Aims and scope

1. Scope
2. Types of articles
3. London Journal website

1. Scope: The scope of The London Journal is broad, embracing all aspects of metropolitan society past and present, including comparative studies. The Journal is multi-disciplinary and is intended to interest all concerned with the understanding and enrichment of London and Londoners: historians, geographers, literary scholars, economists, sociologists, political scientists, social workers, educationalists, planners, architects, conservationists, archaeologists, and all those taking an interest in the natural environment and in the fine and performing arts in London.

The Journal is eager to foster a more diverse authorship, so submissions from scholars from backgrounds historically underrepresented in academic publications are particularly welcome.

By facilitating Open Access and through advance online publication, we aim to make our content available to a wide audience without delay.

2. Types of articles: We invite individual papers based on original research and proposals for special issues. Articles published in the journal may be of up to 9,000 words (including notes), but

we also invite shorter contributions of topical interest, comment or opinion pieces on London themes, review essays (including reviews of museum and gallery exhibitions and theatrical performances) and individual book reviews. Please contact the Editor or the relevant Review Editor before submitting unsolicited reviews.

For more details of how to submit articles, including information on Open Access, see the Instructions for Authors page.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

3. For more information about the Journal, including on subscriptions, the Editorial Board, The London Journal Trust, the Currier's Prize, and The London Journal Lecture, please see The London Journal Home Page.