 36 (As narrated in the text by Lesser).

4 The Law According to Lidia Poet. Created: Guido Luculano and Davide Orsini (production: Groenlandia 2023).

5 Netflix and other writing suggest that Poet was the first female lawyer in Italy; however, in response to this, the lawyer Daniella Trezzi, a descendent of Poet, specifies that she was not the first Italian Lawyer in Italy, but the first female to join Turin’s bar (Valentina Fiordaliso, ‘Lidia Poet, per Netflix qualche problema di Narrativa?’ (Programmazione TV, 27 Feb 2023) <https://www.programmazionetv.com/news/lidia-poet-netflix-narrativa-critiche-storia> accessed 08 May 2023. Olgiati indicates that the first woman to gain a law degree in Italy and in Europe was Marisa Pellegrina Amoretti in 1777 at the University of Pavia, Italy (Vittorio Olbiati, ‘Professional Body and Gender Difference in Court: the case of the first (failed) woman lawyer in modern Italy’ in Schultz, U., and Shaw, G. (eds), Women in the world's legal professions (Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., 2003) 423.

6 It is worth noting that it has received good reviews and high scores on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15441160/ and <https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/the_law_according_to_lidia_poet/s01> accessed 26 June 2023).

7 Geoffrey B. Pingree, ‘Review: Visual Evidence Reconsidered: Reflections on Film and History’, (1999) 21 The Public Historian 99, 103.

8 Brian O’Neil, ‘Reel History: In Defense of Hollywood’, (2004) 26 The Public Historian 94, 94; von Tunzelmann, Alex, Reel History: The World According to the Movies (Atlantic Books 2015) 1.

9 Netflix, Period Dramas <https://www.netflix.com/gb/browse/genre/12123> accessed 02/05/2023.

10 Cited in Robert A. Rosenstone, ‘Reel History with Missing Reels?’ (1999) 37(8) Perspectives on History <https://www.historians.org/research-and-publications/perspectives-on-history/november-1999/reel-history-with-missing-reels> accessed 03/05/2023.

11 Maureen Ogle, ‘Letters to the editor, Reel History Revisited’ (1999) 37(6) Perspectives on History <https://www.historians.org/research-and-publications/perspectives-on-history/september-1999/letter-to-the-editor-reel-history-revisited> accessed 03/05/2023.

12 Alun Munslow, ‘Letters to the editor, Reel History Revisited’ (1999) 37(6) Perspectives on History <https://www.historians.org/research-and-publications/perspectives-on-history/september-1999/letter-to-the-editor-reel-history-revisited> accessed 03/05/2023.

13 See, for example: Ancient Apocalypse. Producer: Bruce Kennedy. Presenter: Graham Hancock (ITN production 2022); David Graeber and David Wengrow, The Dawn of Everything, A New History of Humanity (Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2021).

14 Cited in Brian O’Neil, ‘Reel History: In Defense of Hollywood’ (2004) 26 The Public Historian 94, 94.

15 For example: Collingwood, Robin George. ‘The limits of historical knowledge’ (1928) 3 Philosophy 213; Foucault, Michel, ‘The archaeology of knowledge’ (1970) 9 Social science information 175; Nichols, Tom, The death of expertise: The campaign against established knowledge and why it matters (OUP 2017).

16 Tosh, John, Why History Matters (Macmillan Education 2019) 16; Robert A. Rosenstone, ‘The Reel Joan of Arc: Reflections on the Theory and Practice of the Historical Film’ (2003) 25 The Public Historian 61, 73.

17 Natalie Zemon Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre (Harvard University Press, 1983), 5.

18 Robert Brent Toplin, ‘Cinematic History: Where Do We Go From Here?’ (2003) 25 The Public Historian 79, 80.

19 Robert A. Rosenstone, ‘The Reel Joan of Arc: Reflections on the Theory and Practice of the Historical Film’ (2003) 25 The Public Historian 61, 65.

20 Ibid 69.

21 Bridgerton. Created: Chris Van Dusen (production: Netflix, 2020); The Empress. Created: Katharina Eyssen (Production: Netflix, 2022); The Moon Embracing the Sun. Created: Kim Do-hoon, Lee Seong-jun and Jun Su-wan (production: Pan Entertainment, 2012); Great Expectations. Created: Steven Knight (production: Scott Free Productions, 2023).

22 Rosenstone (n 19) 70.

23 Mossman, Mary Jane, The First Women Lawyers: a Comparative Study of Gender, Law and the Legal Professions (Hart Publishing 2006).

24 Chiara Viale, Lidia e le altere (goWare & Guerini Next 2022); Ilaria Lannuzzi and Pasquale Tammaro, Lidia Poet: La prima avvocata (Edizioni Le lucerne 2022); Cristina Ricci, Lidia Poet (Graphot 2022). While writing this review, I came across other academic writing (by Italian scholars) that has mentioned and analysed the story and context of Lidia Poet; these are drawn upon in this review.

25 See discussions in Hilary M. Lips, Sex and Gender: An Introduction (7th Ed, Waveland Press 2020); Klein, V., Imhoff, R., and Reininger, K.M., ‘Perceptions of Sexual Script Deviation in Women and Men’ (2019) 48 Arch Sex Behav 631; Kendrick, Caterina, Katie MacEntee, and Sarah Flicker, ‘Exploring audience engagement and critical narrative intervention with the Celling Sex film’ (2021) 22 Health Promotion Practice 33; San Filippo, Maria, Provocauteurs and Provocations: Screening Sex in 21st Century Media (Indiana University Press 2021).

26 Mossman (n 20) 250.

27 Alessandro Zoppo, ‘La legge di Lidia Poët, storici e discendenti bocciano la serie: "Le hanno reso un pessimo servizio"’ (popcorntv.it, 27 Feb 2023) <https://popcorntv.it/serie-tv/la-legge-di-lidia-poet-storici-discendenti-stroncano-serie/72625?refresh_ce> accessed 8 May 2023.

28 Orme was the first female graduate of law at the University of London; although she refused membership by the Bar, she had a prolific public and legal career. Leslie Howsam, ‘Legal Paper Work and Public Policy: Eliza Orme’s Professional Expertise in Late-Victorian Britain’, in Heidi Egginton and Zoë Thomas (eds), Precarious Professionals: Gender, Identities and Social Change in Modern Britain (University of London Press 2021); Susanna Menis, ‘A Microhistory: Eliza Orme, the first English female law graduate and the ‘circumscribed success’ claim’ (Forthcoming) Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities.

29 Lidia Poet, Studio sulla condizione della donna rispetto al diritto constituzionale ed al diritto administrative nelle elezioni, Dissertazione per la laure in giurisprudenza (Universita di Torino, 17 Giugno 1881, Biblioteca Alliaudi di Pinerolo, available to view on lidiapoet.it, https://www.lidiapoet.it/i-suoi-lavori> accessed 9 May 2023).

30 ’Congressi Internazionali Penitenziari’, La Stampa, Gazzetta Piemontese (24 November 1885) available to view on lidiapoet.it <https://www.lidiapoet.it/dissero-di-lei> accessed 9 May 2023.

31 Lidia Poet, Rapport. Available to view on lidiapoet.it <https://www.lidiapoet.it/congressi-penitenziari> accessed 9 May 2023.

32 ‘Un’avvocatessa Pinerolese ufficiale dell’Academia francese’, La Stampa, Gazzetta Piemontese (12 January 1896) available to view on lidiapoet.it <https://www.lidiapoet.it/dissero-di-lei> accessed 8 May 2023.

33 Available to view in French on lidiapoet.it <https://www.lidiapoet.it/congressi-penitenziari> accessed 26 May 2023.

34 Lidia Poet, Studio delle riforme sugli ordinamenti della beneficenza (1904) Biblioteca Alliaudi di Pinerolo, available to view on lidiapoet.it <https://www.lidiapoet.it/i-suoi-lavori> accessed 8 May 2023.

35 Lidia Poet, ‘Sezione Giuridica’ (La Donna, Torino Maggio 1908) available to view on lidiapoet.it <https://www.lidiapoet.it/congressi-femminili> accessed 9 May 2023.

36 ‘L’avvocatessa Lidia Poet’ (La Donna 20 Maggio 1910) available to view on lidiapoet.it <https://www.lidiapoet.it/dissero-di-lei> accessed 9 May 2023.

37 Lydia Poet [sic], Conferenza (Torino, 4 Aprile 1914, Pubblicata a cira di amiche e di ammiratori, Tipografia ‘il Risveglio’), available to view on lidiapoet.it <https://www.lidiapoet.it/congressi-femminili> accessed 9 May 2023.

38 Lydia Poet [sic], ‘Atti del Congresso internationalle femminile, Assistance morale et légale des mineurs en Italie’ (Roma, 16-23 Maggio 1914, Torre Pellice, 1915, Tipografia Alpina di Augusto Coisson, pp.393–399) available to view on lidiapoet.it <https://www.lidiapoet.it/congressi-femminili> accessed 9 May 2023.

39 Inter-institutional coordination of subjects active in assisting soldiers at the front and their families, as well as in propaganda supporting the war effort (Teresa Bertilotti, ‘L’esperienza femminile della profuganza e la sua rappresentazione’, in: Matteo Ermacora (eds), Le «disfatte» di Caporetto. Soldati, civili, territori 1917–1919 (Edizioni Università di Trieste 2019).

40 ‘Decreto Prefetto di TorinoCotituzione del Patronato per l'assistenza ai profughi del comune di Pinerolo’ (26 June 1918), Biblioteca Alliaudi di Pinerolo, available to view on lidiapoet.it <https://www.lidiapoet.it/i-suoi-lavori> accessed 8 May 2023.

41 ‘Diciassette anni di lavoro e di lotta per la causa suffragista, Comitato pro voto donne’ (Torino, Feb 1906 – Dic 1922, A cura dell Comitato Pro Voto Donne, 1923, Torino) Biblioteca Alliaudi di Pinerolo, available to view on lidiapoet.it <https://www.lidiapoet.it/congressi-femminili> accessed 9 May 2023. A detailed and contextual discussion of Poet’s many other engagements is provided by Francesca Tacchi, Eva togata: donne e professioni giuridiche in Italia dall'Unità a oggi (UTET libreria 2009).

42 University studies became open to women in Italy with the enactment of the Public Education Act 1876. University lectures were open to women since the 1870s, but only in the 1880s could they graduate with an LLB – Eliza Orme being the first one in 1888 (Menis (n 25).

43 ‘Women and the Bar’ The Times (Thursday, December 3, 1903) 10.

44 ‘The Admission of Women to the Bar’ The Times (Thursday, January 21, 1904) 7.

45 Cave stated to the press that she would try to seek admission to the Law Society instead (to become a Solicitor) and that she will start studying for the LLB degree at London University (‘Women and the Bar’ The Times (Thursday, December 3, 1903) 10.

46 This was a requirement for joining the legal profession set by the Legal Profession Act 1874.

47 Olbiati (n 3) 426.

48 Ricorso, All’Eccellentissima Corte di Cassazione in Torino, della signiorina Lidia Poet, contro la decisione dell’EccMA Corte d’Appello (14 Novembre 1883, Torino, Stamperia dell’Unione Tipografico-Editrice, Dicembre 1883) 6. Biblioteca Alliaudi di Pinerolo, available to view on lidiapoet.it <https://www.lidiapoet.it/lavvocatura> accessed 18 May 2023.

49 Olbiati (n 3) 427.

50 Ricorso, All’Eccellentissima Corte di Cassazione in Torino (n 45) 26.

51 Ibid, 10, 49–55.

52 See for example articles in Judith Bourne (ed), First Women Lawyers in Great Britain and the Empire Record Symposia (Volume 1, 2016, St. Mary’s University, London).

53 Olbiati (n 3) 427.

54 Susanna Menis, ‘The Liberal, the Vocational and Legal Education: A Legal History Review - from Blackstone to a Law Degree (1972)’ (2020) 54 Law Teacher 285.

55 Olbiati (n 3) 425.

56 (author) (n 51); Paolo Alvazzi del Frate, ‘Sulle origini dell’ordine degli avvocati: dall’Ancien Régime all’Italia liberale’ (1994) VI Panorami, riflessioni, discussioni e proposte sul diritto e l’amministrazione 17, <https://www.avvocati-imperia.it/ordine%20avvocati.pdf> accessed 19 May 2023.

57 Atti Parlamentari, Camera dei Deputati, Legislatura XV, 1a sessione, Discussioni, 2a Tornata del 2 Giugno 1884, p. 8498. Available to view on lidiapoet.it <https://www.lidiapoet.it/lavvocatura> accessed 18 May 2023.

58 Unlike Cave, Poet, Bebb and future colleagues were all university educated.

59 Bebb v Law Society [1914] 1 Ch. 286 [294].

60 ‘Corte di Cassazione di Torino. Udienza 18 Aprile 1884. Parte Prima: Giurisprudenza Civile e Commerciale’ (1884) 9 Il Foro Italiano 341, 342.

61 Bebb (n 56) [294].

62 Corte di Cassazione di Torino (n 57) 348; Bebb (n 56) [297].

63 The University of London allowed women to matriculate onto the LLB from 1880 (author (n 25)).

64 Ricorso, All’Eccellentissima Corte di Cassazione in Torino (n45) 11–24.

65 Ibid 22.

66 Bebb (n 56) [288].

67 Interpretation Act 1889 c.63, s.1 Rules as to gender and number.

68 Corte di Cassazione di Torino (n 57) 350–51.

69 Ibid 354.

70 Tacchi (n 38) 4.

71 Ricorso, All’Eccellentissima Corte di Cassazione in Torino (n 45) 11–24, 19; Case commentary by G. P. in Corte di Cassazione di Torino (n 57) 345; Alvazzi (n 53).

72 Profession Act 1874, art.13: the profession of lawyer is incompatible with that of notary, stockbroker, broker, and any non-free public office or employment.

73 Hurst’s Case (1661) 83 E.R. 304; In Re Dutton [1892] 1 Q.B. 486; the regulation of the profession by Geo 2. c.23 1729 CAP. XXIII required attornies and solicitors to be qualified and take an oath. According to the Court of Appeal, this indicated that the profession was of a public nature (Bebb (n 56) [291]).

74 Bebb (n 56) [287–88].

75 Ibid [290].

76 A law text attributed to Horne Andrew, 1642, written in Anglo-Norman French; a later edition was curated by Whittaker W.J. and Maitland F.W. in 1895 for the Selden Society, available on the Internet Archive <https://archive.org/details/mirrorofjustices00hornrich/page/xiv/mode/2up> accessed 01 July 2023. Tucker’s research reveal that several English scholars considered the text as for example, ‘a legal romance’ and ‘a practical joke in our legal literature’ (Tucker, E. F. J. ‘The Mirror of Justices: Its Authorship and Preoccupations’ (1974) 1 Irish Jurist 99, 99.

77 See Rosemary Auchmuty, ‘Whatever Happened to Miss Bebb – Bebb v the Law Society and Women's Legal History’ (2011) 31 Legal Studies 199.

78 Tacchi (n 38) 16; Auchmuty (n 74).

79 See a detailed discussion on the debates in Parliaments prior to the passing of this law, in Tacchi (n 38); Mari Takayanagi, Establishing, ‘the Known: the Parliamentary passage of the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919’, in Bourne (n 49).

80 Tacchi (n 38) XVIII; Auchmuty (n 74) 222.