Editorial board

David Smith - University of Birmingham,  UK (Biological Fluid Dynamics; Endocrinology; Spectroscopy)

Section Editors
Rachele Allena - Université Côte d'Azur, France (Mechanobiology and Computational Mechanics)
Alex Fletcher -  University of Sheffield, UK (Stem Cell and Developmental Biology)
Cang Hui - Stellenbosch University, South Africa (Ecology and Evolution)
Kenta Ishimoto - Research Institute for Mathematics Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan (Cell Motility)
Maia Martcheva - University of Florida, USA (Epidemiology)
Rachel Nicks - University of Nottingham, UK (Mathematical Neuroscience and Nonlinear Dynamics)
Ean Hin Ooi - Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia (Computational Modelling and Simulation) 
Gibin Powathil - University of Swansea, UK (Cancer Modelling)
Zoi Rapti - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA (Infectious Disease Modelling)
Peter Stewart - University of Glasgow, UK (Biological Mechanics)
Marcus Tindall - University of Reading, UK (Quantitative Systems Pharmacology)
Kirsty Wan - University of Exeter, UK (Cellular Biophysics; Cilia and Human Disease; Image Analysis)

Associate Editors
Dean Chou - National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Sunny Kumar Sharma - Manipal Institute of Technology Bengaluru, India

Communications Editor: 
Sebastian GilbertUniversity of Birmingham, UK