Aims and scope

This title has ceased 2015

Editors’ Bulletin was published as a forum for best practice on journal management, shared experiences from journal Editors, updates on initiatives which will further enhance your journal, industry news and an insight into the global team who publish your journals at Taylor & Francis and Routledge. You can now find information on these topics at our Editors’ Resources website.

"This e-mail is just to inform you that I appreciate the recently launched Editors’ Bulletin very much. It is a timely, informative and very useful initiative."
- Jan J. Boersema, Editor, Environmental Sciences

"Just received your Editors’ Bulletin and appreciated the information contained therein. A pleasant surprise."
- Katrin Maier, Managing Editor, Journal of Children and Poverty

"Many thanks for an excellent resource, which I think is beautifully produced."
- Waseem Alladin, Editor-in-Chief, Counselling Psychology Quarterly

"I find the papers on Impact Factors particularly useful. And congratulations on being the environmental conscience of the publishing industry!"
- Deborah Eade, Editor-in-Chief, Development in Practice

"Thanks so much for this update."
- Gilda Franks, co-Editor-in-Chief, Psychological Perspectives

"...I was pleased to read your report on T&F’s environmental policy."
- Richard Lorch, Editor, Building Research & Information

"Thanks for providing the Editors’ Bulletin to me. As hoped, I have distributed this bulletin to all editorial board members."
- Youlian Hong, Editor-in-Chief, Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal