Editorial board

Founding Editor Susan Hayward

Chief General Editors

Mary Harrod
University of Warwick, UK (August 2020-)
[email protected]

Ginette Vincendeau
King's College London, UK (August 2020-)
[email protected]

General Editors

Jamil Jean-Marc Dakhlia
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, France
[email protected]

Julia Dobson
University of Manchester, UK
[email protected]

Douglas Morrey
University of Warwick, UK
[email protected]

Kate Ince
University of Birmingham, UK
[email protected]

Martin O‘Shaughnessy
Nottingham Trent University, UK
[email protected]

James S. Williams
Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
[email protected]

Editorial Board

Richard Abel, University of Michigan, US
Dudley Andrew, Yale University, US
Zélie Asava, Independent Scholar, Ireland
Martine Beugnet, Université Paris Diderot, France
Marjolaine Boutet, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France
Sarah Cooper, King's College London, UK
Laurent Creton, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, France
Elizabeth Ezra, University of Stirling, UK
Greg Hainge, University of Queensland, Australia
Sue Harris, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Raphaëlle Moine, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, France
Charles O'Brien, Carleton University, Canada
David Pettersen, University of Pittsburgh, US
Phil Powrie, University of Surrey, UK
Geneviève Sellier, Université de Bordeaux, France
Alison Smith, University of Liverpool, UK
Emma Wilson, University of Cambridge, UK
Michael Witt, Roehampton University, UK