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Conflict in Yemen and its impacts on China’s interests in the region

Pages 231-249 | Published online: 18 Oct 2023


The conflict in Yemen, which has been going on for 8 years, has great repercussions for Yemen and the entire region. Yemen’s strategic position has made it a key player in a crucial area that influences energy supplies, and international shipping routes, as well as a point of contact between Asia, Africa, and Europe. China, the area’s greatest economic partner and largest importer of oil, was one of those affected, particularly with the announcement of the Chinese BRI and its massive projects in the region. The prolonged conflict in Yemen has hampered Chinese investments and the construction of several key and strategic BRI projects in Yemen, as well as jeopardising many of its mega projects in the region. It also posed a new threat to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden’s sea routes, as well as the establishment of new military bases in strategic areas capable of controlling international trade routes and intensifying military rivalry in the region.

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