Aims and scope

Launched in 1989, Exemplaria publishes papers that reconsider the methods and aims of scholarship on the medieval and early modern periods, broadly conceived. Authors are invited to submit work that promotes the journal’s interpretive aims and moves, engages critical theories, or otherwise seeks to sharpen the edges of current intellectual or literary debates. The editors are committed to a rigorous, productive, and strictly anonymous process of peer review, which is usually completed within three months.

1. Editorial and Advisory Boards: We strive to maintain diverse editorial and advisory boards, with the aim of publishing a journal that not only reflects the current breadth of approaches in our interdisciplinary field, but works to cultivate a widened range of voices and work. We actively seek contributors who are diverse with respect to race, gender, academic position, and academic affiliation. The editorial board is formed via internal nominations for replacement when necessary, typically for five-year individual terms. The advisory board is formed via editorial board nominationsfor replacement at two-year intervals; nominations may also be solicited from current advisory board members . The editorial board reads submissions on a rotating basis, not determined by specialization; all editors participate in all decisions to accept or reject articles. Advisory board members may expect to read up to two submissions per year, depending upon submission topics.

2. Review Process: Exemplaria uses an anonymous review process. The editorial board has a strong responsibility to oversee the review process, preserving anonymity on both sides so that reports may be written freely, as well as ensuring the quality of the reports. While we do not share the identities of reviewers, we may share their areas of expertise in order to situate their reports. Editors reserve the right to make final decisions, seek additional reviews, and decline to share unprofessional reviews with authors. Reviewers may be notified of the outcome of the review process upon request.

3. Evaluative Criteria: Exemplaria seeks to publish articles and review essays that sharpen current intellectual, aesthetic, and cultural debates in medieval and early modern studies. We expect articles to make original contributions, advance the use of theory, and be inclusive and diverse in their citations; we therefore ask reviewers to evaluate essays according to these criteria, stated in our review form. Editors periodically review the content of published volumes and strive to redress omitted or underrepresented voices and work.

Routledge History

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