Editorial board

Annie Mercier, Memorial University, Canada

Founding Editor:
K.G. Adiyodi

Editor Emeritus:
H. Laufer

Editorial Board:
Alexandre Alié (Institut de la Mer de Villefranche (IMEV), France): Evolution of non-embryonic development (i.e. regeneration and asexual reproduction) in metazoans, using colonial tunicates as a model. Evo-Devo in general, and more specifically the role that stem cells play in the evolution of animal forms.
Maria Byrne (University of Sydney, Australia): Biology of marine and freshwater invertebrates (Echinodermata and Mollusca).
Gary Caldwell (Newcastle University, UK): Invertebrate chemical ecology and ecotoxicology.
Maria Costantini (Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn Napoli, Italy): Secondary metabolites from marine organisms: source of stress and biologically active compounds. Diatom-derived oxylipins on embryonic and larval development from the molecular point of view (urchin).
Kevin Eckelbarger (University of Maine, USA): Ultrastructural features of invertebrate gametogenesis.
Maria João Fernandes Martins (ICArEHB, University of Algarve, Portugal):  Ostracoda; environmental change; reproductive strategies; genomics.
James R. Guest (Newcastle University, UK): Coral reproductive biology, coral reef restoration practices and coral disease.
Katsuyuki Hamasaki (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan): Aquaculture, biogeography, crustaceans, molluscs.
Alan Hodgson (Emeritus Professor, Rhodes University, South Africa): Gametogenesis and gamete structure; molluscan reproduction.
Donna Kashian (Wayne State University, USA): Role of disturbance, including invasive species, climate change, and contaminants, on aquatic communities and ecosystems.
Scott Kight (Montclair State University, USA): Aquatic insect and terrestrial isopod reproduction.
Jose Lino-Neto (Federal University of Vicosa- UFV, Brazil): Reproduction and cell biology in insects (ultrastructure/cytology), immunohistochemistry, Hymenoptera, bees.
Maria Cristina Lorenzi (Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, France): Conflict and cooperation in animals focussing on social insects and hermaphroditic polychaetes.
Midori Matsumoto (Keio University, Japan): Reproductive strategy, switching reproductive mode between asexual and sexual reproduction, fertilization, allo-recognition, germ cell differentiation (planaria/echinoderm).
Paula Pappalardo (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, USA):  Biogeography and evolution of larval development in marine invertebrates – Species diversity and distributions – Meta-analysis in ecology.
Pedro Saucedo (CIBNOR, Mexico): Experience in development and management of aquaculture projects.
Mary Sewell (University of Auckland, New Zealand): Reproduction and development of marine invertebrates (focus on echinoderms).
Christopher Tudge (American University, USA): Reproductive biology of invertebrates. Research focuses on the reproductive cells and associated structures, evolutionary mechanisms and reproductive behaviours of marine decapod crustaceans (can be applied to other related crustacean groups).
Rhian Waller (Dept. of Marine Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden): Invertebrate reproduction and larval development, deep-sea biology, cold-water corals, biogeography, larval dispersal and population connectivity.
Gordon Watson (University of Portsmouth, UK): Environmental and endocrine control of reproduction in marine invertebrates. Marine invertebrate aquaculture.