Society information

The UK Network of Environmental Economists (UKNEE) brings together environmental economists from academia, consultancy, public and private sectors and NGOs to foster closer relationships, follow recent developments and share experience.

UKNEE organises seminars on topical subjects in environmental economics followed by social evenings. And once a year, it hosts envecon: Applied Environmental Economics Conference. Further information on envecon can be found here:

Economists from around the world need to work collaboratively to put economics into good use and UKNEE wishes to play its part in this. This is why although UKNEE is based in the UK, its activities are open to everyone. Its events regularly feature papers and speakers from outside the UK. Such participation is actively encouraged.

Members of UKNEE are eligible to receive online subscription to Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy as part of their membership package as well as free attendance to online envecon and webinars, and having exclusive access to their recordings for the year.