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Research Article

Modelling the transmission dynamics and optimal control strategies for HIV infection in China

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Article: 2174275 | Received 06 Apr 2022, Accepted 08 Dec 2022, Published online: 14 Feb 2023


In order to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 that was put forward by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS in 2014, China needs to take more effective measures to achieve the three 90% goals (90-90-90). We establish a compartmental model to study the dynamics of HIV transmission with control strategies. The analytical results show the existence and stability of the disease-free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium. An optimal control model is constructed to evaluate the impacts of control measures. The simulation results show that the optimal control strategy proposed in this work can eradicate AIDS by 2030. The cost-effectiveness analysis indicates that the cost of the control strategy that combines screening for latent individuals and enhancing education for unaware infected individuals is the lowest. Our findings can provide guidance for public health authorities on effective mitigation strategies to achieve the goals proposed by the United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS.

1. Introduction

Since the first case of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection was detected in the United States in 1981, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) caused by HIV infection has widely spread in different countries and regions. AIDS is a serious life-threatening disease, and presents a great challenge to public health authorities [Citation3,Citation4,Citation13]. In 2014, the United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS) proposed to achieve three 90%s by 2020, so as to end global AIDS epidemic by 2030. The three 90% goals include: 90% of people living with HIV need to be diagnosed, 90% of those diagnosed need to receive antiretroviral therapy (ART), and 90% of those under treatment need to achieve viral suppression [Citation24]. At present, no vaccines are available to prevent HIV infection [Citation2,Citation6,Citation23,Citation34]. HIV/AIDS has long latent period, strong infectivity, and high death rate. Many countries are affected by the transmission of AIDS, such as China, Cape Verde, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, and Nigeria [Citation11].

HIV can be transmitted through blood transmission, sexual transmission, and mother-to-child transmission. People infected with HIV eventually show immunodeficiency syndrome over time. HIV aims to invade the immune system, and the infection process includes four periods, namely, acute infectious period, latent period, pre AIDS period, and AIDS period. Latent individuals and unaware infected individuals can transmit AIDS to susceptible individuals, which makes it difficult to control the spread of AIDS [Citation16]. In order to reduce the infection transmitted by latent individuals and unaware infected individuals, it is essential to improve the screening rate and education rate of infected individuals [Citation23].

Mathematical modelling is a commonly used tool to study the spread of infectious diseases [Citation9,Citation18,Citation32,Citation33,Citation38,Citation42,Citation43,Citation46,Citation48]. The factors that affect the transmission of infectious diseases can be identified by mathematical models [Citation17]. Many mathematical models have been developed to study the transmission dynamics of HIV. Tripathi et al. analysed the impact of screening unconscious infected individuals [Citation45]. Suryanto et al. proposed an ODE model to analyse the influence of awareness, education, screening, and treatment on the spread of AIDS, and proved that education, screening, and treatment can reduce the number of infected individuals [Citation44]. An AIDS model with awareness and control strategy was proposed in [Citation35], where susceptible individuals were mainly classified by gender, and infected individuals were classified according to the level of awareness. Makinde et al. analysed the effects of screening and treatment on the spread of HIV/AIDS infection in the population, and incorporated the awareness and treatment for HIV infected individuals into the model [Citation39]. Nyabadza et al. proposed an HIV/AIDS model with screening and treatment, and showed that the number of aware infected individuals has a great impact on the spread of AIDS [Citation30]. The above works all take into account the impacts of awareness on HIV transmission in their models. However, none of them explore how control strategies can be implemented to achieve the goal of three 90%s and ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 proposed by the UNAIDS in 2014. Therefore, the purpose of our work is to explore how to achieve these goals, and provide guidance to public health authorities on containing the spread of HIV.

Effective education and intervention for individuals at risk of HIV infection require a large amount of resources. Since HIV infection cannot be completely cured at present, the infected individuals who are receiving ART treatment need to take medicine for a long term. The resources for mitigating HIV infection become more scarce since the outbreaks of COVID-19. In this case, it is of great significance to study how to allocate limited healthcare resources effectively to improve the efficiency of prevention and control for AIDS.

We incorporate mitigation strategies, including providing treatment for aware infected individuals, screening latent individuals, and educating unaware infected individuals, into the model. We apply Pontryagin's Maximum Principle [Citation31] to derive optimal control strategies for achieving the goals of end AIDS. The results show that the optimal control strategy is the combination of all three control measures. The control effect  is closely linked to the weight [Citation15,Citation19,Citation21,Citation25,Citation26].

The rest of this work is organized as follows. In Section 2, we develop a mathematical model to study the transmission dynamics of HIV, derive the basic reproduction number, and analyse the stability of the disease free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium. We exhibit how transimation rate, screening rate, and education rate impact the spread of HIV through numerical simulations. In Section 3, we construct a model incorporating control strategies to find optimal control strategies for curbing the spread through numerical simulations. In Section 4, we summarize our work, and propose future work.

2. Mathematical formulation and dynamics analysis

In this section, we introduce an HIV model and verify the feasible region of the solution. We also calculate the basic reproduction number, and analyse the stability of the disease free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium. In addition, we perform numerical simulations.

2.1. Model formulation

The infected individuals are divided into latent individuals, aware individuals, and unaware individuals. We assume that all aware infected individuals seek treatments and do not spread the infection. On the contrary, unaware infected individuals do not know that they are infected and are more likely to infect others. Therefore, unaware infected individuals are not treated unless they are screened. In addition, HIV testing has not been widely applied, which is one of the reasons why the unaware infected individuals are not treated.

In this work, we construct a mathematical model for HIV/AIDS transmission to analyse the spread of HIV among individuals. The population is divided into six compartments, namely, susceptible (S), latent (E), aware (I1), unaware (I2), treated (T), and AIDS (A) compartments. The total number of individuals is N(t) at time t, where N(t)=S(t)+E(t)+I1(t)+I2(t)+T(t)+A(t). The initial conditions are S(0), E(0), I1(0), I2(0), T(0), and A(0).

Typically, all infected individuals are likely to transmit the disease. The infectivities of infected individuals in different compartments are different. In this work, we assume that aware individuals do not spread the infection. Let λ(t) be the force of infection for individuals who are infected by HIV as follows λ(t)=βϵE(t)+βI2(t),where β is the effective contact rate for HIV transmission and ε is a coefficient representing reduced infectivity of latent individuals compared with infectious individuals. Here, the parameter ε satisfies 0<ϵ1. The recruitment rate of susceptible individuals is Λ. Susceptible individuals may be infected by contacting infectious individuals at the rate λ(t). A fraction of latent individuals, p, transfer to aware class, and 1−p of latent individuals proceed to unaware infected class. Latent individuals become symptomatic infected at the rate α. Unaware infected individuals become aware at the rate δ. Aware infected individuals receive ART treatment at the rate ξ. The infected individuals who receive ART treatment transfer to latent class due to treatment failure at the rate η. The infected individuals transfer to AIDS class at the rate γ. The natural death rate is μ and the mortality rate of infected individuals is μ0. The schematic diagram diagram is shown in Figure . The state variables and the parameters are listed in Tables  and , respectively. Based on the transmission mechanism, we propose the following ordinary differential equation model. (1) {dSdt=Λβ(ϵE+I2)SμS,dEdt=β(ϵE+I2)S(α+μ)E,dI1dt=pαE+δI2(μ+ξ+γ)I1,dI2dt=(1p)αE(δ+γ+μ)I2,dTdt=ξI1(μ+η)T,dAdt=γ(I1+I2)+ηTμ0AμA.(1) To facilitate calculation and analysis, let k1=α+μ,k2=μ+ξ+γ,k3=μ+γ+δ, and k4=μ+η, then Model (Equation1) is changed as follows (2) {dSdt=Λ(βϵE+βI2)SμS,dEdt=(βϵE+βI2)Sk1E,dI1dt=pαEk2I1+δI2,dI2dt=(1p)αEk3I2,dTdt=ξI1k4T,dAdt=γI1+γI2+ηTμ0AμA.(2)

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of HIV transmission.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of HIV transmission.

Table 1. The state variables for Model (Equation1).

Table 2. Description of parameters in Model (Equation1).

2.2. Mathematical analysis

Before analysing Model (Equation2), we derive the feasible region, the basic reproduction number, and stability of equilibria.

2.2.1. The feasible region

Here, we analyse the non-negativity of solutions and the feasible region Ω.

Lemma 2.1

Let the initial values of state variables in Model (Equation2) be positive, i.e. S(0)>0, E(0)>0, I1(0)>0, I2(0)>0, T(0)>0, and A(0)>0. The solutions of S(t), E(t), I1(t), I2(t), T(t), and A(t) in Model (Equation2) are non-negative for all t0, and limtsupN(t)Λμ.


Let H(t) be the minimum value of all state variables, i.e. H(t)=min{S(t),E(t),I1(t),I2(t),T(t),A(t)}, for t>0. Obviously, H(t)>0. We assume that there exists a minimum time t1 satisfying that H(t1)=0. Suppose H(t1)=S(t1), then E(t)>0,I1(t)>0,I2(t)>0,T(t)>0, and A(t)>0 for t[0,t1). When t[0,t1], we obtain that dSdt=Λλ(t)SμSλ(t)SμS=(βϵE+βI2)SμS.By integrating both sides of the above inequation from 0 to t, we obtain that S(t)S(0)e0t[βϵE(τ)+βI2(τ)+μ]dτ>0,t[0,t1],which contradicts with H(t1)=S(t1)=0. Therefore, S(t)>0,E(t)>0,I1(t)>0,I2(t)>0,T(t)>0,A(t)>0 when t0.

Next, we calculate the bounds of the state variables. Note that N(t)=S(t)+E(t)+I1(t)+I2(t)+T(t)+A(t). Adding the equations of Model (Equation2), we obtain dN(t)dt=Λμ(S(t)+E(t)+I1(t)+I2(t)+T(t))μ0A(t)μA(t).Because μ00 and dN(t)dt=ΛμN(t)μ0A(t),ΛμN(t),using the Comparison Principle Theorem [Citation28], we obtain that N(t)N(0)eμt+Λμ(1eμt),where N(0)=S(0)+E(0)+I1(0)+I2(0)+T(0)+A(0). Hence, limtsupN(t)Λμ.

Lemma 2.2

The feasible region Ω of Model (Equation2) can be defined by Ω={(S(t),E(t),I1(t),I2(t),T(t),A(t))R+6:0S,E,I1,I2,T,AN,N(t)Λμ}.

2.2.2. The basic reproduction number

Next, we prove the existence of the disease-free equilibrium point and compute the basic reproduction number for Model (Equation2).

Let the right side of Model (Equation2) equal to zero, we obtain the following disease-free equilibrium Q0=(S0,E0,I10,I20,T0,A0)=(Λμ,0,0,0,0,0).The basic reproduction number of Model (Equation2) is obtained by the next generation matrix approach [Citation10]. Let Fi be newly infected individuals in compartment i and Vi be the transfer of individuals in each compartment i, where i represents the compartment S,E,I1,I2,T, and A. We define x=(S,E,I1,I2,T,A)=(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6). Model (Equation2) can be rewritten as follows dxdt=FV,where F=(0βϵES+βI2S0000),V=(Λ+(βϵE+βI2)S+μSk1EpαE+k2I1δI2(1p)αE+k3I2ξI1+k4TγI1γI2ηT+μ0A+μA).According to the next generation matrix approach for calculating the basic reproduction number [Citation10], we consider the infected compartments xi, i = 2, 3, 4, 5. At the disease free equilibrium, Q0, we have F=[Fixi(Q0)]=(βϵS00βS00000000000000),and V=[Vixi(Q0)]=(k1000pαk2δ0(1p)α0k300ξ0k4),where k1=α+μ>0,k2=μ+ξ+γ>0,k3=μ+γ+δ>0, and k4=μ+η>0. In addition, matrices F and V satisfy the assumptions (A1)–(A5) in [Citation10]. By calculating the spectral radius of the next generation matrix FV1, we derive the basic reproduction number, R0, as follows R0=ρ(FV1)=βϵS0k1+βS0α(1p)k1k3.Here, βϵS0k1 represents the number of humans infected by latent individuals, βS0α(1p)k1k3 indicates the number of humans infected by unaware infected individuals.

2.2.3. The stability of disease-free equilibrium

First, we study the local stability of the disease free equilibrium.

Theorem 2.1

For Model (Equation2), the disease free equilibrium, Q0, is locally asymptotically stable when R0<1 in the feasible region Ω.


Based on Model (Equation2), we construct the Jacobian matrix as follows J=((λ(t)+μ)βϵS0βS00λ(t)βϵSk10βS000pαk2δ000(1p)α0k30000ξ0k4000γγημ0μ)=((J1)4×40(J3)2×4(J4)2×2),where k1=α+μ>0,k2=μ+ξ+γ>0,k3=μ+γ+δ>0, and k4=μ+η>0. By calculation, the roots of |rIJ(Q0)|=0 are the roots of |rIJ1(Q0)|=0 and |rIJ4(Q0)|=0. Here, r represents the eigenvalue.

The Jacobian matrix J1(Q0) is J1(Q0)=(μβϵS00βS00βϵS0k10βS00pαk2δ0(1p)α0k3).The characteristic equation is |rIJ1(Q0)|=|r+μβϵS00βS00r(βϵS0k1)0βS00pαr+k2δ0(1p)α0r+k3|=(r+k2)(r+μ)×[r2+(k1+k3βϵS0)rk3(βϵS0k1)βS0α(1p)]=0.Clearly, the first and second roots of |rIJ1(Q0)|=0 are r1=k2<0 and r2=μ<0. Next, we mainly analyse the roots of the following equation (3) r2+(k1+k3βϵS0)rk3(βϵS0k1)βS0α(1p)=r2+m1r+m0=0.(3) Here, m1=k1+k3βϵS0m0=k3(k1βϵS0)βS0α(1p)=k1k3[1(βϵS0k1+βαS0(1p)k1k3)]=k1k3(1R0).When R0<1, it is easy to prove that m1>0 and m0>0. Here, R0=βϵS0k1+βS0α(1p)k1k3. By the Routh–Herwitz criteria [Citation8], the roots of Equation (Equation3) have negative real parts.

For J4(Q0), |rIJ4(Q0)|=(r+k4)(r+μ0+μ)=0.Obviously, the eigenvalues of J4(Q0) are r5=k4<0 and r6=μ0μ<0.

In summary, the disease free equilibrium, Q0, is locally asymptotically stable in Ω when R0<1.

Next, we explore the globally asymptotic stability of the disease free equilibrium.

Theorem 2.2

For Model (Equation2), when R0<1, the disease-free equilibrium point, Q0 is globally asymptotically stable.


By Theorem 2.1 of [Citation40], we construct a Lyapunov function as follows L=(ϵk3+α(1p))E+k1I2.Obviously, L0.

Next, we take the derivative of L. dLdt=(ϵk3+α(1p))dEdt+k1dI2dt=(ϵk3+α(1p))(βϵSE+βSI2k1E)+α(1p)k1Ek1k3I2=(ϵk3+α(1p))(βϵSE+βSI2)k1k3ϵEk1k3I2(ϵk3+α(1p))(ΛμβϵE+ΛμβI2)k1k3ϵEk1k3I2=(ϵE+I2)k1k3(R01).When R0<1, dLdt<0. Therefore, the largest invariant set contained in {(S,E,I1,I2,T,A)Ω:dLdt=0}is {Q0}. According to the Lasalle's invariance principle [Citation20], the disease-free equilibrium Q0 is globally asymptotically stable in Ω when R0<1.

2.2.4. Endemic equilibrium and stability of endemic equilibrium

In this section, we prove the existence of a unique endemic equilibrium point Q in Model (Equation2). Let Q=(S,E,I1,I2,T,A).

From the second to sixth equations in   Model (Equation2), we have E=k3(1p)αI2,I1=[pk3+(1p)δ(1p)k2]I2,T=ξ(pk3+(1p)δ)(1p)k2k4I2,A=γI2μ+μ0[pk3+δ(1p)k2(1p)+1]+ηξI2(μ+μ0)k4[pk3+δ(1p)k2(1p)],S=Λμ+k1k3I2α(1p)R0S0,I2=(R01)μα(1p)S0k1k3R0.Hence, we obtain that I2>0 iff R0>1. Based on the above analysis, Model (Equation2) has a unique endemic equilibrium, Q when R0>1.

Next, we study the global stability of the endemic equilibrium, Q.

Theorem 2.3

For Model (Equation2), if R0>1, the endemic equilibrium Q is globally asymptotically stable.


We define a Lyapunov function [Citation22] V~ as follows V~=(SSSlnSS)+B(EEElnEE)+C(I1I1I1lnI1I1)+D(I2I2I2lnI2I2)+G(TTTlnTT).where B, C, D, and G are nonnegative constants. The function V~ is positive definite and has the first derivative. Next, we verify that V~ is positive definite. All parameters of Model (Equation2) are bounded and positive. Obviously, V~(Q)=0. When S>0,E>0,I1>0,I2>0,T>0,A>0 and SS,EE,I1I1,I2I2,TT,AA, we define V~(S,E,I1,I2,T)=h(S)+Bh(E)+Ch(I1)+Dh(I2)+Gh(T),where h(S)=SSSlnSS, h(E)=EEElnEE, h(I1)=I1I1I1lnI1I1, h(I2)=I2I2I2lnI2I2, and h(T)=TTTlnTT. Because h(S)=0 and h(S)=1SS, h(S)0. Similarly, h(E)0, h(I1)0, h(I2)0, and h(T)0.

Based on Model (Equation2), V~=(1SS)S+B(1EE)E+C(1I1I1)I1+D(1I2I2)I2+G(1TT)T=(1SS)(Λβ(ϵE+I2)SμS)+B(1EE)(β(ϵE+I2)S(α+μ)E)+C(1I1I1)(pαE+δI2(μ+ξ+γ)I1)+D(1I2I2)((1p)αE(δ+γ+μ)I2)+G(1TT)(ξI1(μ+η)T)=(1SS)[βϵES+βI2S+μS(βϵES+βI2S+μS)]+B(1EE)(βϵES+βI2SβϵES+βI2SEE)+C(1I1I1)(pαE+δI2pαE+δI2I1I1)+D(1I2I2)((1p)αE(1p)αEI2I2)+G(1TT)(ξI1ξI1TT).Let SS=x,EE=y,I1I1=z,I2I2=m,TT=n.Then (4) V~=μS(1x)2x+βϵSE(11x)(1xy)+βI2S(11x)(1xm)+BβϵSE(11y)(xyy)+BβI2S(11y)(xmy)+CpαE(11z)(yz)+CδI2(11z)(mz)+Dα(1p)E(11m)(ym)+GξI1(11n)(zn)=μS(1x)2x+[βϵSE+βI2S+BβϵSE+BβI2S+CpaE+CδI2+Dα(1p)E+GξI1]+xy(βϵSE+BβϵSE)+1x(βϵSEβI2S)+y(βϵSEBβϵSEBβI2S+CpαE+Dα(1p)E)+m(βI2S+CδI2Dα(1p)E)+xm(βI2S+BβI2S)+z(CpαECδI2+GξI1)xBβϵSExmyBβI2SyzCαpEmzCδI2ymDα(1p)EnGξI1znGξI1.(4) Based on [Citation22], we let the coefficients of xy, y, m, and z equal to zero and obtain that (5) {βϵSE+BβϵSE=0,βϵSEBβϵSEBβI2S+CpαE+Dα(1p)E=0,βI2S+CδI2Dα(1p)E=0,CpαECδI2+GξI1=0.(5) Solving Equation (Equation5), we get B=1,C=0,D=βI2Sα(1p)E,G=0,where p1.

With the above B, C, D, and G, the Lyapunov function V~ is V~=(SSSlnSS)+(EEElnEE)+βI2Sα(1p)E(I2I2I2lnI2I2).Thus, V~=μS(1x)2x+[βϵSE+βI2S+BβϵSE+BβI2S+CpaE+CδI2+Dα(1p)E+GξI1]+1x(βϵSEβI2S)+CpαE+Dα(1p)ExBβϵSExmyBβI2SyzCαpEmzCδI2ymDα(1p)EnGξI1znGξI1=μS(1x)2x+[2βϵSE+2βI2S+βI2Sα(1p)Eα(1p)E]+1x(βϵSEβI2S)xβϵSExmyβI2SymβI2Sα(1p)Eα(1p)E=μS(1x)2x+βϵSE(21xx)+βI2S(31xxmyym).Because the arithmetic mean is greater than or equal to the geometrical mean, 21xx0 and 31xxmyym0 for x,y,m>0. Here, 21xx=0 iff x=1, and 31xxmyym=0 iff x = 1 and y=m. Therefore, V~0 for x,y,m>0, and V~=0 iff x=1 and y=m. According to the LaSalle's Invariable Principle [Citation20], it is easy to prove that the endemic equilibrium Q is globally asymptotically stable in Ω. In summary, the endemic equilibrium Q is globally asymptotically stable when R0>1.

Since the endemic equilibrium Q is globally asymptotically stable, Q is locally asymptotically stable when R0>1.

2.3. Numerical simulations

The HIV case data is obtained from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention [Citation7]. We mainly consider the spread of HIV among people between 15 and 60 years old and fit the number of infected individuals to Model (Equation2). We apply the annual number of new HIV cases in China from 2002 to 2019 by the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to estimate the unknown parameters in Model (Equation2) as shown in Table . Moreover, we use the Partial Rank Correlation Coefficients (PRCC) to study the global sensitivity of the parameters of Model (Equation2). The goal is to identify the most important parameter that affects HIV transmission. The PRCCs of the parameters with respect to R0 are listed in Figure . Our results show that parameters ε and β are positively correlated with R0, and parameters p, ξ, γ, and δ are negatively correlated. Moreover, we find that parameters β and p are the most sensitive to R0. Hence, reducing the value of parameter β and increasing the value of parameter p will effectively mitigate HIV spread.

Figure 2. The global sensitivity analysis of parameters ε, p, ξ, γ, δ, and β.

Figure 2. The global sensitivity analysis of parameters ε, p, ξ, γ, δ, and β.

We use the AIDS data in 2002 as the initial conditions and assume that S0=S(0)=924,860,000, E0=E(0)=770,000, I10=I1(0)=40,000, I20=I2(0)=39,000, T0=T(0)=560, and A0=A(0)=0. In the following numerical simulations, we choose the function p=p(t)=(p0pmax)eat+pmax to fit the fraction of latent individuals that become aware. Here, p0 is the minimum fraction of aware infected individuals, pmax is the maximum fraction of aware infected individuals, and a is a constant.

The stability of the model is shown in Figures  and . Figure  shows the stability of the endemic equilibrium point. When R0>1, the endemic equilibrium point tends to be stable. The number of susceptible individuals, S(t), decreases first, then tends to be stable. The trends of E, I1, I2, and T are similar. They all increase obviously at the early stage, then tend to be stable. In Figure , the disease free equilibrium point tends to be stable when R0<1. The number of susceptible individual increases to a larger level, then tends to be stable, while the numbers of exposed, unaware infected, and aware infected individuals decrease first and tend to be stable afterwards.

Figure 3. The stability analysis when the parameters are β=1.7649e6, δ=0.015697, γ=0.056044, ξ=0.34877, p0=0.022591, a = 0.055961, pmax=0.45584, and R0=1.8281>1. (a) The number of susceptible individuals (S) varying with time. (b) The number of latent individuals (E) varying with time. (c) The number of aware infected individuals (I1) varying with time. (d) The number of unaware infected individuals (I2) varying with time. (e) The number of individuals who receive ART treatment individuals (T) varying with time.

Figure 3. The stability analysis when the parameters are β=1.7649e−6, δ=0.015697, γ=0.056044, ξ=0.34877, p0=0.022591, a = 0.055961, pmax=0.45584, and R0=1.8281>1. (a) The number of susceptible individuals (S) varying with time. (b) The number of latent individuals (E) varying with time. (c) The number of aware infected individuals (I1) varying with time. (d) The number of unaware infected individuals (I2) varying with time. (e) The number of individuals who receive ART treatment individuals (T) varying with time.

Figure 4. The stability analysis when the parameters are β=1.0e06, δ=0.01, γ=0.15, ξ=0.34877, p0=0.022591, a = 0.055961, pmax=0.45584, and R0=0.7699<1. (a) The number of susceptible individuals (S) varying with time. (b) The number of latent individuals (E) varying with time. (c) The number of aware infected individuals (I1) varying with time. (d) The number of unaware infected individuals (I2) varying with time. (e) The number of individuals who receive ART treatment individuals (T) varying with time.

Figure 4. The stability analysis when the parameters are β=1.0e−06, δ=0.01, γ=0.15, ξ=0.34877, p0=0.022591, a = 0.055961, pmax=0.45584, and R0=0.7699<1. (a) The number of susceptible individuals (S) varying with time. (b) The number of latent individuals (E) varying with time. (c) The number of aware infected individuals (I1) varying with time. (d) The number of unaware infected individuals (I2) varying with time. (e) The number of individuals who receive ART treatment individuals (T) varying with time.

In the following numerical simulations, we use the parameters in Table . Figure  shows that the number of unaware infected and treated individuals increase from 2002 to 2019. The numbers of latent individuals decreases from 2002 to 2011, then slowly increases from 2012. In addition, we find that the number of aware infected individuals increases from 2002 to 2005, then this number remains almost the same from 2006 to 2019. Particularly, we find that the total number of I1 and T tends to be 800,000 at the end of 2019, which is close to the data.

Figure 5. The number of exposed, unaware infected, aware infected, and treated individuals varying with time. The parameters in Table  are used in the simulation.

Figure 5. The number of exposed, unaware infected, aware infected, and treated individuals varying with time. The parameters in Table 2 are used in the simulation.

Next, we analyse the impact of a single parameter on the AIDS epidemic. We investigate the effects of the transmission rate, β, on the epidemic. In Figure , the number of infected individuals during the latent period of AIDS can be effectively controlled by reducing the transmission rate. Moreover, when the transmission rate is β=0.6e6, the epidemic dies out more quickly. The changes in the transmission rate indicate that the public health authorities need to continue strengthening control efforts to suppress the spread of HIV infection. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the awareness of latent individuals. Figure  shows the impacts of changing p0 and pmax on the number of latent individuals. We find that the number of latent individuals does not change much when the value of p0 is between 0.022591 and 0.4. However, the value of pmax has a great influence on the number of latent individuals, that is, the larger the value of pmax, the smaller the number of latent individuals. Figure  explores the effect of the rate at which unaware individuals become aware, δ, on the number of infected individuals. We find that the numbers of latent individuals, unaware infected, aware infected individuals, and treated individuals decrease significantly when the value of δ is increased from 0.01 to 0.2. Moreover, the number of latent individuals increases from 2010 to 2030 when the value of δ is very small. The number of latent individuals decreases till the end of 2030 when δ is large enough.

Figure 6. The number of latent individuals, E, varying with β.

Figure 6. The number of latent individuals, E, varying with β.

Figure 7. The number of latent individuals, E, varying with p0 and pmax.

Figure 7. The number of latent individuals, E, varying with p0 and pmax.

Figure 8. The effect of the rate at which unaware infected individuals become aware, δ, on the number of infected individuals. (a) δ= 0.01. (b) δ= 0.05. (c) δ= 0.1. (d) δ= 0.2.

Figure 8. The effect of the rate at which unaware infected individuals become aware, δ, on the number of infected individuals. (a) δ= 0.01. (b) δ= 0.05. (c) δ= 0.1. (d) δ= 0.2.

To evaluate the combined effect of β, pmax, and δ on the spread of HIV, we simulate the number of infected individuals with different combinations of these three values as is shown in Figure . The numbers of latent individuals and unaware individuals are decreasing with the decrease of β and the increase of pmax and δ as shown in Figure (a,c). However, the number of aware individuals increases from 2002 to 2006, then decreases from 2007 to 2019 when β1.5649e6, pmax0.5, and δ0.03 as shown in Figure (b). From Figure (d), we find that with the decrease of β and the increase of pmax and δ, the number of infected individuals receiving ART treatment decreases from 2002 to 2015, while the situation is opposite after 2015.

Figure 9. The number of infected individuals I1, I2, E, and T when the values of parameters β, δ, and pmax are varying. (a) The effect of changing β, δ, and pmax on the number of latent individuals (E). (b) The effect of changing β, δ, and pmax on the number of aware individuals (I1). (c) The effect of changing β, δ, and pmax on the number of unaware individuals (I2). (d) The effect of changing β, δ, and pmax on the number of infected individuals receiving ART treatment (T).

Figure 9. The number of infected individuals I1, I2, E, and T when the values of parameters β, δ, and pmax are varying. (a) The effect of changing β, δ, and pmax on the number of latent individuals (E). (b) The effect of changing β, δ, and pmax on the number of aware individuals (I1). (c) The effect of changing β, δ, and pmax on the number of unaware individuals (I2). (d) The effect of changing β, δ, and pmax on the number of infected individuals receiving ART treatment (T).

Figure  explores the effect of the transmission rate, β, the maximum fraction of aware infected individuals, pmax, and the rate at which unaware individuals become aware, δ, on the number of infected individuals. From Figure (a–d), we find that reducing transmission rate, increasing the maximum fraction of aware infected individuals and the rate at which unaware individuals become aware can effectively mitigate the spread of AIDS. Particularly, the numbers of latent, aware, and unaware individuals become zero by the end of 2030 when β=1e6, pmax=0.7, and δ=0.14. Therefore, we can eradicate AIDS by reducing transmission rate and raising the awareness of infected individuals.

Figure 10. The variation trend of the number of the infected individuals under different parameter values of β, pmax, and δ. (a) β=1.5649e6, pmax=0.5, and δ=0.03. (b) β=1.4649e6, pmax=0.55, and δ=0.06. (c) β=1.2e6, pmax=0.65, and δ=0.1. (d) β=1e6, pmax=0.7, and δ=0.14.

Figure 10. The variation trend of the number of the infected individuals under different parameter values of β, pmax, and δ. (a) β=1.5649e−6, pmax=0.5, and δ=0.03. (b) β=1.4649e−6, pmax=0.55, and δ=0.06. (c) β=1.2e−6, pmax=0.65, and δ=0.1. (d) β=1e−6, pmax=0.7, and δ=0.14.

From the above numerical simulations, the basic reproduction number R0=1.8281>1 when the parameters in Table  are applied in the simulation. If the current control remains unchanged, HIV outbreaks will continue, and eventually approach the endemic equilibrium point (see Figure ). In addition, we find that the fraction of latent individuals who transfer to aware individuals class, p, and the rate at which unaware infected individuals become aware, δ, have a great impact on reducing the number of infected individuals. When more HIV infected individuals are screened or become aware, the number of individuals receiving ART increases. This leads to a significant reduction in the incidence of HIV, which in turn reduces the burden on the health system [Citation14]. Therefore, it is necessary to increase HIV screening rate and enhance media campaigns to increase the awareness about HIV infection.

3. Optimal control

We extend our model by including multiple control strategies. We prove the existence, boundedness and uniqueness of the optimal solution and apply the Pontryagin's Maximum Principle [Citation31] to compute the optimal solution. Moreover, we analyse the efficiency and the costs of the control strategies and provide the most economical control strategy.

3.1. Control model formulation

Model (Equation6) has six state variables, that is, S, E, I1, I2, T, and A, and three control variables, namely, u1(t), u2(t), and u3(t). Here, u1(t) represents the intensity of screening latent individuals, u2(t) represents the intensity of education for unaware infected individuals, and u3(t) represents the treatments for aware infected individuals. The control set is Ω={(u1,u2,u3)|ui(t)L[0,tf],0ui(t)ci,0<ci1,i=1,2,3},where tf is the end time of implementing controls.

Then, the optimal control model is described as follows (6) {dSdt=Λ(βϵE+βI2)SμSdEdt=(βϵE+βI2)S(α+μ)Eu1(t)EdI1dt=pαE+δI2(μ+ξ+γ)I1+u1(t)E+u2(t)I2u3(t)I1dI2dt=(1p)αE(δ+γ+μ)I2u2(t)I2dTdt=ξI1(η+μ)T+u3(t)I1dAdt=γI1+γI2+ηTμ0AμA.(6) The initial conditions satisfy (7) S(0)0,E(0)0,I1(0)0,I2(0)0,T(0)0,A(0)0.(7) We seek to minimize the number of infected individuals and the cost of applying screening, education and treatment controls. Thus, the objective function is given by (8) J(u1,u2,u3)=0tf[m1E+m2I1+m3I2+n12u12(t)+n22u22(t)+n32u32(t)]dt,(8) where m1, m2, and m3 represent the weights for the numbers of latent individuals, aware infected individuals and unaware infected individuals, respectively. The weights n1, n2, and n3 measure the costs of control variables u1, u2, and u3, respectively.

First, we apply the method in [Citation27,Citation47] to prove the existence of optimal solution.

Theorem 3.1

For the objective function J(u), there exists an optimal solution u={u1,u2,u3}Ω such that J(u)=J(u1,u2,u3)=minuΩJ(u1,u2,u3).


We prove the existence of an optimal strategy u. By definition, the control set Ω is closed and convex. The integration of the function J is also concave on Ω. The control system is bounded, which implies the compactness of the optimal control. Furthermore, there exists a constant ζ>1, and positive values C1, and C2, such that J(u1,u2,u3)C1(|u1(t)|2+|u2(t)|2+|u3(t)|2)ζ2C2,which proves the existence of the optimal control.

In order to find the optimal solution, we construct the following Lagrange function L and Hamiltonian function H L(t,ϕ,u)=m1E+m2I1+m3I2+n12u12(t)+n22u22(t)+n32u32(t), H(t,ϕ,u)=m1E+m2I1+m3I2+n12u12(t)+n22u22(t)+n32u32(t)+λ1(Λ(βϵE+βI2)SμS)+λ2((βϵE+βI2)S(α+μ)Eu1(t)E)+λ3(pαE+δI2(μ+ξ+γ)I1+u1(t)E+u2(t)I2u3(t)I1)+λ4((1p)αE(δ+γ+μ)I2u2(t)I2)+λ5(ξI1(η+μ)T+u3(t)I1)+λ6(γI1+γI2+ηTμ0AμA),where ϕ=(S,E,I1,I2,T,A)T, u=(u1,u2,u3)T, and λi(t), i=1,2,,6, are adjoint variables.

Second, we apply the Pontryagin's Maximum Principle [Citation31] to compute the optimal solution.

Theorem 3.2

For Model (Equation6), if the control variables (u1,u2,u3) satisfy that H(t,ϕ,u)<H(t,ϕ,u), the states variables S,E,I1,I2,T, and A are the solutions. Thus, there exist adjoint variables, λi(t),i=1,2,,6 satisfying (9) λ1=λ1(βϵE+βI2+μ)λ2(βϵE+βI2),λ2=m1+λ1βϵSλ2(βϵS(α+μ)u1(t))λ3(pα+u1(t))λ4(1p)α,λ3=m2+λ3(μ+ξ+γ+u3(t))λ5(ξ+u3(t))λ6γ,λ4=m3+λ1βSλ2βSλ3(δ+u2(t))+λ4(δ+γ+μ+u2(t))λ6γ,λ5=λ5(η+μ)λ6η,λ6=λ6(μ0+μ).(9) The boundary conditions are λi(tf)=0,i=1,2,,6.The optimal controls u1, u2, and u3 are {u1(t)=min{max{0,u1c},1},u2(t)=min{max{0,u2c},1},u3(t)=min{max{0,u3c},1},where u1c=(λ2λ3)En1, u2c=(λ4λ3)I2n2, and u3c=(λ3λ5)I1n3. Hence, the optimal solution is ui={0,ifuic0,uic,if0<uic<1,1,ifuic1,where i = 1, 2, 3.


According to the existence of optimal control solutions based on the Pontryagin's Maximum Principle, we derive the differential equation system of the Hamiltonia function H as follows {dλ1dt=HS=λ1(βϵE+βI2+μ)λ2(βϵE+βI2),dλ2dt=HE=m1+λ1βϵSλ2(βϵS(α+μ)u1(t))λ3(pα+u1(t))λ4(1p)α,dλ3dt=HI1=m2+λ3(μ+ξ+γ+u3(t))λ5(ξ+u3(t))λ6γ,dλ4dt=HI2=m3+λ1βSλ2βSλ3(δ+u2(t))+λ4(δ+γ+μ+u2(t))λ6γ,dλ5dt=HT=λ5(η+μ)λ6η,dλ6dt=HA=λ6(μ0+μ),and λi(tf)=0, i=1,2,,6.

Next, for the control variables u1, u2, and u3 in the control set Ω, we derive the partial derivatives of the Hamiltonian function with respect to u1, u2, and u3 as follows Hu1=n1u1(t)+(λ3λ2)E,Hu2=n2u2(t)+(λ3λ4)I2,Hu3=n3u3(t)+(λ5λ3)I1.Let Hu1=0, Hu2=0, and Hu3=0, we obtain {u1(t)=(λ2λ3)En1,u2(t)=(λ4λ3)I2n2,u3(t)=(λ3λ5)I1n3.Since the control variable 0ui1,i=1,2,3, the optimal controls are {u1(t)=min{max{0,(λ2λ3)En1},1}u2(t)=min{max{0,(λ4λ3)I2n2},1}u3(t)=min{max{0,(λ3λ5)I1n3},1}.

Next, we show that the solutions of Model (Equation6) satisfying initial condition (Equation7) are bounded by applying the method in [Citation12,Citation36].

Theorem 3.3

The corresponding absolutely continuous solution (S(t),E(t),I1(t),I2(t),T(t),A(t)) to Model (Equation6) is defined on the entire interval [0,tf] for any admissible controls (u1(t),u2(t),u3(t)). The state variables S(t),E(t),I1(t),I2(t),T(t),A(t) satisfy the following inequalities 0S(t)Λμ,0E(t)Λμ,0I1(t)Λμ,0I2(t)Λμ,0T(t)Λμ,0A(t)Λμ.


We assume that the solution (S(t),E(t),I1(t),I2(t),T(t),A(t)) of Model (Equation6) is defined in the interval [0,t), which is the maximum interval of existence. Without loss of generality, we assume that ttf. According to Model (Equation6) and the conditions 0ui1, i = 1, 2, 3, the nonnegativity of the solutions (S(t),E(t),I1(t),I2(t),T(t),A(t)) is verified in Lemma 2.2. Simultaneously, we obtain the upper bound of the solution of Model (Equation6) by Lemma 2.2, that is, 0S(t),E(t),I1(t),I2(t),T(t),A(t)Λμ.Therefore, the solutions of Model (Equation6) satisfying initial condition (Equation7) are bounded.

Next, we apply the method in [Citation35] to prove the uniqueness of optimal control.

Theorem 3.4

The solution of the optimal system (Equation6) is unique for sufficiently small interval [t0,tf].


We suppose that (S,E,I1,I2,T,A,λ1,λ2,λ3,λ4,λ5,λ6) and (S¯,E¯,I1¯,I2¯,T¯,A¯,λ¯1,λ¯2,λ¯3,λ¯4,λ¯5,λ¯6) are two solutions of models (Equation6) and (Equation9). Let S=eθtp1, E=eθtp2, I1=eθtp3, I2=eθtp4, T=eθtp5, A=eθtp6, λ1=eθtq1, λ2=eθtq2, λ3=eθtq3, λ4=eθtq4, λ5=eθtq5, λ6=eθtq6, S¯=eθtp¯1, E¯=eθtp¯2, I1¯=eθtp¯3, I2¯=eθtp¯4, T¯=eθtp¯5, A¯=eθtp¯6, λ¯1=eθtq¯1, λ¯2=eθtq¯2, λ¯3=eθtq¯3, λ¯4=eθtq¯4, λ¯5=eθtq¯5, and λ¯6=eθtq¯6, where θ>0 is to be determined. pi, qi, p¯i, and q¯i (i=1,2,,6) are variables with respect to t.

Moreover, we have u1(t)=min{max{0,(q2q3)p2n1},1}u2(t)=min{max{0,(q4q3)p4n2},1}u3(t)=min{max{0,(q3q5)p3n3},1}and u1¯(t)=min{max{0,(q2¯q¯3)p¯2n1},1}u2¯(t)=min{max{0,(q¯4q¯3)p¯4n2},1}u3¯(t)=min{max{0,(q¯3q¯5)p¯3n3},1}.Next, we substitute the values of S,E,I1,I2,T,A,λ1,λ2,λ3,λ4,λ5,λ6 into Equations (Equation6) and (Equation9). Then, we have p1+θp1=Λeθt(βϵp2+βp4)p1eθtμp1,p2+θp2=(βϵp2+βp4)p1eθt(α+μ)p2(q2q3)p2n1p2,p3+θp3=pαp2+δp4(μ+ξ+γ)p3+(q2q3)p2n1p2+(q4q3)p4n2p4(q3q5)p3n1p3,p4+θp4=(1p)αp2(δ+γ+μ)p4(q4q3)p4n2p4,p5+θp5=ξp3(η+μ)p5+(q3q5)p3n1p3,p6+θp6=γp3+γp4+ηp5μ0p6μp6,q1θq1=q1(βϵp2eθt+βp4eθt+μ)q2eθt(βϵp2+βp4),q2θq2=m1eθt+q1p1βϵeθtq2(βϵp1eθt(α+μ)(q2q3)p2n1p2)q3(pα+(q2q3)p2n1p2)q4(1p)α,q3θq3=m2eθt+q3(μ+ξ+γ+(q3q5)p3n1p3)q5(ξ+(q3q5)p3n1p3)q6γ,q4θq4=m3eθtq3(δ+(q4q3)p4n2p4)+q4(δ+γ+μ++(q4q3)p4n2p4)q6γ,q5θq5=q5(η+μ)q6η,q6θq6=q6(μ0+μ).The equations for S and S¯, E and E¯, I1 and I1¯, I2 and I2¯, T and T¯, A and A¯ are subtracted. Each equation is multiplied by an appropriate function and integrated from t0 to tf. Thus, t0tf(u1u1¯)2dtB1e2θtft0tf[|p2p¯2|2+|q2q¯2|2+|q3q¯3|2]dt,t0tf(u2u2¯)2dtB2e2θtft0tf[|p4p¯4|2+|q3q¯3|2+|q4q¯4|2]dt,t0tf(u3u3¯)2dtB3e2θtft0tf[|p3p¯3|2+|q3q¯3|2+|q5q¯5|2]dt,where B1, B2, and B3 are constants.

Therefore, we obtain 12(p1p¯1)2(tf)+θt0tf|p1p¯1|2dtβϵeθtft0tf[|p1p¯1|2+|p2p¯2|2]dt+βeθtft0tf[|p1p¯1|2+|p4p¯4|2]dt+μt0tf|p1p¯1|2dt,and 12(q1q¯1)2(tf)+θt0tf|q1q¯1|2dtβϵe2θtft0tf[|p2p¯2|2+|q1q¯1|2]dt+βe2θtft0tf[|p4p¯4|2+|q1q¯1|2]dt+βϵe2θtft0tf[|p2p¯2|2+|q2q¯2|2]dt+βe2θtft0tf[|p4p¯4|2+|q2q¯2|2]dt+μeθtft0tf[|p1p¯1|2+|q1q¯1|2]dt.Similarly, we derive the inequalities for p2 and p¯2, p3 and p¯3, p4 and p¯4, p5 and p¯5, p6 and p¯6, q2 and q¯2, q3 and q¯3, q4 and q¯4, q5 and q¯5, q6 and q¯6. Adding all the inequalities, we have 12[(p1p¯1)2(tf)+(p2p¯2)2(tf)+(p3p¯3)2(tf)+(p4p¯4)2(tf)+(p5p¯5)2(tf)+(p6p¯6)2(tf)+(q1q¯1)2(t0)+(q2q¯2)2(t0)+(q3q¯3)2(t0)+(q4q¯4)2(t0)+(q5q¯5)2(t0)+(q6q¯6)2(t0)]+θt0tf[|p1p¯1|2+|p2p¯2|2+|p3p¯3|2+|p4p¯4|2+|p5p¯5|2+|p6p¯6|2+|q1q¯1|2+|q2q¯2|2+|q3q¯3|2+|q4q¯4|2+|q5q¯5|2+|q6q¯6|2]dt(K~1+K~2e3θtf)t0tf[|p1p¯1|2+|p2p¯2|2+|p3p¯3|2+|p4p¯4|2+|p5p¯5|2+|p6p¯6|2+|q1q¯1|2+|q2q¯2|2+|q3q¯3|2+|q4q¯4|2+|q5q¯5|2+|q6q¯6|2]dt.From the above equation, we have (θK~1K~2e3θtf)t0tf[|p1p¯1|2+|p2p¯2|2+|p3p¯3|2+|p4p¯4|2+|p5p¯5|2+|p6p¯6|2+|q1q¯1|2+|q2q¯2|2+|q3q¯3|2+|q4q¯4|2+|q5q¯5|2+|q6q¯6|2]dt0,where K~1 and K~2 depend on the coefficients and the bounds on pi and qi, i=1,2,6.

We choose θ such that θ>K~1+K~2 and tf<13θln(θK~1K~2), then p1=p¯1, p2=p¯2, p3=p¯3, p4=p¯4, p5=p¯5, p6=p¯6, q1=q¯1, q2=q¯2, q3=q¯3, q4=q¯4, q5=q¯5, q6=q¯6. Therefore, Model (Equation6) has a unique optimal solution within a small time interval.

3.2. Numerical simulations

In order to illustrate the feasibility of the theoretical results and the control strategies, numerical simulations are carried out to study the influence of the optimal control strategy on the transmission of HIV.

The weights of state variables and control variables in the Hamiltonian function are set as m1=20, m2=30, m3=30, n1=45, n2=25, and n3=10. Based on the three control variables, u1(t), u2(t), and u3(t), we propose the following four control strategies.

To compare the control effect after implementing the control strategies, we first simulate the number of infected individuals without control as shown in Figure . The infected individuals include latent, aware, and unaware infected individuals. Figure  shows that the number of infected individuals increases from 2002 to 2014, then decreases from 2015 to 2030. By the end of 2030, the number of infected individuals is 45905000. Next, we explore the impact of control strategies on HIV transmission.

Figure 11. The number of infected individuals when u1=0, u2=0, and u3=0.

Figure 11. The number of infected individuals when u1=0, u2=0, and u3=0.

Strategy 1: A combination of screening for latent individuals u1(t) and education for unaware infected individuals u2(t) is applied. In other words, u10, u20, and u3=0. Then, we optimize the function J in Equation (Equation8).

Figure (a) shows the effects of control strategies u1 and u2 over time. Controls u1 and u2 maintain their maximum values for the first four months and five months, respectively. Then, u1 remains constant at the value of 0.95 until 2009. From 2010, control u1 begins to decrease slowly. From May 2002 to January 2030, the control u2 remains constant at the value of 0.95, then slowly decreases to zero. Figure (b) shows the effect of controls u1 and u2 on the number of infected individuals. Comparing with the case without control strategies (see Figure ), implementing controls u1 and u2 can significantly reduce the number of infected individuals. In particular, HIV can be eradicated in 2003.

Figure 12. The impacts of implementing control Strategies 1. (a) The optimal control solutions u1 and u2. (b) The size of E,I1, and I2 under the controls of u1 and u2.

Figure 12. The impacts of implementing control Strategies 1. (a) The optimal control solutions u1 and u2. (b) The size of E,I1, and I2 under the controls of u1 and u2.

Strategy 2: A combination of screening for latent individuals u1(t) and treatments for aware infected individuals u3(t) is considered. In other words, u10, u30, and u2=0. Then, we optimize the cost function J in Equation (Equation8) to analyse the control effects.

Figure (a) shows the effects of controls u1 and u3 over time. As shown in the figure, controls u1 and u3 are at the maximum control level of 100% for 37 months, then these control measures gradually decrease until reaching 95%. Eventually, the controls u1 and u3 decrease to zero. Figure (b) illustrates the effect of controls u1 and u3 on the number of infected individuals. Compared with the case without control strategies, applying controls u1 and u3 could reduce the total number of latent, aware, and unaware infected individuals. In addition, we find that the combined use of controls u1 and u3 could eradicate HIV in 2020. Therefore, optimal control effects can be achieved by screening latent infection individuals and treating the infected individuals during a long period. Then, we can control the spread of HIV by improving the awareness and increasing the opportunities of being treated.

Figure 13. The impacts of implementing control Strategies 2. (a) The optimal control solutions u1 and u3. (b) The total size of E,I1, and I2 under the controls of u1 and u3.

Figure 13. The impacts of implementing control Strategies 2. (a) The optimal control solutions u1 and u3. (b) The total size of E,I1, and I2 under the controls of u1 and u3.

Strategy 3: A combination of education for infected individuals u2(t) and treatment for aware infected individuals u3(t) is considered. In other words, u1=0, u20, and u30. Then, we optimize the cost function J in Equation (Equation8) to analyse the control effect as follows.

Figure (a) shows the effects of control strategies u2 and u3. At the early stage, the controls u2 and u3 are at the maximum control level of 100% for 19 months and 23 months, respectively. Then, the two control strategies keep at 95%, and eventually decrease to zero. Figure (b) indicates the effect of controls u2 and u3 on the number of infected individuals. The results show that under the controls u2 and u3, the total numbers of latent, aware, and unaware infected individuals greatly decrease compared with the case without control (see Figure ). Moreover, we find that HIV is eradicated in 2005 when the controls u2 and u3 are implemented. This indicates that these controls are very effective to mitigate HIV transmission.

Figure 14. The impacts of implementing control Strategies 3. (a) The optimal control solutions u2 and u3. (b) The total size of E,I1, and I2 under the controls of u2 and u3.

Figure 14. The impacts of implementing control Strategies 3. (a) The optimal control solutions u2 and u3. (b) The total size of E,I1, and I2 under the controls of u2 and u3.

Strategy 4: A combination of screening u1(t), education for aware infected individuals u2(t) and treatment for aware infected individuals u3(t) is considered. In other words, u10, u20, u30. Then, we optimize the cost function J in Equation (Equation8) to analyse the control effect.

Figure  indicates the change of the number of infected individuals when three controls are implemented together. In Figure (a), the controls u1, u2, and u3 achieve the maximum control level of 100% and last for about four, five, and seven months, respectively. Then, control u1 decreases to 95% level until 2011 and slowly decreases to zero in 2030. For control u2, it has maintained a 95% control level from August 2002 to February 2029, then slowly reduces to zero. However, the control strength of control u3 first decreases and increases from August 2002 to May 2005. Then, control u3 slowly reduces to zero in 2030. Figure (b) shows the effect of controls u1, u2, and u3 on the number of infected individuals. The results show that compared with the case without control strategies (see Figure ), controls u1, u2, and u3 can reduce the total numbers of latent, aware, and unaware infected individuals. It means that under the control strategies, more infected individuals receive treatments, and more latent and unaware infected individuals become aware.

Figure 15. The impacts of implementing control Strategies 4. (a) The optimal control solutions u1, u2, and u3. (b) The total size of E,I1, and I2 under the control of u1, u2, and u3.

Figure 15. The impacts of implementing control Strategies 4. (a) The optimal control solutions u1, u2, and u3. (b) The total size of E,I1, and I2 under the control of u1, u2, and u3.

Further, we compare the impact of four control strategies on the number of infected individuals, that is, latent, aware, and unaware infected individuals as shown in Figure . We find that Strategy 4: u10, u20, u30 is the most efficient. This is because Strategy 4 can eradicate HIV in the shortest time (about 1.5 years). Other strategies need take more time to achieve the same control effect. To judge whether the four control strategies can achieve the three goals of 90% reduction and eradicate AIDS by 2030 proposed by the UNAIDS, we summarize the control results in Table . Table  indicates that four control strategies can achieve the control objectives proposed by the UNAIDS.

Figure 16. The impact of different control strategies on the number of infected individuals.

Figure 16. The impact of different control strategies on the number of infected individuals.

Next, we study the influence of control weights on Strategy 4. We compare the optimal control curves and the numbers of infected individuals with n1=50, n1=100, and n1=150 when n2=25 and n3=10. In Figure , with the increase of n1, the duration of the maximum control level of u1 becomes shorter, while the duration of the maximum control levels of u2 and u3 becomes longer. When n1=50, the controls u1, u2, and u3 reach the 100% control level at the early stage and last for about four, five, and seven months, respectively, then the control levels reduce to 95% as shown in Figure (a). The control u1 starts to slowly decrease to zero from 2011. The control level of control u2 remains at 95% level from June 2002 to March 2030, then the control level gradually decreases to zero. The control u3 first decreases, then increases from August 2002 to May 2005. Then, control u3 slowly reduces to zero in 2030. In Figure (b), when n1=100, the controls u1, u2, and u3 reach the 100% control level at the early stage and last for about three, five, and seven months, respectively. Then, the controls u1, u2, and u3 maintain 95% control level until 2008, 2030, and 2009, respectively, after which they slowly decrease to zero. In Figure (c), when n1=150, the controls u1, u2, and u3 reach the 100% control level and last for about three, five, and seven months, respectively. Then, the controls u1, u2, and u3 maintain 95% control level until 2008, 2030, and 2009, respectively, after which they slowly decrease to zero. In addition, we explore the effect of different n1 values on the number of infected individuals. Figure (d) shows that the smaller the weight n1, the earlier the HIV eradication can be achieved.

Figure 17. Impact of changes on the cost weight of control u1(t), n1, on control strategies and the number of infected individuals. (a) Weight: n1=50,n2=25,n3=75. (b) Weight: n1=100,n2=25,n3=10. (c) Weight: n1=150,n2=25,n3=10. (d) The number of infected individuals under different cost weights of n1.

Figure 17. Impact of changes on the cost weight of control u1(t), n1, on control strategies and the number of infected individuals. (a) Weight: n1=50,n2=25,n3=75. (b) Weight: n1=100,n2=25,n3=10. (c) Weight: n1=150,n2=25,n3=10. (d) The number of infected individuals under different cost weights of n1.

The effect of weight n2 on the control curves and the number of infected individuals with n2=20, n2=100, and n2=180 is shown in Figure . With the increase of the weight n2, the maximum control level of control u2 decreases gradually. In Figure (a), when n2=20, the controls u1, u2, and u3 reach the 100% control level and last for about four, five, and seven months, respectively. After the maximum control level, the control u1 starts to decrease slowly after eight years of implementing the control level of 95%, the control u2 maintains a control level of 95% all the time, while the control u3 first decreases in July 2002 and increases in August 2002, then gradually decrease after June 2004. In Figure (b), when n2=100, the controls u1, u2, and u3 reach the 100% control level at the early stage and last for about four, three, and seven months, respectively. Then, the controls u1, u2, and u3 maintain 95% control level until 2024, 2016, and 2013, respectively, after which they slowly decrease to zero. In Figure (c), when n2=180, the controls u1, u2, and u3 reach the 100% control level and last for about four, two, and seven months, respectively. Then, the controls u1, u2, and u3 maintain 95% control level until 2029, 2015, and 2022, respectively, after which they slowly decrease to zero. Moreover, we explore the effect of different values of n2 on the number of infected individuals. Figure (d) illustrates that the smaller the weight n2, the better control effect.

Figure 18. Impact of changes on the cost weight of control u2(t), n2, on control strategies and the number of infected individuals. (a) Weight: n1=45,n2=20,n3=10. (b) Weight: n1=45,n2=100,n3=10. (c) Weight: n1=45,n2=180,n3=10. (d) The number of infected individuals under different cost weights of n2.

Figure 18. Impact of changes on the cost weight of control u2(t), n2, on control strategies and the number of infected individuals. (a) Weight: n1=45,n2=20,n3=10. (b) Weight: n1=45,n2=100,n3=10. (c) Weight: n1=45,n2=180,n3=10. (d) The number of infected individuals under different cost weights of n2.

In addition, we explored the effect of different values of n3 on the control strategies and the number of infected individuals. Here, we explore the cases of n3=4, n3=8, and n3=12, respectively. Figure  shows that with the increase of the weight n3, the maximum control level of control strategy u3 decreases gradually. In Figure (a), when n3=4, the controls u1, u2, and u3 reach the 100% control level at the early stage and last for about four, five, and eight months, respectively. Then, the controls u1, u2, and u3 maintain 95% control level until 2010, 2029, and 2014, respectively, after which they slowly decrease to zero. Figure (b) shows that when n3=8, the controls u1, u2, and u3 reach the 100% control level at the early stage and last for about four, five, and seven months, respectively. Then, the controls u1 and u2 maintain 95% control level until 2010 and 2029, respectively, after which they slowly decrease to zero. For control u3, it decreases from the maximum control level to 70.7%, then starts to gradually increase to 95% in October 2002. After 43 months, control u3 begins to decrease. Figure (c) shows that when n3=12, the controls u1, u2, and u3 reach the 100% control level and last for about four, five, and seven months, respectively. Then, the controls u1 and u2 maintain 95% control level until 2011 and 2029, respectively, after which they slowly decrease to zero. After the maximum control level, the control u1 starts to decrease slowly after nine years of implementing the control level of 95%, the control u2 maintains the control level of 95% all the time, while the control u3 first decreases in July 2002 and increases in September 2003, then gradually decreases after November 2005. At last, we explore the effect of different n3 values on the number of infected individuals as shown in Figure (d). We find that the smaller the weight n3, the better control effect.

Figure 19. Impact of changes on the cost weight of control u3(t), n3, on control strategies and the number of infected individuals. (a) Weight: n1=45,n2=20,n3=4. (b) Weight: n1=45,n2=20,n3=8. (c) Weight: n1=45,n2=20,n3=12. (d) The number of infected individuals under different cost weights of n3.

Figure 19. Impact of changes on the cost weight of control u3(t), n3, on control strategies and the number of infected individuals. (a) Weight: n1=45,n2=20,n3=4. (b) Weight: n1=45,n2=20,n3=8. (c) Weight: n1=45,n2=20,n3=12. (d) The number of infected individuals under different cost weights of n3.

In summary, as the weight n1 increases, the control level of u1 gradually decreases. At the same time, the control levels of u2 and u3 also decrease. As the weight n2 increases, the control level of u2 gradually decreases, and the control levels of u1 and u3 decrease. As the weight n3 increases, the control level of u3 gradually decreases, and the control levels of u1 and u2 decrease.

3.3. Efficiency analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis

Although all four control strategies can achieve the control objectives proposed by the UNAIDS, we also need to consider the corresponding efficiency and costs. Therefore, we explore the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of four control strategies in this section.

First, we perform the efficacy analysis using the method in references [Citation12,Citation27,Citation47]. The efficiency index is defined as Σ=(1ΩcΩs)×100%,where Ωc is the cumulative number of infected individuals when different control strategies are implemented and Ωs is the cumulative number of infected individuals in absence of any control strategies. The cumulative number of infected individuals during the time interval [0,tf] is denoted by Ω=0tf[E(t)+I1(t)+I2(t)]dt,where tf indicates the end time of the implementation controls. In this subsection, tf equals to 29 years.

The best strategy has the biggest efficiency index [Citation1,Citation5]. It can be seen from Table  that the effective indexes of four control strategies. The effective indexes show that Strategies 1, 2, 3, and 4 are effective to mitigate HIV transmission, but the most effective control strategy is Strategy 4. Next, we explore the costs of four control strategies.

Table 3. Indices for the effectivenesses of control strategies.

Table 4. Comparison of impacts of four strategies by 2020.

The total costs is Costs=0tf[n12u12(t)+n22u22(t)+n32u32(t)]dt, where n1=45, n2=25, n3=10, and tf=29. The total costs of different control strategies as shown in Table . The result shows that Strategy 1 is the most cost-effective. However, the most expensive strategy is Strategy 3, since its cost is 4.3 times as that of Strategy 1. This may be because the control of screening latent individuals is not included in Strategy 3, it takes a long time to implement the control to achieve the control goal. Since the strategies that include control of screening latent individuals can end the epidemic in a relatively short time, the cost is relatively low.

4. Discussion and conclusion

This work analyses the spread of HIV via a mathematical model incorporating susceptible individuals, latent individuals, unaware infected individuals, aware infected individuals, infected individuals receiving ART treatment, and AIDS individuals. Based on the model, we carry out theoretical analysis and numerical simulations. The theoretical analysis shows that when R0<1, the disease free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable, and the disease gradually dies out. When R0>1, the endemic equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable, and the disease spreads. We obtain the parameter values by the MCMC method. Through numerical simulations, we verify the stability of the disease free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium. We further analyse the effects of a single measure and multiple measures on disease transmission. Compared with a single measure, multiple measures can control the transmission of disease more effectively.

We incorporate mitigation strategies, including treating aware infected individuals, screening latent individuals, and educating unaware individuals into the model. We apply Pontryagin's Maximum Principle to derive optimal control strategies. The results show that the optimal control strategy is the combination of all three control measures. Since people who receive ART treatments and aware infected individuals are not likely to transmit the infection, the epidemic can be brought under control when more infected individuals are aware of their infection and more people receive ART treatments. When all three control measures are implemented, AIDS can be end in the shortest time. In our study, we find that each of the four different control strategies in this work can achieve the three 90% reduction goals and end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 proposed by the UNAIDS in 2014. Simultaneously, the earlier the control strategies are implemented, the sooner AIDS can be eradicated. Particularly, we find that the proportion of aware infected individuals has an important influence on the transmission of HIV. The greater the proportion of humans who are aware infected, the easier it is to control the spread of HIV. This is because ART therapy can achieve a great reduction in HIV incidence, while more efficient HIV testing is needed [Citation37].

Finally, we analyse the impact of cost changes according to the optimal control strategy. The results show that the number of infected individuals can be greatly reduced when the cost of implementing all control strategies is lower. When more medicines for HIV are covered by medical insurances, more infected individuals can receive treatments [Citation29]. Moreover, we analyse the total costs of control strategies and find that the most cost-effective strategy is a combination of enhanced screening for latent individuals and education for unaware infected. The reason is that the combined implementation of these two control strategies can avoid more infected individuals, which in turn can save the costs for testing and treatment [Citation37]. Therefore, we can mitigate the spread of AIDS by improving medical technology, increasing testing rates, and intensify education for unaware infected individuals.

The duration of AIDS is long, and it is difficult to obtain the number of infected individuals at each stage. Once such data are available, we can evaluate whether the goal of eradicating AIDS can be achieved by 2030 more accurately. Moreover, the model can be applied to study many other diseases with similar transmission mechanisms, such as COVID-19, Syphilis, and hepatitis B. We did not take into account detection rate and the effect of HIV co-infection with other diseases on HIV transmission in this work. In future work, we will study the effects of the detection rate and the co-infection of HIV with other diseases, and discuss whether the eradication of AIDS can be achieved earlier once an effective vaccine is available.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


LX is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant number 12171116] and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China [grant numbers 3072020CFT2402 and 3072022TS2404]. WS is funded by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China [grant number 3072021CFP2401].


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