Society information

The Society for Early Modern French Studies brings together scholars and specialists with a particular interest in France in the long seventeenth century, 1580-1740: literature, history, art, music, history of ideas and philosophy. Membership is open to any scholar or member of the public who is a university graduate. Graduate students are particularly welcome. As part of their membership, Members of the Society will receive the December and June issues of the Journal Early Modern French Studies (full subscription cost £139/$225/€165). Members will also receive the call for papers for our annual conference.


If you would like to join the Society for Early Modern French Studies, please make your payment via one of the methods detailed below, and email Joanna Barker, Treasurer & Membership Secretary, at [email protected] giving the following information:
Postal address:
E-mail address:
Membership subscriptions are due on 1st September for the following financial
year. Rates are £40 with a 50% discount for postgraduates.
Methods of payment:
• Standing order or direct bank transfer (For security reasons, our bank details will be made available to individual members upon request. Please email the Membership Secretary if you wish to pay by this method.)
•Paypal (Postgraduates should click on the blue Paypal icon to get the discount).
If you are not able to pay by one of the above methods, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Membership Secretary.

Society Website: