Aims and scope

From its inception in 1996, the primary aim of the International Review of Public Administration (IRPA) is to provide a comprehensive knowledge of public administration and policy based on high-quality academic research. The journal seeks to promote the dissemination and discussion of academic research and strives to provide a worldwide audience with the opportunity for communication and further understanding on issues of public administration and policy. Moreover, it stimulates research and critical thinking, which can contribute to the quality of government and public services. Its primary target audience is the academic and research community, but it also values practical implications.

IRPA covers a wide array of public administration field, including but not confined to:

  • public management
  • comparative and international administration
  • governance and intersectoral relationships
  • democratic governance and public administration
  • organizational theory and human resource management in the public sector
  • innovation and organizational learning in the public sector
  • public budgeting and finance
  • policy tools and evaluation
  • various fields of public policy (social welfare policy, education policy, health policy, etc.)

As an international journal, IRPA is eager to learn and promote lessons from public administration across the world and encourages cross-national and cross-boundary research. Methodologically, the journal encourages a wide range of social science approaches, including both qualitative and quantitative analysis. It also encourages innovative methodologies as well as interdisciplinary and comparative approaches to the understanding of public administration and policy.

Peer Review Integrity

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double anonymized and submission is via email to [email protected]


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