Aims and scope

Cancer Survivorship Research & Care is an online, open access, international journal publishing original research and reviews on all aspects of cancer survivorship. Promoting collaboration across all relevant disciplines, from oncology to psychology and rehabilitation, Cancer Survivorship Research & Care aims to quickly disseminate high quality research on the short- and long-term impact of cancer diagnosis on survivors, interventions aimed to improve outcomes and policy considerations relevant to people affected by cancer and their caregivers.

Topics covered include, but are not limited to:

  • Long-term effects of cancer and its treatments;
  • The psycho-social implications of cancer;
  • The socio-economic implications of cancer including financial toxicity and access to insurance, and disparities in care delivery;
  • Survivorship syndromes including pre-mature ageing and frailty;
  • Survivorship across the ages including: pediatric, adolescent and young adult, and geriatric considerations;
  • Global issues in cancer survivorship;
  • Survivorship care policy;
  • Patient centered care and patient reported data;
  • Patient and caregiver perspectives to increase advocacy and improvements in cancer survivorship care.

The journal accepts the following article types:

  1. Original Research
  2. Reviews (systematic and meta-analyses)
  3. Reports
  4. Editorials
  5. Letters to the Editor
  6. Commentaries
  7. Patient Perspectives
  8. Art of Caring

Cancer Survivorship Research & Care operates a single-anonymous peer review policy. All articles will be made freely and permanently available online through gold open access publication.