CrossRef citations to date

The politics of the unseen: speculative, pragmatic and nihilist hope in the anthropocene


  • Adorno, T. [1966] 2007. Negative dialectics. New York: Continuum.
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  • Bennett, J. 2010. Vibrant matter: A political ecology of things. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
  • Bird Rose, D. 2011. Wild dog dreaming: Love and extinction. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
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  • Brown, J. 2021. Black utopias: Speculative life and the music of other worlds. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
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  • Colebrook, C. 2020. What would you do (and who would you kill) In order to save the world? Dialectical resilience. In Resilience in the anthropocene: Governance and politics at the end of the world, eds. D. Chandler, K. Grove, and S. Wakefield, 179–99. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Connolly, W.E. 2011. A world of becoming. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
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  • Pugh, J., and D. Chandler. 2023. The world as abyss: The Caribbean and critical thought in the anthropocene. London: University of Westminster Press.
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  • VerCetty, Q. 2020. Building the X variable: Artivism with afrofuturism. In Space-time collapse II: Community futurisms, ed. R. Phillips, 133–51. Philadelphia, PA: AfroFuturist Affair/House of Future Sciences Books.
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  • Walcott, R. 2021. The long emancipation: Moving toward black freedom. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
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  • Womack, Y. 2016. Thoughts on navigating the time warp of horrors and riding the DNA strands of resilience. In Space-Time collapse I: From the Congo to the carolinas, ed. R. Phillips, 55–64. Philadelphia, PA: AfroFuturist Affair/House of Future Sciences Books.
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