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Research Article

Isolated toughness and fractional (a,b,n)-critical graphs

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Article: 2181482 | Received 13 Dec 2022, Accepted 12 Feb 2023, Published online: 23 Feb 2023


A graph G is a fractional (a,b,n)-critical graph if removing any n vertices from G, the resulting subgraph still admits a fractional [a,b]-factor. In this paper, we determine the exact tight isolated toughness bound for fractional (a,b,n)-critical graphs. To be specific, a graph G is fractional (a,b,n)-critical if δ(G)a+n and I(G)>a1+n+1na,b, where na,b2 is an integer satisfies (na,b1)abna,ba1. Furthermore, the sharpness of bounds is showcased by counterexamples. Our contribution improves a result from [W. Gao, W. Wang, and Y. Chen, Tight isolated toughness bound for fractional (k,n)-critical graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 322 (2022), 194–202] which established the tight isolated toughness bound for fractional (k,n)-critical graphs.


1. Introduction

The graphs we discuss in this paper are simple and finite. Let G be a graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). We denote dG(v) and NG(v) (simply by d(v) and N(v)) as the degree and the neighbourhood of vertex v in G respectively, and δ(G) is the minimum degree of G which took the smallest value of dG(v) among all vertices. Let G[S] be the subgraph of G induced by SV(G). Denote i(G) as the number of isolated vertices in G. The operator in G1G2 means adding edges for all pairs of vertices between G1 and G2. The notations and terminologies used but undefined in this paper can be referred to Bondy and Murty (Citation2008).

Let a, b, k be positive integers with 1ab, and h:E(G)[0,1] be an indicator function defined on the edge set. A fractional [a,b]-factor is a spanning subgraph consisting of edge set Eh={eE(G)|h(e)>0} such that (1) adGh(v)=vN(v)h(vv)b(1) for any vV(G). A graph G admits a fractional [a,b]-factor means there is an indictor function h meeting (Equation1). For nN, G is a fractional (a,b,n)-critical graph if removing any n vertices from G, the resulting subgraph still admits a fractional [a,b]-factor. In particular, if a = b = k, then fractional [a,b]-factor and fractional (a,b,n)-critical graph are degenerated to fractional k-factor and fractional (k,n)-critical graph, respectively, which are the original versions of fractional factor and fractional critical graph.

As a salient graph parameter, isolated toughness is introduced by Yang et al. (Citation2001) which is stated as I(G)=min{|S|i(GS)|SV(G),i(GS)2} if G is not a complete graph, and I(G)=+ if G is a complete graph.

In recent two decades, with the advancement of graph theory technology and spread networks applicability, fractional factor has developed into a prominent research field in both graph theory and computer networks, and has achieved crucial theoretical results. Ma and Liu (Citation2006) contended that a graph G admits a fractional k-factor if δ(G)k and I(G)k. Gao and Wang (Citation2017) determined that G is a fractional (a,b,n)-critical graph if I(G)ab2Δa+n, where 2ab and Δ=ba. Gao et al. (Citation2022) proved the tight isolated toughness bound for a graph G to be fractional (k,n)-critical, i.e. G is a fractional (k,n)-critical graph if δ(G)k+n and I(G)>k+n12, where k2. Zhou (Citation2021) and Zhou, Liu, Xu (Citation2022) studied the graph parameter conditions of fractional critical covered graph which inquires fractional factors with given edges after removing fixed number of vertices. More results on this topic and other extensions can be referred to Chang et al. (Citation2022), Chen et al. (Citation2022), Zhou, Wu, Bian (Citation2022), Zhou, Wu, Liu (Citation2022) and Zhou, Wu, Xu (Citation2022).

Although there are fruitful advances in the correlation of isolated toughness and the existence of fractional factor, the study of generalisation properties of fractional factors has been largely limited to the special setting, especially the tight I(G) bounds are open problems in most fractional critical graph settings. Motivated by the aforementioned facts, in this paper, we determine the sharp isolated toughness bound for a graph to be fractional (a,b,n)-critical, and our main conclusion is stated as follows which extends the previous result in Gao et al. (Citation2022).

Theorem 1.1

Let G be a graph, and a, b, n be positive integers with 2ab and (na,b1)abna,ba1, where na,b2 is an integer. If δ(G)a+n and I(G)>a1+n+1na,b, then G is a fractional (a,b,n)-critical graph.

To be obvious, δ(G)a+n is tight for a graph G to be fractional (a,b,n)-critical in terms of the definition of fractional [a,b]-factor. The sharpness of I(G) in Theorem 1.1 is showcased in the following instance.

Consider G=Kn+1(na,bKa) where a, b, n are positive integers with ba2, and na,b2 is an integer which is determined by the correlation b=(na,b1)a+c with c{0,1,,a1}. We directly get I(G)=(n+1)+na,b(a1)na,b=a1+n+1na,b. On the other hand, set S=V(Kn+1) and T=V(na,bKa), we yield b|S|a|T|+xTdGS(x)=b(n+1)na,ba=bn+bna,ba<bn. Thus, G is not a fractional (a,b,n)-critical graph by means of Lemma 2.2.

By setting a = b = k in Theorem 1.1, na,b=2 and thus the following corollary is derived for fractional (k,n)-critical graphs.

Corollary 1.1

Gao et al., Citation2022

Let G be a graph, n1 and k2 be integers. If δ(G)k+n and I(G)>k+n12, then G is a fractional (k,n)-critical graph.

The remainder of the paper is arranged as follows. Several useful lemmas and remarks are presented in the next section. Then, the detailed proof of Theorem 1.1 is presented. Finally, we discuss some interesting topics for future studies.

2. Preliminary

The necessary and sufficient condition of fractional (a,b,n)-critical graph is imperative to prove our main theorem which is determined by Liu (Citation2010).

Lemma 2.1

Liu, Citation2010

Let a, b and n be positive integers such that ab. Then a graph G is fractional (a,b,n)-critical if and only if b|S|a|T|+xTdGS(x)bn holds for any SV(G) with |S|n, where T={xV(G)S|dGS(x)a}.

It is noteworthy that for a given subset S of V(G), T is determined by S which can be rewritten by T={xV(G)S|dGS(x)a1}. We emphasise that Lemma 2.1 has its equal expression which is manifested below.

Lemma 2.2

Liu, Citation2010

Let a, b and n be positive integers such that ab. Then a graph G is fractional (a,b,n)-critical if and only if b|S|a|T|+xTdGS(x)bn holds for any disjoint subsets S,TV(G) with |S|n.

The following lemma is obtained by slightly revising the Lemma 2.2 in Liu and Zhang (Citation2008) in view of its proving process which presents the characteristic of independent sets and covering sets in specific settings.

Lemma 2.3

Liu & Zhang, Citation2008

Let G be a graph and let H=G[T] such that dG(x)=k1 for every xV(H) and no component of H is isomorphic to Kk where TV(G) and k2 is an integer. Then there exists an independent set I and the covering set C=V(H)I of H satisfying |V(H)|i=1k(ki+1)|I(i)||I(1)|2 and |C|i=1k(ki)|I(i)||I(1)|2 where I(i)={xI,dH(x)=ki} for 1ik and i=1k|I(i)|=|I|.

The crux of our proofing strategy is to get the integer upper bound of |S| (or |U| instead), with the aim to eliminate the decimal part of |S| and obtain the desired conclusion. Another crucial trick in the proof process is to get the lower bound of the denominator of isolated toughness (|T0|+l+|I1|+|I2|, some terms may become zero in special cases). It is observed from the derivation in the next section that the lower bound of |T0|+l+|I1|+|I2| depends on na,b, i.e. the correlation between a and b determines lower bound of denominator to maximise the I(G), and then we infer the contradiction.

3. Proof of theorem thm1.1

If G is complete, the result is directly yielded by means of δ(G)a+n. In what follows, we always assume that G is not complete. Suppose that G satisfies the conditions of Theorem 1.1, but is not a fractional (a,b,n)-critical graph. By Lemma 2.2, there exist disjoint subsets S and T of V(G) with |S|n satisfying (2) b|S|a|T|+xTdGS(x)=b|S|+xT(dGS(x)a)bn1.(2) We choose S and T such that |T| is minimum. Thus, T, and dGS(x)a1 for any xT. Furthermore, due to δ(G)a+n, we obtain the following observation.

Observation 3.1


Let l be the number of the components of H=G[T] which are isomorphic to Ka and let T0={xV(H)|dGS(x)=0}. Let H be the subgraph inferred from HT0 by deleting those l components isomorphic to Ka. Let S be a set of vertices that contains exactly a−1 vertices in each component of Ka in H.

If |V(H)|=0, then from (Equation2) and Observation 3.1, we yield n+1|S|a(|T0|+l)1b+n, i.e. ba(|T0|+l)1 which implies |T0|+l2 and |T0|+lb+1a(na,b1)a+1a. Thus, |T0|+lna,b. In light of the definition of isolated toughness, we deduce i(GSS)=|T0|+l2 and I(G)|SS|i(GSS)a(|T0|+l)1b+n+l(a1)|T0|+l(a1+ab)(|T0|+l)+n1b|T0|+l=a1+n+a(|T0|+l)1b|T0|+l. Let a(|T0|+l)1=m1b+c1, where m1N{0} and c1{0,,b1}. Then, by 1bc1+1b1 and n1, we infer a1+max{n+a(|T0|+l)1b|T0|+l}=a1+max{n+a(|T0|+l)1bc1b|T0|+l}=a1+ab+max{nc1+1b|T0|+l}=a1+ab+nc1+1bna,b, which implies that a1+n+a(|T0|+l)1b|T0|+l arrives at the maximum value when |T0|+l reaches its lower bound na,b. Hence, I(G)a1+n+ana,b1bna,ba1+n+ana,b1(na,b1)ana,b=a1+n+1na,b, which contradicts to I(G)>a1+n+1na,b.

Hence, we have |V(H)|>0. Let H=H1H2 where H1 is the union of components of H which satisfies that dGS(v)=a1 for each vertex vV(H1) and H2=HH1. By means of Lemma 2.3, H1 has a maximum independent set I1 and the covering set C1=V(H1)I1 such that (3) |V(H1)|i=1a(ai+1)|I(i)||I(1)|2(a12)|I1|,(3) and (4) |C1|i=1a(ai)|I(i)||I(1)|2,(4) where I(i)={vI1,dH1(v)=ai} for 1ia and i=1a|I(i)|=|I1|. Using the definition of H and H2, we verify that each component of H2 has a vertex of degree at most a−2 in GS. Clearly, if H2, then a3, and I2 can be selected by Algorithm 1 (Gao et al., Citation2022):

Moreover, we have the following observation due to δ(G)a+n and at least one vertex in I2 has degree at most a−2 in GS.

Observation 3.2

If H2, then |S|n+2.

Set W=V(G)ST and U=SSC1(NG(I1)W))NGS(I2)=SSNGS(I1)NGS(I2). The subsequent discussion is divided into two situations.

Case 1. |T0|+l1.

The following two claims confirm that H1 or H2 can not exist independently.

Claim 3.1

If |T0|+l1, then |I2|0.


Suppose |I2|=0. Then |I1|0 by |V(H)|>0.

We partition I1 into two subsets.

I11: vI11 if there exists vI1{v} such that NGS(v)NGS(v);

I12: vI12 if there is no intersection between NGS(v) and NGS(I1{v}).

We yield b|S||V(H1)|+a|T0|+la+bn1(a12)|I11|+(a1)|I12|+a(|T0|+l)+bn1 and |S|(ab12b)|I11|+a1b|I12|1b+a(|T0|+l)b+n<a(|T0|+l+|I1|)b+n. In view of Observation 3.1, we deduce |T0|+l+|I1|>ba which implies |T0|+l+|I1|na,b.

Moreover, |SSNGS(I1)|(ab12b)|I11|+a1b|I12|1b+a(|T0|+l)b+n+l(a1)+(a112)|I11|+(a1)|I12|=(a1+abb+12b)|I11|+(a1+ab1b)|I12|+ab|T0|+(a1+ab)l+n1b(a1+ab)(|T0|+l)+(a1+ab1b)|I1|+n1b(a1+ab)(|I1|+|T0|+l)+n2b and thus I(G)|SSNGS(I1)|i(GSSNGS(I1))(a1+ab)(|I1|+l+|T0|)+n2b|I1|+l+|T0|=a1+a(|I1|+l+|T0|)2b+n|I1|+l+|T0|. Let a(|I1|+l+|T0|)2=m2b+c2, where m2N{0} and c2{0,,b1}. Then, we obtain a1+max{a(|I1|+l+|T0|)2b+n|I1|+l+|T0|}=a1+max{a(|I1|+l+|T0|)2c2b+n|I1|+l+|T0|}=a1+ab+max{n2+c2b|I1|+l+|T0|}. If n = 1 and c2=b1, then n2+c2b|I1|+l+|T0| is negative, thus I(G)<a1+ab which contradicts to I(G)>a1+n+1na,ba1+2ba+1. Hence, n2+c2b|I1|+l+|T0| is a non-negative term and n2+c2b|I1|+l+|T0| reaches the maximum value when |T0|+l+|I1| reaches its lower bound na,b. Therefore, I(G)a1+ana,b2b+nna,ba1+ana,b2(na,b1)a+nna,b=a1+n+1na,b, which contradicts to the hypothesis of I(G).

Claim 3.2

If |T0|+l1, then |I1|0.


Suppose |I1|=0. We yield |I2|0 by |V(H)|>0, and hence a3.

Let v1,v2,,v|I2| be vertices in I2 such that dGS(v1)a2 and dGS(v1)dGS(v2)dGS(v|I2|). Then |V(T)|=|V(H2)|+|T0|+al, b|S|a|T|dGS(T)+bn1a|T0|+al+i=1|I2|(dGS(vi)+1)(adGS(vi))+bn1 and |S|a(|T0|+l)b+i=1|I2|(dGS(vi)+1)(adGS(vi))b+n1b. We acquire i(GU)2 where U=SSNGS(I2) and |U||S|+|S|+|NGS(I2)|a(|T0|+l)b+i=1|I2|(dGS(vi)+1)(adGS(vi))b+n1b+l(a1)+i=1|I2|dGS(vi)=a|T0|b+l(a1+ab)+i=1|I2|(dGS2(vi)b+a+b1bdGS(vi)+ab)+n1ba|T0|b+l(a1+ab)+((a2)2b+a+b1b(a2)+ab)+(|I2|1)((a1)2b+a+b1b(a1)+ab)+n1b=a|T0|b+l(a1+ab)+(a1+ab)|I2|+n1+a3b. It is clear to see that to acquire the extremum isolated toughness, we maximise |U| with the given number of |I2|, and thus only one vertex in I2 has degree a−2 in GS and others have degree a−1 in GS. To bound the value of |T0|+l+|I2|, it is imperative to re-compute the upper bound of |S| as follows: |S|a(|T0|+l)b+(|I2|1)(a1+1)(a(a1))+(a2+1)(a(a2))b+n1b=a(|T0|+l+|I2|)+a3b+n. Using Observation 3.2, we infer 2+n|S|a(|T0|+l+|I2|)+a3b+n, which implies |T0|+l+|I2|2ba+3a2(na,b1)aa+3a=2na,b3+3a, and hence |T0|+l+|I2|2na,b2.

In terms of the definition of isolated toughness, we verify I(G)|U|i(GU)a|T0|b+l(a1+ab)+(a1+ab)|I2|+n1+a3b|I2|+|T0|+l(a1+ab)(|T0|+l+|I2|)+n1+a3b|I2|+|T0|+l=a1+n1+a(|T0|+l+|I2|)+a3b|I2|+|T0|+l. Let a(|I2|+l+|T0|)+a3=m3b+c3, where m3N{0} and c3{0,,b1}. Then, we infer max{n1+a(|T0|+l+|I2|)+a3b|I2|+|T0|+l}=max{n1+a(|T0|+l+|I2|)+a3c3b|I2|+|T0|+l}=ab+max{n1+a3c3b|I2|+|T0|+l}. If n1+a3c3b is negative, then n = 1 and I(G)<a1+ab which contradicts to I(G)>a1+n+1na,ba1+2ba+1. Hence, n1+a3c3b is non-negative and n1+a(|T0|+l+|I2|)+a3b|I2|+|T0|+l arrives at the maximum value when |I2|+|T0|+l reaches the lower bound 2na,b2. We deduce I(G)a1+n1+a(2na,b2)+a3b2na,b2a1+n1+a(2na,b2)+a3(na,b1)a2na,b2=a1+n+12na,b2, which contradicts to I(G)>a1+n+1na,b and na,b2.

From Claim 3.1 and Claim 3.2, we check |I1|>0, |I2|>0 and a3.

Denote v1,v2,,v|I2| as vertices in I2 as defined in Claim 3.2. Then |V(T)|=|V(H1)|+|V(H2)|+|T0|+al, b|S|a|T|dGS(T)+bn1a(|T0|+l)+(a12)|I11|+(a1)|I12|+i=1|I2|(dGS(vi)+1)(adGS(vi))+bn1 and |S|a(|T0|+l)+(a12)|I11|+(a1)|I12|+i=1|I2|(dGS(vi)+1)(adGS(vi))+bn1b=ab(|T0|+l)+(ab12b)|I11|+a1b|I12|+i=1|I2|(dGS(vi)+1)(adGS(vi))b+n1b. We acquire i(GU)3 where U=SSC1(NG(I1)W)NGS(I2) and |U||S|+|S|+|C1|+|NG(I1)W|+|NGS(I2)|ab(|T0|+l)+(ab12b)|I11|+a1b|I12|+i=1|I2|(dGS(vi)+1)(adGS(vi))b+n1b+l(a1)+(a121)|I11|+(a1)|I12|+i=1|I2|dGS(vi)ab|T0|+l(a1+ab)+(a1+ab1b)|I1|+(a1+ab)|I2|+n1+a3b(|T0|+l)(a1+ab)+(a1+ab)|I1|+(a1+ab)|I2|+n1+a4b. Similar to the discussion in Claim 3.2, to maximise |U|, only one vertex in I2 has degree a−2 in GS and others have degree a−1 in GS. To bound the value of |T0|+l+|I1|+|I2|, it is necessary to re-calculate the upper bound of |S|: |S|a(|T0|+l)b+(ab12b)|I1|+(|I2|1)(a1+1)(a(a1))+(a2+1)(a(a2))b+n1b<a(|T0|+l+|I1|+|I2|)+a3b+n. By means of Observation 3.2, we yield 2+n|S|<a(|T0|+l+|I1|+|I2|)+a3b+n, which implies |T0|+l+|I1|+|I2|>2ba+3a2(na,b1)aa+3a=2na,b3+3a, and hence |T0|+l+|I1|+|I2|2na,b2.

Using the definition of I(G), we obtain I(G)|U|i(GU)(a1+ab)(|T0|+l+|I1|+|I2|)+n1+a4b|I1|+|I2|+|T0|+l=a1+n1+a(|I1|+|I2|+|T0|+l)+a4b|I1|+|I2|+|T0|+l. Let a(|I1|+|I2|+|T0|+l)+a4=m4b+c4, where m4N{0} and c4{0,,b1}. Then, max{n1+a(|I1|+|I2|+|T0|+l)+a4b|I1|+|I2|+|T0|+l}=max{n1+a(|I1|+|I2|+|T0|+l)+a4c4b|I1|+|I2|+|T0|+l}=ab+max{n1+a4c4b|I1|+|I2|+|T0|+l}. If n1+a4c4b is negative, we get n = 1 and I(G)<a1+ab, which contradicts to I(G)>a1+n+1na,ba1+2ba+1. Hence, n1+a4c4b is non-negative and n1+a4c4b|I1|+|I2|+|T0|+l arrives at the maximum value when |I1|+|I2|+|T0|+l reaches the lower bound 2na,b2. We deduce I(G)a1+n1+a(2na,b2)+a4b2na,b2a1+n1+a(2na,b2)+a4(na,b1)a2na,b2a1+n+12na,b2, which contradicts to I(G)>a1+n+1na,b and na,b2.

Case 2. |T0|+l=0.

Akin to Case 1, we verify that H1 or H2 can not exist independently.

Claim 3.3

If |T0|+l=0, then |I2|0.


Suppose |I2|=0. Then, we obtain |I1|0, |V(T)|=|V(H1)| and b|S|a|T|dGS(T)+bn1=|T|+bn1.

If |I1|=1, then |T|a1 and |S||T|+bn1bn+a2b. Thus, |S|=n contradicts to Observation 3.1. Hence, |I1|2.

In this case, i(GU)|I1|2 where U=SC1(NG(I1)W), and using the deduction in Claim 3.1, we get |S|(ab12b)|I11|+a1b|I12|1b+n<a|I1|b+n,|U||S|+|C1|+i=1k(i1)|I(i)|(a1+a1b)|I1|+n1b(a1+ab)|I1|+n3b. Using Observation 3.1, we deduce |I1|>ba which implies |I1|na,b.

Hence, I(G)|U|i(GU)(a1+ab)|I1|+n3b|I1|=a1+n+a|I1|3b|I1|. Let a|I1|3=m5b+c5, where m5N{0} and c5{0,,b1}. Then, we acquire a1+max{a|I1|3b+n|I1|}=a1+max{a|I1|3c5b+n|I1|}=a1+ab+max{n3+c5b|I1|}. If n3+c5b|I1| is negative, then n = 1 and I(G)<a1+ab which contradicts to I(G)>a1+n+1na,ba1+2ba+1. Hence, n3+c5b|I1| is a non-negative term and it arrives at the maximum value when |I1| reaches its lower bound na,b. We infer I(G)a1+ana,b3b+nna,ba1+ana,b3(na,b1)a+nna,ba1+n+1na,b, which contradicts to the hypothesis of isolated toughness.

Claim 3.4

If |T0|+l=0, then |I1|0.


Suppose |I1|=0, then |I2|0 and hence a3.

If |I2|=1, then we set dmin=min{dGS(v)|vH2} and zV(H2) such that dGS(z)=dmin, thus dmin{1,,a2}. Hence, we deduce b|S|a|T|dGS(T)+bn1|T|(admin)+bn1,|S||T|(admin)+bn1b(a1)(admin)1b+n and a+nδ(G)dmin+|S|dmin+(a1)(admin)1b+n=a2bab+(ba+1)dminb1b+na2bab+(ba+1)(a2)b1b+n=a2+n+2a3b, a contradiction.

Hence, we get |I2|2. Let v1,v2,,v|I2| be vertices in I2 as defined in Claim 3.2, thus dGS(v1)a2 and dGS(v1)dGS(v2)dGS(v|I2|). We have |V(T)|=|V(H2)|, b|S|a|T|dGS(T)+bn1i=1|I2|(dGS(vi)+1)(adGS(vi))+bn1 and |S|i=1|I2|(dGS(vi)+1)(adGS(vi))b+n1b. We infer i(GU)|I2|2 where U=SNGS(I2), and in view of the discussion in Claim 3.2, we yield |U||S|+|NGS(I2)|(a1+ab)|I2|+n1+a3b. It is noteworthy that, to maximise |U|, only one vertex in I2 has degree a−2 in GS and others have degree a−1 in GS. To bound the value of |I2|, we rewritten the upper bound of |S|: |S|(|I2|1)(a1+1)(a(a1))+(a2+1)(a(a2))b+n1ba|I2|+a3b+n. According to Observation 3.2, we yield 2+n|S|a|I2|+a3b+n, which implies |I2|2ba+3a2(na,b1)aa+3a=2na,b3+3a, and hence |I2|2na,b2.

Using the same fashion as presented before, we get I(G)|U|i(GU)(a1+ab)|I2|+n1+a3b|I2|=a1+n1+a|I2|+a3b|I2|. Let a|I2|+a3=m6b+c6, where m6N{0} and c6{0,,b1}. Then, we acquire a1+max{n1+a|I2|+a3b|I2|}=a1+max{n1+a|I2|+a3c6b|I2|}=a1+ab+max{n1+a3c6b|I2|}. If n1+a3c6b|I2| is negative, then n = 1 and I(G)<a1+ab, which contradicts to I(G)>a1+n+1na,ba1+2ba+1. Hence, n1+a3c6b|I2| is a non-negative term and it arrives at the maximum value when |I2| reaches its lower bound 2na,b2. We infer I(G)a1+n1+a(2na,b2)+a3b2na,b2a1+n1+a(2na,b2)+a3(na,b1)a2na,b2=a1+n+12na,b2, which contradicts to I(G)>a1+n+1na,b and na,b2.

It verifies from Claim 3.3 and Claim 3.4 that |I1|1, |I2|1 and a3. We check that i(GU)2 where U=SC1(NG(I1)W)NGS(I2) and |U||S|+|C1|+|NG(I1)W|+|NGS(I2)|(a1+a1b)|I1|+(a1+ab)|I2|+n1+a3b(a1+ab)(|I1|+|I2|)+n1+a4b. In terms of the similar deduction to Case 1, we confirm that |I1|+|I2|2na,b2 by Observation 3.2 and re-computing the supper bound of |S|.

Therefore, we have I(G)|U|i(GU)(a1+ab)(|I1|+|I2|)+n1+a4b|I1|+|I2|=a1+n1+a(|I1|+|I2|)+a4b|I1|+|I2|. Let a(|I1|+|I2|)+a4=m7b+c7, where m7N{0} and c7{0,,b1}. Then, max{n1+a(|I1|+|I2|)+a4b|I1|+|I2|}=max{n1+a(|I1|+|I2|)+a4c7b|I1|+|I2|}=ab+max{n1+a4c7b|I1|+|I2|}. If n1+a4c7b is negative, we get n = 1 and I(G)<a1+ab, which contradicts to I(G)>a1+n+1na,ba1+2ba+1. Hence, n1+a4c7b is non-negative and n1+a4c7b|I1|+|I2| arrives at the maximum value when |I1|+|I2| reaches the lower bound 2na,b2. We deduce I(G)a1+n1+a(2na,b2)+a4b2na,b2a1+n1+a(2na,b2)+a4(na,b1)a2na,b2a1+n+12na,b2, which contradicts to I(G)>a1+n+1na,b and na,b2.

Therefore, we complete the proof of Theorem 1.1.

4. Open problems

In this paper, we determine the sharp isolated toughness bound for a graph to be fractional (a,b,n)-critical. Since fractional [a,b]-factor is a specific case of the more general fractional factors. n the stage of computer network topology design, it needs to make a balance between network security and network construction cost. The denser the network, the greater the isolated toughness, the stronger the corresponding network's ability to resist attacks, and the stronger the network. However, such a high-density network requires high construction costs, which greatly increases the network construction and maintenance costs. The tight bound of the isolated toughness parameter of the fractional critical graph provides engineers an important reference index. The network constructed according to the tight bound can theoretically guarantee that data transmission can still be maintained when the network suffers certain damages, and at the same time ensure the minimum cost of network construction, thus cut the budget.

We raise the following problems for future studies (the concepts of all fractional factor and fractional (g,f)-factor can be referred to the other related papers, and we skip the detailed explanation here).

Problem 4.1

What is the tight isolated toughness bound for all fractional (a,b,n)-critical graphs?

Problem 4.2

What is the tight isolated toughness bound for fractional (g,f,n)-critical graphs?


We thank the reviewers for their constructive comments in improving the quality of this paper.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


This work has been partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant numbers 12161094, 12031018, 12161141003, 11931006].


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