Aims and scope

This title has ceased (2023). 

Third World Thematics ( TWT) is an online journal publishing special issues in the fields of international relations and development studies, specifically showcasing research on the crucial issues facing the contemporary Global South. TWT presents a broad spectrum of scholarship on the postcolonial world, including the progress of the political economy and development of culture and society, as well as the challenges of inequality, displacement and diaspora, environmental and resource degradation, human and civil rights, war, hunger and disease.

TWT is a sister publication of Third World Quarterly .

Peer review

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the editors, and if found suitable for further consideration, are then subject to double-anonymous peer review by two or more independent anonymous expert reviewers. The journal may occasionally publish shorter Viewpoint pieces; these are submitted by invitation only and are reviewed by the editorial team before publication. All Viewpoint pieces are expressions of the authors' opinion and are clearly labelled as such.