Aims and scope

This journal has ceased (2018).

International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health
 ( IJOEH) is an authoritative, interdisciplinary resource covering occupational health, environmental health, and consumer health (the aspects of human disease and injury that are determined or influenced by exposure to consumer goods and their components, including pharmaceuticals, food additives, and other purchased products). It publishes original scientific and social scientific research, as well as commentary and analysis in the broad fields of occupational and environmental health.

IJOEH is read by researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and activists in the fields of occupational, environmental, and consumer health. Its international readership extends across disciplines, including epidemiology, occupational and environmental medicine, sociology, toxicology, and related fields.

Peer Review Statement

International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health is an international, ranked, peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research contributions to scientific knowledge.

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees.

All peer review is double blind.