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Guest Editorial

Science in Preschool, Part 2

Leveraging the power of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) with consideration to Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP)

This is the second of two parts of an article describing how key ideas from A Framework for K–12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) might be enacted and applied in early childhood settings with young children with considerations to Developmentally Appropriate Practice. See Part 1 in the January/February 2024 issue of Science and Children.

Key Idea 3

A primary goal of K–12 science is to promote students’ evidence-based thinking.

The Message: Promote critical thinking by focusing on children’s science experiences, observations, and emerging ideas.

A primary goal of the Framework and the NGSS is to support students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Along with collaboration, communication, and creativity, these skills have been identified as essential to success in our increasingly STEM-oriented workforce.

Thinking critically involves the capacity to generate explanations about how and why things happen based on evidence. It includes the ability to revise one’s ideas when the evidence no longer supports them. Critical thinking is fundamental to problem solving and has implications for many of the personal, professional, and community decisions we make as adults. In our information age, it also impacts our ability to evaluate what we see, hear, and read and to distinguish fact from fiction in the media.

To strengthen their critical thinking, students need many opportunities to engage in an ongoing cycle of making claims, providing evidence, and giving reasons for their ideas. Let’s look at an example of what this might look like in an early elementary study of light (see ).

Figure 1 Young children and physical science core idea.

Figure 1 Young children and physical science core idea.

During a first-grade light unit, for example, the teacher might engage students in the following claim/evidence/reasoning experiences:

  • Sharing their initial ideas about where light comes from and revisiting them after multiple opportunities to collect, record, and discuss data from their explorations of objects that do and do not emit light.

  • Comparing their observations of an object’s colors, shapes, and features in dim and bright light and making claims about how light affects what we can and cannot see.

  • Engineering a model of a totally dark room with a shoebox; using it to test their thinking about whether they would see objects inside of it; and revisiting and revising their ideas based on evidence from their observations.

  • Openly exploring how different materials (e.g., cardboard, tissue paper, clear plastic) interact with light and coming to consensus about how they might all test the objects in the same way (e.g., introducing the concept of a “fair test”).

  • Sharing their ideas and evidence about how shadows are made before and after an open and more focused exploration of their own shadows outdoors.

  • Evaluating the images of a story character’s shadows at different times of day based on their observations of their own shadows outdoors.

  • Comparing their observations of the sizes and shapes of shadows they made indoors to their original predictions and talking about how and why their thinking changed.

DAP Considerations for Early Learning

Adapting an approach focused on supporting critical thinking and problem-solving in ECE science means using facilitation strategies that place children’s experiences, observations, and emerging ideas at the center of the curriculum.

What might this look like in a life science study focused on animals (see )?

Figure 2 Young children and life science core ideas.

Figure 2 Young children and life science core ideas.

Centering our teaching on what children are doing, noticing, and thinking about may mean shifting our mental models of the teacher’s role away from a person who provides information and explanations toward a more multi-faceted and nuanced role that incorporates the teacher as stage-setter, facilitator, co-explorer, and reflection leader (see ).

Table 1 The teacher’s multi-faceted role.

Life science, although a favorite of many preschool educators, presents some unique challenges for young children. Living things take a long time to grow and change and children are expected to observe them rather than act on them directly the way they can with inanimate objects. Life science also introduces several interconnected concepts including animal needs (e.g., for food, water, air, and space to live and grow); environments (e.g., where animals live and get their needs met); and structure and function (e.g., how animals use their body parts to obtain the things they need within their environments). At the same time, it is important to remember that young children are deepening their understanding of words such as animal (which they generally associate only with furry four-legged creatures), living, needs, and wants. It will take time and many experiences for children to fully grasp the meanings of these words as they deepen their understanding of the related concepts.

On the flip side, unless children have had a traumatic experience (e.g., been bitten by a dog or stung by a bee) they generally exhibit an affinity with all kinds of animals that is unparalleled in the adult world (one reason animal stories are so popular with this age group!).

Key Idea 4

Broadening participation in science and supporting students’ positive science attitudes requires connecting what students are doing and learning in school to their day-to-day lived experiences and interests.

The Message: Make Connections to Children’s Daily Lives that Enrich Their School Science Experiences

The Framework and the NGSS target equity as a primary goal of a high-quality science education. They center making connections between science and students’ daily lives as a critical inclusion strategy and essential for students from communities that have been historically marginalized in science. Although teachers cannot solve systemic issues of racism, ethnocentrism, and sexism in science, they can embrace culturally competent science teaching in an effort to push back against the explicit and implicit biases about who is capable of doing and learning science that Black, Brown, multilingual, and female students are subjected to in the world around them.

Culturally competent teaching incorporates many strategies, a few of which we illustrate below in the context of a second-grade Earth Science unit on landscapes (see ).

Figure 3 Young children and Earth/space science core ideas.

Figure 3 Young children and Earth/space science core ideas.

To strengthen culturally competent science teaching:

  • Center students’ explorations on the urban, rural and/or suburban landscapes and landscape features familiar to them and their families and the animals and plants that can be found there.

  • Recognize the funds of knowledge that students and their families bring to a landscape study (e.g. knowledge of plants and animals native to the local landscape; construction work that impacts the landscape) and engage adult family members as topical experts.

  • Pursue authentic problems relevant to students and their communities, e.g. how changes to the local landscape might impact the lives of their families and the animals and plants that depend on it.

  • Incorporate a variety of cultural and family discourse and sense-making strategies (e.g. story-telling, specific argumentation styles) and invite students to use familiar vocabulary and language structures to share their experiences and ideas about landscapes.

  • Make diversity in the world of science work visible through first-hand interactions with people of color, multilinguals, and women who have jobs, careers, and interests related to studying, preserving, or modifying local landscapes.

DAP Considerations for Early Learning

Current research is clear that young children’s early science experiences, especially ones that occur in the context of family and community, are fundamental to sparking their early science learning, science interests and their positive self-identities.

Teachers can leverage the influence of the family to support children’s early science experiences both in and out of school. By initiating and sustaining reciprocal and respectful relationships with families, teachers can excite, educate, and empower all families to support their children’s curiosity, exploration, and thinking. Culturally competent science teaching in the early years requires the teachers to internalize three research-based ideas:

  • All parents and primary caregivers want to support their children to be successful in school and in life.

  • Everyday family routines and activities provide a rich context for children’s science inquiry and learning.

  • All of us are subject to explicit and implicit biases that influence how we view individual children’s science aptitudes and abilities as well as how we view their families’ capacities to support them.

Authentic teacher/family partnerships rely on two-way communication with teachers and families learning from and with each other. It is up to the teacher to ensure that these communication pathways are open in both directions, particularly for families who feel less confident about engaging with schools, school staff, or science for any number of reasons. looks at some composite examples of what this might look like in preschool.

Table 2 A composite example of parent/teacher partnership activities that support children’s science learning across contexts.

Engaging with families around science takes time. Many families come with their own uncertainties about science and don’t view themselves as capable of supporting their children’s science learning. Others may understand that science is important but not view it as important learning for their own children’s future life or work experiences. Family engagement, just like teaching children, begins with initiating and sustaining positive relationships.

For many teachers at all levels, embracing the vision of the Framework and the NGSS represents a paradigm shift in what science is and how it is best taught and learned. Early childhood educators have the additional challenge of enacting this vision in ways that honor the unique developmental characteristics and ways of thinking that young children bring with them to the classroom. They also work within systems that have the potential to expand or limit their opportunities to veer from traditional early childhood curricula and instruction practices to use approaches and strategies that more closely align with the powerful ideas in these documents. My colleagues in the ECSIF and I applaud states, districts, and programs that seek to provide all early educators with the administrative and professional learning supports that will strengthen their understanding of this vision and enable them to apply it in ways that build on and intersect with their deep knowledge of developmentally appropriate practice.


The idea for this two-part article emerged from a conversation among members of the NAEYC Early Childhood Science Interest Forum (ECSIF) and they have been invaluable in supporting it to completion.

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Cindy Hoisington

Cindy Hoisington ([email protected]) is an early childhood science educator at Education Development Center in Waltham, Massachusetts, who develops science professional learning and resources for children, families, and teachers with a focus on learners in under-resourced communities.