Special issues

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(Dis)Placing the Centre: Pilgrimage in a Mobile World
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2007 pages 321-487
Translocal Subjectivities: Mobility, Connection, Emotion
Volume 2, Issue 2, 2007 pages 167-319

Special issue information

Special Issues

Mobilities welcomes proposals for special issues. The deadlines for proposals is 30 June each year. Please note that Mobilities receives more proposals than we have space for and competition is fierce. Special Issue proposals should be sent direct to [email protected]. Please do not submit special issue proposals through the online submission system at this stage. Special issue proposals received during the year will be acknowledged and considered by the Editors in July/August following the deadline when all proposals will be examined for publication.

For each special issue:

  1. We recommend that you consult the journal’s Aims and Scope to ensure that this journal is a good fit for your proposed Special Issue. Specifically, this is a journal of largely qualitative social science focused on the ‘mobilities’ turn, and we will not consider proposals that are focused on questions of the engineering or technical aspects of mobility systems or transport studies.

  2. We require a working title, short details of each author and the special issue editors, article abstracts, keywords and details of how these articles are tied together relating to the Mobilities literature;

  3. Special Issue Editor(s) should commission, edit papers and produce an introduction.

    The special issue should be delivered to Mobilities only after the Special Issue Editor(s) have completed their own internal review of the articles;
  4. Special issues should be around 75 - 90,000 words and made up of 5-8 articles.

  5. Please refer to our Instructions for Authors for layout, in particular our referencing style etc.

  6. If the special issue is commissioned for publication the Managing Editor (Pennie Drinkall) will agree an estimated publication date, nominate a Mobilities Editor and draw up a timetable;
  7. It is the responsibility of the Special Issue Editors to appoint an external referee or referees to undertake the 'blind' review of the issue. Mobilities journal will appoint their own internal referee;

  8. The Mobilities Editors, on the basis of those assessments, will approve all or some of the issue;

  9. The Mobilities Editors reserve the right to make the topic a section rather than a whole issue;

  10. Upon receipt of the referees' report the Managing Editor will send the comments and date for return direct to the corresponding Special Issue Editor and the Mobilities Editor. The Managing Editor will also forward copies of the reports to both referees.