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Sounds like a fight: listeners can infer behavioural contexts from spontaneous nonverbal vocalisations

Pages 277-295 | Received 07 Apr 2022, Accepted 13 Nov 2023, Published online: 24 Nov 2023


When we hear another person laugh or scream, can we tell the kind of situation they are in – for example, whether they are playing or fighting? Nonverbal expressions are theorised to vary systematically across behavioural contexts. Perceivers might be sensitive to these putative systematic mappings and thereby correctly infer contexts from others’ vocalisations. Here, in two pre-registered experiments, we test the prediction that listeners can accurately deduce production contexts (e.g. being tickled, discovering threat) from spontaneous nonverbal vocalisations, like sighs and grunts. In Experiment 1, listeners (total n = 3120) matched 200 nonverbal vocalisations to one of 10 contexts using yes/no response options. Using signal detection analysis, we show that listeners were accurate at matching vocalisations to nine of the contexts. In Experiment 2, listeners (n = 337) categorised the production contexts by selecting from 10 response options in a forced-choice task. By analysing unbiased hit rates, we show that participants categorised all 10 contexts at better-than-chance levels. Together, these results demonstrate that perceivers can infer contexts from nonverbal vocalisations at rates that exceed that of random selection, suggesting that listeners are sensitive to systematic mappings between acoustic structures in vocalisations and behavioural contexts.

When we hear a person scream or laugh, what affective information can we glean from that? One possibility is that we might guess, for instance, that a screaming person is afraid or feeling negative arousal. Such inferences are difficult to confirm since they require an objective way to establish the screaming person’s emotional state (Bryant, Citation2021). In verifying listener’s judgements, researchers have commonly asked expresser to indicate their feelings (e.g. “Which emotion did you feel when you were screaming?”), or to produce vocalisations that correspond to a particular emotion (e.g. “make the kind of sound you would make if you were feeling afraid”). Arguably, neither of these approaches allow for objective inferences about the vocaliser (Bryant, Citation2021). Here, we use an alternative approach that allows for testing objective information regarding the expresser: asking whether listeners are able to infer the specific behavioural context the screaming person is in, like being faced with a threat. This possibility would be consistent with theoretical proposals suggesting that nonverbal expressions primarily function as instrumental actions (Russell, Citation1994). For example, wrinkling the nose blocks off foul odours (Susskind & Anderson, Citation2008), and screams are an effective way to grab others’ attention (Pisanski et al., Citation2022). Observers may then interpret nonverbal expressions as responses to particular types of situations (Scarantino, Citation2017). For instance, we might be able to guess from a person’s wrinkled nose that they just smelled a foul odour. Perceivers would thus be expected to be able to infer information about what is happening in the situation that the expresser is in. In the present study, we test this proposal, focusing on the voice, a phylogenetically ancient channel of nonverbal communication (Darwin, Citation1872; Filippi, Citation2020; Pisanski et al., Citation2016). Specifically, we examine whether listeners accurately infer what type of behavioural context real-world nonverbal vocalisations were produced in.

Information inferred from human nonverbal vocalisations

Human listeners can accurately gauge static features like the sex, body size, and physical strength from nonverbal vocalisations, as well as information about transient states, like the emotions and intentions of the vocalising individual (see Pisanski & Bryant, Citation2019 for a review). Much of what we know about what listeners can infer from vocalisations about transient states comes from studies on the perception of affective information, including discrete emotions and core affect dimensions. Listeners can infer emotions like anger, fear, and interest, as well as arousal and valence dimensions, from decontextualised vocalisations (e.g. Cordaro et al., Citation2016; Cowen et al., Citation2019; Laukka et al., Citation2013; Sauter et al., Citation2010; Sauter & Fischer, Citation2018).

One challenge with perceptual judgments of emotions and affective dimensions from nonverbal expressions is that it is difficult to establish a ground truth, that is, what constitutes a “correct” judgment (Bryant, Citation2021; Russell, Citation1994). In trying to obtain a ground truth, researchers have validated the emotional state of the expresser by using retroactive self-report (e.g. “Which emotion did you feel when you were laughing?”), capturing the subjective state of the vocalising person (Shiota & Keltner, Citation2005). Self-report of emotional states and core affect dimensions, however, relies on the expresser’s understanding of emotion/affect labels, rather than merely reflecting the phenomenological contents of the affective experience itself (Frijda et al., Citation1995). An alternative approach to trying to establish a ground truth is to ask the expresser to imagine a scenario or feeling when they produce a vocalisation to generate performed displays. This approach typically induces low-intensity emotion in the expresser (Laukka, Citation2004), and are constrained by the expresser’s interpretation of the target emotion terms or the experimenter’s selection of the emotion-eliciting scenarios (Bryant, Citation2021). Neither self-report judgments nor posed expressions thus provide a straightforward ground truth against which perceptual judgments can be compared.

In order to overcome these concerns, we need to focus on objective information conveyed by the vocalisations. But what objective information relating to the expresser’s emotional state could be detected by the perceiver from nonverbal expressions? Theorists have suggested that understanding the information inferred by perceivers from nonverbal expressions requires examination of the multi-componential nature of emotional states (Sauter & Russell, Citation2020; Scherer, Citation1984; Citation2005). The perceiver might infer appraisals (i.e. an individual’s subjective evaluation of the emotion-eliciting event), subjective experience (e.g. feeling afraid or amused), a physiological reaction (e.g. being aroused), or instrumental behaviours. Theoretical proposals have suggested that among these components, observers might primarily interpret a nonverbal expression as a part of an instrumental action, providing information about the specific situation the expresser is in (Darwin, Citation1872; Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Citation1973; Fridlund, Citation1994). Listeners might thus be able to identify what is happening in the situation (Russell, Citation1994; Scarantino, Citation2017). For instance, perceivers can infer from raised eyebrows and widened eyes that the expresser is being threatened and therefore adjusting their eyes to allow them to see better; listeners may guess from a growl that the expresser is threatening another: “Step back, or I will attack!” Unlike judgements about emotion labels like anger and fear, or subjective evaluations like appraisals, physical situations involve facts that do not depend on the expresser’s subjective interpretation. For instance, if we hear someone shrieking, we may infer that they are in a situation in which they are being physically threatened. The judgment that the person is being physically threatened is either correct or incorrect. If listeners are consistently accurate in such judgments, that would demonstrate that perceivers can identify what is happening in the situation in which certain nonverbal vocalisations were produced. What would this tell us?

Form-function mapping in nonverbal vocalisations

One guiding principle in understanding the production and perception of nonverbal vocalisations is that the physical structure of vocal signals (i.e. their form) are shaped by their use (i.e. their function). Specific vocal forms are thus connected to their outcomes, that is, their biological and social functions. Such form-function mappings have been instructive for understanding vocal communication in nonhuman animals (Endler, Citation1993; Morton, Citation1977; Owren & Rendall, Citation2001), as well as in humans (Bryant, Citation2013; Bryant & Barrett, Citation2007). For instance, infants from diverse mammal species, including humans, produce high pitched vocalisations with a pronounced frequency modulation pattern for attracting attention and preventing habituation in listeners (Lingle et al., Citation2012; Pisanski et al., Citation2022). Systematicity in associations between forms of vocalisations and specific behavioural contexts in which they are produced might allow listeners to accurately perceive the contexts from vocalisations across societies. For instance, vocal music has been shown to exhibit robust form-function relations which allow listeners to correctly infer which songs are used for different functions, such as soothing babies and healing illnesses (Mehr et al., Citation2018). Building on that work, we here catalogue a wide range of common behavioural contexts in which nonverbal vocalisations were produced, and investigate the form-function of nonverbal vocalisations by examining if listeners are able to infer the behavioural context from vocalisations.

Elements of behavioural contexts

Which situations are likely to produce functional nonverbal vocalisations? Our environment involves a wide array of information, creating almost unlimited number of aspects which might affect our behaviour. An effective method for understanding situations is to look at basic elements which constitute a situation (Neel et al., Citation2020). Rauthmann et al. (Citation2015) have proposed that information in situations can be conveyed at three levels: cues, characteristics, and classes. Cues include physical stimuli like nonverbal vocalisations in the immediate environment. Cues are interpreted by perceivers, a process which yields situation characteristics (i.e. a psychological meaning of situations). For instance, the cue of laughter present in an environment may signify a particular function, namely an intention to affiliate with another person (Wood et al., Citation2017). Together, similar cues and levels of situation characteristics constitute situation classes. For instance, a “play” situation would contain similar cues (e.g. laughs) and situation characteristics (e.g. facilitating mutually beneficial interactions).

Identifying specific behavioural contexts in which nonverbal vocalisations are produced requires an analysis of potential situation classes. One way to catalogue such situations is to leverage existing work on non-human animal behaviour (Neel et al., Citation2020). This work points to situations that are likely to produce functional behaviour across species. Here, we examined ten situation classes that have been shown to serve specific biological and social functions in other primates and mammals: Being attacked by another person, being refused access to food, being separated from mother, being tickled, discovering a large food source, discovering something threatening, eating high value (strongly preferred) food, eating dispreferred food, having sex, threatening an aggressive person or people.

Perception of behavioural contexts from nonverbal vocalisations

Prior research on human listeners’ perception of behavioural contexts from nonverbal vocalisations are limited to investigations of vocalisations produced by infants and non-human animals. This research has shown that listeners can match infant vocalisations to production contexts like requesting food and giving an object (Kersken et al., Citation2017), and parents can infer contexts like interaction with the caregiver (play) and satisfaction after feeding from vocalisations of infants (Lindová et al., Citation2015). Human listeners can also accurately infer situational information from vocalisations of other species, including domestic piglets (Tallet et al., Citation2010), dogs (Pongrácz et al., Citation2005; Silva et al., Citation2021), cats (Nicastro & Owren, Citation2003), macaques (Linnankoski et al., Citation1994), and chimpanzees (Kamiloğlu et al., Citation2020). For instance, listeners can accurately judge from barks whether dogs were alone in a park, playing with their owner, or preparing to go for a walk (Pongrácz et al., Citation2005). Humans thus seem to correctly infer the context of vocalisations from human infants and various species, suggesting the presence of an acoustic form-function relationship in nonverbal vocalisations.

Research on the perception of adult human nonverbal vocalisations has tested listeners’ ability to gauge dimensions like valence and intensity from vocalisations produced in different contexts (Anikin et al., Citation2020; Atias et al., Citation2018), and whether listeners can infer the sex of the expresser and the outcome of a contest (winning vs. losing a match) from grunts produced during tennis matches (Raine et al., Citation2017). However, it is not known to what extent people can accurately perceive the behavioural context itself from nonverbal vocalisations. Investigating this idea allows us to test verifiable inferences of richer information regarding the production context from nonverbal vocalisations, rather than subjectively assessed general emotion states or core affect dimensions. Addressing this question will help elucidate whether there are perceptual mechanisms through which listeners infer instrumental behaviours from nonverbal vocalisations, and may point to form-function relationships in a wide range of human nonverbal vocalisations.

We also sought to test the prediction that accuracy would be higher for vocalisations produced in negative, as compared to positive, contexts. This prediction draws on accounts emphasising the evolutionary significance of negative information in ancestral environments (Cacioppo & Gardner, Citation1999). Failing to infer information from vocalisations that were produced in a negative context may be particularly costly for the perceiver, and survival chances might thus have been helped by the ability to infer contextual information in negative contexts in particular (Nesse, Citation1990). Previous research has consistently found that perceivers are more accurate at inferring affective information (e.g. valence and arousal) from vocalisations produced in negative, as compared to positive contexts (Filippi et al., Citation2017; Scheumann, Hasting, Zimmermann, & Kotz, Citation2017). Moreover, recognising emotions from vocalisations of negative emotions requires less auditory information as compared to vocalisations of positive emotions (Pell & Kotz, Citation2011). We therefore predicted that listeners would be more accurate in inferring behavioural contexts from vocalisations produced in negative, as compared to positive, contexts.

The present study

In two experiments, we tested the prediction that listeners accurately infer in what behavioural context a vocalisation was produced. In Experiment 1b, listeners were asked to decide whether a vocalisation was produced in a particular context or not in a yes/no match-to context task. We predicted that participants would be able to match vocalisations to corresponding behavioural contexts at better-than-chance levels. This simple yes/no task offers a feasible way to conduct an initial test of mappings between vocalisations and behavioural contexts. It does not, however, allow comparisons across different contexts (see Russell, Citation1994). In Experiment 2, participants were therefore asked to make judgments about vocalisations by selecting from 10 context categories on each trial. We predicted that listeners would be able to categorise all behavioural contexts at better-than-chance levels. In both experiments, we also tested the prediction that performance would be better for vocalisations produced in negative as compared to positive contexts. The hypotheses, methods, and data analysis plan were pre-registered on the Open Science Framework before data collection was commenced (Experiment 1b: https://osf.io/v87fg/; Experiment 2: https://osf.io/sefdg).

Experiment 1a: validation of experimental stimuli

Human nonverbal vocalisations

The spontaneous nonverbal vocalisations were collected from www.youtube.com and other online websites. Twenty videos were selected from each of the following behavioural contexts: Eating high value (strongly preferred) food, eating dispreferred food, having sex, discovering a large food source, being tickled, being separated from mother, being refused access to food, being attacked by another person, threatening an aggressive person or people, and discovering something threatening. The first five contexts were considered positive, the other five negative. The behavioural contexts, as well as the valence classifications, were determined by experts in a previous study, based on observations of chimpanzee behaviour, including social exchanges between individuals (see Kamiloğlu et al., Citation2020). In addition to these findings, vocalisations produced in alarm, food-associated, and specific social contexts have been shown to serve specific functions in other primates, mammals, and birds (Clay et al., Citation2015; Price et al., Citation2015; Scarantino & Clay, Citation2015; Townsend & Manser, Citation2013). The behavioural contexts were thus selected to sample a wide range of contexts necessarily entailing different possible functions.

Three naive research assistants searched for videos of the behavioural contexts using relevant search terms. Inclusion of vocalisations was based exclusively on (1) the eliciting situation matching the target behavioural context; (2) the presence of a nonverbal vocalisation that was clearly audible; and (3) only one person vocalising. The research assistants also considered suddenness, clarity, and certainty (see Anikin & Persson, Citation2017): Sudden events offer minimal time for conscious posing or impression management, clear (unambiguous) situations minimise the risk of misunderstanding the target context, and the assistants selected videos that they were maximally certain reflected the target contexts.

A total of 200 vocalisations were collected. Representative vocalisations for each context can be found at https://emotionwaves.github.io/BehaviouralContexts/. For the practice trials, two vocalisations produced during a friendly interaction context were taken from www.findsounds.com. Recordings were digitalised at a 44 kHz sampling rate (16 bit, mono) and normalised for peak amplitude using AudaCity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net). The acoustic characteristics of the recordings were extracted using Praat (Boersma & Weenink, Citation2017); they are illustrated in and can be found in . Details of the recordings can be found in Supplementary Materials Table 1S.

Figure 1. Acoustic characteristics of nonverbal vocalisations produced in 10 behavioural contexts. Acoustic measures are broken down by speaker sex. Min. = minimum, Max. = maximum, SCoG = Spectral center of gravity, dB = decibel, Hz = Hertz, sec = seconds.

Figure 1. Acoustic characteristics of nonverbal vocalisations produced in 10 behavioural contexts. Acoustic measures are broken down by speaker sex. Min. = minimum, Max. = maximum, SCoG = Spectral center of gravity, dB = decibel, Hz = Hertz, sec = seconds.

Table 1. Acoustic characteristics of vocalisations as means per behavioural context with standard deviations in brackets.

Stimuli validation

In order to validate the appropriateness of our experimental stimuli in terms of ensuring an unbiased and representative selection of behavioural contexts, we conducted a validation analysis. This analysis involved two independent judges who were tasked with categorising each video into one of the eight behavioural contexts identified in our main study. Importantly, to ensure an unbiased evaluation, these judges reviewed the videos in a muted state, with the face of the expresser masked. Consequently, their context categorisations were solely reliant on the visual cues present in the broader scene.

We conducted validation analysis with two independent judges. Unfortunately, at the time of this validation study, not all video URLs initially used for stimulus extraction were still active. As a result, we were unable to retrieve and utilise videos from two out of the ten contexts; the validation study was thus conducted with stimuli from eight of the contexts. Links to these videos, along with specific information such as video type, recognition rate per file, speaker ID, gender, age as well as frames per second and duration are provided in Table 2S in the Supplementary Materials.

Results and discussion

The results revealed that judgements on the basis of visual context cues reached 70% accuracy on average. Similar to the listeners’ responses, judges categorised contexts like being tickled with high levels of accuracy (91.18%). The lowest accuracies were obtained for the context of eating preferred food (35%), followed by being refused access to food (50%). Eating dispreferred food (67.65%) and being attacked (72.28%) were recognised with quite high levels of accuracy. Moreover, the judges’ agreement rates with each other largely mirrored the confusion patterns observed in the listeners’ context categorisations in the main study. The judges thus had difficulty agreeing on contexts that listeners struggled to accurately categorise based on vocalisations. Accuracies of the judges and confusions with each other by video context are provided in Figure 1S and 2S in Supplementary Materials.

Experiment 1b: behavioural context matching task

We employed a modified version of the match-to-context task of Kamiloğlu et al. (Citation2020). Each participant was asked to match vocalisations to a single context (“Does this vocalisation match Context A?”) with yes/no response options on each trial.


A total of 3120 participants (1648 women, 1440 men, 20 other, 12 preferred not to say; Mage = 29.32 years, Sdage = 6.82, range = 16-42 years old) were recruited through the online data collection platform Cint (https://www.cint.com). Sample size was predetermined by a power analysis (G*Power 3.1; Faul et al., Citation2007) based on a t-test given power = 0.80, d = 0.2 (Cohen’s d: small effect size), and α = 0.05. This revealed that 156 judgments per behavioural context would be needed to detect a small effect size. Each participant was given a context matching task concerning only one context (“Does this vocalisation match Context A?”) with yes/no response options on each trial. To avoid possible learning effects during the context detection task, each participant was displayed half of the vocalisations from the matching context category. This constitutes one fourth of the vocalisations in each context condition; the other three fourths were from the non-matching categories (see Experimental Procedure). This yielded a total number of 312 participants per context category. Given that we sought to test 10 behavioural contexts, the total sample size was thus set to 3120. All participants reported having normal hearing. The experimental session lasted around 15 minutes, and participation was compensated with a monetary reward. All participants provided digital informed consent before participation and were free to stop at any point during the experiment.

Materials and procedure

Human nonverbal vocalisations

Stimuli collected and validated in Experiment 1a were used in Experiment 1b.

Experimental procedure

The study was run online using the Qualtrics survey tool (Provo, UT). Participants were instructed to complete the experiment in a silent environment and to use headphones during the entire experiment. Before the main experiment, we presented two screening questions in which participants were played a bird sound and a car horn, and were asked to indicate what they heard, with “bird tweet” and “car horn” as response options. The screening questions were used to make sure that participants were paying attention and listening to the stimuli. Only participants who answered both of the screening questions correctly could continue with the experiment. After the screening trials, participants completed two practice trials in which they were asked to indicate whether each of two vocalisations matched the context “friendly interaction with others” by selecting “yes” or “no”. The “friendly interaction with others” context was specific to the practice trials and was not included in the main experiment. During the practice trials, participants were asked to set a comfortable sound level and to then keep it constant for the rest of the study.

After completing the two practice trials, each participant was randomly assigned to one of ten conditions, with each condition focused on one behavioural context. In each condition, participants were asked to give a forced-choice yes/no judgment for each vocalisation, indicating whether they thought it was produced in the target context or not. In total, each participant heard 40 vocalisations. To reduce the risk of learning effects, only a quarter of the stimuli heard by a given participant were from the matching behavioural context. These were a randomly selected subset of the vocalisations from that behavioural context. The other three-fourths of the stimuli were randomly drawn from all of the non-matching behavioural contexts.

The presentation order of vocalisations was randomised for each participant. There were no time constraints, and participants were able to replay each sound as many times as needed to make a judgment for each vocalisation.

Statistical analyses

Outlier detection and statistical analysis were done following the pre-registered plan. A total of thirty-five participants were determined to be outliers because their performance was 3 Sd or more below the context-specific mean recognition level. The number of outliers and total number of participants per behavioural context are reported in Table 3S. Their data was consequently excluded from the dataset before data analysis commenced.

We quantified participants’ ability to match vocalisations to behavioural contexts using the sensitivity index d-prime, which controls for individual biases in the use of a particular response option. D-prime is calculated as z-transformed hit rates minus false alarm rates (Macmillan & Creelman, Citation2004). Hit rates were calculated as the proportion of Yes trials to which participants responded Yes, and false alarm rates as the proportion of No trials responded to as Yes. Hit and false alarm rates with extreme values (i.e. 0 or 1) were adjusted by replacing rates of zero with 0.5/n (0.5/m) and rates of 1 with (n-0.5)/n ([m-0.5]/m), where n (m) is the number of signal (noise) trials (Macmillan & Kaplan, Citation1985). Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests indicated non-normality in the distribution of d-prime scores for all behavioural contexts (ps < 0.001). In order to test whether human listeners performed better than chance in matching vocalisations to behavioural contexts, d-prime scores for each context were therefore tested against chance (random guessing denoted by a d-prime score of zero) using separate Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests. We employed Bonferroni corrected α levels (α = .005). Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests also indicated non-normality in the distribution of d-prime scores for positive and negative contexts (ps < 0.001). In order to test whether listeners performed better for negative than for positive behavioural contexts, Mann–WhitneyFootnote1 test was used to compare the mean accuracy (d-prime scores) for negative vs. positive contexts.

Results and discussion

The results showed that participants were able to accurately match all types of vocalisations to the correct behavioural contexts (ps < 0.001), except for vocalisations produced while eating dispreferred food (see ). Specifically, participants were able to match vocalisations to being attacked by another person, being refused access to food, being separated from mother, being tickled, discovering a large food source, discovering something threatening, eating high value (strongly preferred) food, having sex, and threatening an aggressive person or people. Distribution of the data per behavioural context are shown in (A). We also ran the same analysis without excluding any participants (see the Statistical Analysis section), which did not alter the results, indicating that the exclusion of these participants did not substantially bias our results. Results for the dataset without any data exclusion can be found in Table 4S, and the distribution of data can be found in Figure 3S.

Table 2. D-prime scores indicating participants’ performance in matching vocalisations to behavioural contexts, tested against chance level.

We found that accuracy was not significantly different for vocalisations produced in negative, as compared to positive, contexts (negative: n = 1547, M = 1.44, Sd = 0.91, Mdn = 1.50; positive: n = 1538, M = 1.35, Sd = 1.3, Mdn = 1.22; W = 1234000, p = 0.07). Distribution of the data for positive and negative contexts can be found in (A).

The results from Experiment 1b show that listeners were able to match nonverbal vocalisations to nine out of ten contexts better than would be expected by chance level. There was no difference in performance accuracy between negative and positive contexts. Listeners failed to accurately match vocalisations to a single context: eating dispreferred food. Not only was performance low, but it was also more variable for this context as compared to all of the others (see ). We used the term “dispreferred” to refer to types of food that are not strongly liked, but not disliked. We suspect that the description of this context may have been ambiguous to participants; some participants may have interpreted it as referring to eating low-preference foods (e.g. cucumber), while others may have thought it meant eating disliked foods (e.g. insects). In Experiment 2, we therefore provided a clarification of the description of this context.

Experiment 2: categorisation of behavioural contexts from 10 categories

In Experiment 1b, listeners were asked to judge whether a nonverbal vocalisation was produced in a particular behavioural context, using a simple yes/no match-to-context task. In Experiment 2, we tested whether listeners could accurately categorise the behavioural context in which vocalisations were produced by selecting from 10 context categories. We opted not to include an “Other” or “I don't know” option to encourage participants to actively engage with each stimulus and make their best possible interpretation, especially given that the situation types we asked participants to use were not concepts that would all likely be easily accessible. The second experiment allowed us to (1) test whether results of the Experiment 1b would replicate using a different kind of task, and (2) examine which contexts were confused by participants.



Using G*Power (Faul et al., Citation2009), assuming d = 0.2 (Cohen’s d: small effect size), a sample of N = 337 was predicted a priori to have power of .80, at α = 0.005 (Bonferroni-corrected alpha level based on the context identification task including the recognition of 10 context categories, thus 0.05/10). Consequently, a total of 337 participants were recruited (170 women, 143 men, 12 non-binary, 1 other, 11 prefer not to say; Mage= 20.26 years, Sdage = 3.02; range = 17–38 years old). All participants reported having no hearing impairments or issues. Participants were recruited via the research pool. Participation was compensated with course credit.

Materials and procedure

Human nonverbal vocalisations

Experiment 2 employed the same stimuli as Experiment 1b, both for the screening questions and the main experiment. Two vocalisations were used in the practice trials, taken from www.youtube.com which allowed us to obtain vocalisations produced in the “being tickled” and “discovering threat” contexts. These vocalisations were not used in the main experiment.

Experimental procedure

The study was implemented in Qualtrics. Participants were instructed to complete the experiment in a silent environment and to use headphones during the entire experiment. Before the main experiment, participants were presented with two screening questions, which were the same as in Experiment 1. Participants who answered both screening questions correctly could continue with the practice trials. In the practice trials, participants were asked to indicate the context in which they thought each vocalisation was produced, by selecting from the 10 behavioural context categories. During the practice trials, participants were asked to adjust the sound to a comfortable level and to keep it constant for the rest of the experiment.

For each of the 200 vocalisations, participants were asked to make a forced-choice context categorisation judgement, selecting from the 10 behavioural context categories (“Please select the context in which you think this vocalisation was produced”). The presentation order of vocalisations was randomised for each participant; the context categories appeared in alphabetical order for all participants. There were no time constraints on completing each trial, and participants were able to replay stimuli as many times as they want. Given that the forced-choice context categorisation task is rather repetitive, we sought to reduce attrition by presenting a soundtrack quiz question after every 20 trials and including dynamic background images that changed after each quiz question. The quiz questions consisted of brief segments of soundtracks (maximally 5 seconds long) from popular arcade games, movies, and cartoons. Participants were asked to listen to the sound clip and to guess which game/movie/cartoon it was taken from using a forced-choice format. We provided immediate feedback for each quiz question, followed by information on how much of the experiment (in percentages) the participant had completed so far.

In Experiment 1, listeners failed to match vocalisations to one of the contexts, eating dispreferred food, potentially due to the ambiguity of the label of this context. In order to maximise clarity about the meaning of this context, we included a description of this context in the practice trials, and added a mouse-over description for this category in the main task. In the practice trials, we presented the following description: “this means food that is not particularly well liked, but not food that is disliked”. In the main task, when the cursor was on the eating low-preference food category, a tooltip box was displayed: “refers to types of food that are not strongly liked, but not disliked”.

Statistical analysis

The analyses followed our pre-registered plan for outlier detection and exclusion, as well as statistical analyses. The data was checked for outlier detection. Specifically, participants whose performance was 3 Sd or more below the mean on the task (in terms of percent correct responses) were excluded, since they were considered outliers. This resulted in exclusion of 10 participants.

The proportion of correct responses was calculated for each participant for each context category, in order to test whether listeners would perform at better-than-chance levels in the recognition of each behavioural context. In order to control for individual biases in the use of particular context categories as response categories, unbiased hit rates (Hu scores, see Wagner, Citation1993) were also calculated. Hu scores yield an unbiased recognition score for each participant per context category. Since Hu scores are proportional, they are arcsine-transformed for statistical tests. We tested the normality of the distribution of arcsine-transformed Hu scores using Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. The distribution was normal for the being attacked, being refused, and having sex contexts (ps > 0.05), and non-non-normal for the remaining contexts (ps < 0.05). In order to test whether performance was better than chance (random guessing, here 1/10 as there were 10 response options), we used one-sample t-tests for contexts with normal distribution, and one-sample Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for the contexts with non-normal distribution. Bonferroni corrections were applied to correct for multiple tests (0.05/10). This analysis was conducted to test the prediction that judgements of each context would be significantly better (ps < 0.005, Bonferroni corrected) than the chance level.

We also sought to test whether recognition would be more accurate for negative as compared to positive contexts. To test this prediction, the transformed Hu scores for the recognition of negative contexts were compared with the transformed Hu scores for positive contexts. We used paired samples t-test, because data followed a normal distribution based on a Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (p = 0.200).

Results and discussion

Listeners were able to recognise all behavioural contexts from vocalisations at better-than-chance levels (ps < 0.001; see ). shows a confusion matrix for the average recognition accuracies per context, and (B) presents distribution of the data (Hu scores) per behavioural context as raincloud plots. The results support our prediction that listeners can recognise behavioural contexts from nonverbal vocalisations to a degree that is significantly better than chance. We further included the data from participants who were excluded from the main analysis (see the Statistical Analysis section), and ran the same analysis using the full dataset in order to make sure that our findings were not sensitive to these datapoints. The inclusion of the outliers did not change the results (see Table 5S and Figure 4S).

Figure 2. Heatmap of confusion matrix (%) for behavioural context categorisation.

Figure 2. Heatmap of confusion matrix (%) for behavioural context categorisation.

Figure 3. Raincloud graph for (A) d prime scores (Experiment 1b), (B) arcsine Hu scores (Experiment 2). Raincloud graphs combine split-violin plots and boxplots: split-violin plots show the data distribution, and boxplots display the range of the data, their full range from minimum to maximum, the 25–75% range (box), and the median (middle of the box). Horizontal dashed lines indicate the chance level for each experiment. In both experiments, listeners performed better than chance for all contexts, with the exception of eating dispreferred food in Experiment 1b (A). Code adapted from Allen et al. (Citation2019).

Figure 3. Raincloud graph for (A) d prime scores (Experiment 1b), (B) arcsine Hu scores (Experiment 2). Raincloud graphs combine split-violin plots and boxplots: split-violin plots show the data distribution, and boxplots display the range of the data, their full range from minimum to maximum, the 25–75% range (box), and the median (middle of the box). Horizontal dashed lines indicate the chance level for each experiment. In both experiments, listeners performed better than chance for all contexts, with the exception of eating dispreferred food in Experiment 1b (A). Code adapted from Allen et al. (Citation2019).

Table 3. Hu scores indicating listeners’ performance in categorising contexts, tested against chance level.

When recognition accuracy of negative and positive contexts were compared, we found that contrary to prediction, listeners performed better in the recognition of positive (M = 0.70, Sd = 0.05) as compared to negative contexts (M = 0.56, Sd = 0.08; t = 31.19, d = 1.73, p < 0.001). Raincloud plots for positive and negative contexts are shown in (B).

Figure 4. Raincloud graph for (A) d prime scores (Experiment 1b), (B) arcsine Hu scores (Experiment 2). There was no difference in d scores between positive and negative contexts in Experiment 1b (A). Listeners were better at recognizing positive contexts compared to negative contexts in Experiment 2 (B).

Figure 4. Raincloud graph for (A) d prime scores (Experiment 1b), (B) arcsine Hu scores (Experiment 2). There was no difference in d scores between positive and negative contexts in Experiment 1b (A). Listeners were better at recognizing positive contexts compared to negative contexts in Experiment 2 (B).

Experiment 2 revealed that listeners accurately inferred all 10 behavioural contexts from vocalisations produced in these contexts, and performance was better for positive compared to negative contexts. Recognition percentages show high variability between the behavioural contexts, and range from 23.55% for being refused access to food to 88.69% for having sex (see ). Listeners performed particularly well in two contexts, being tickled (89.37%) and having sex, which might explain the better recognition of positive as compared to negative contexts. Laughter produced while being tickled and moans produced while having sex might be highly distinct vocalisation types. These types of vocalisations were rarely confused with the other contexts in this study; whether they are acoustic distinct from a wider range of vocalisations is an open question. Contexts with lower recognition rates were often systematically confused with another context. Most commonly, listeners confused being refused with being separated, being attacked with threatening another, and eating dispreferred food with eating preferred food context (see ).

In addition to our primary analysis comparing recognition accuracy against chance, we conducted further tests to compare the frequencies of correct categorisation with the most frequently confused categories, using paired t-tests. For each context, with the exception of eating dispreferred food, the average frequency of correctly identifying the target context significantly surpassed that of misidentifying the most confused category. This adds an additional layer of evidence to our findings, illustrating that participants were not just merely guessing but were indeed able to discern between the intended behavioural contexts and those that were most often confused. The detailed results of these analyses are provided in .

Table 4. Comparisons of the frequency of choosing the target category with the frequency of choosing the most confused category for each context.

General discussion

Inference of behavioural contexts from nonverbal vocalisations

In two pre-registered experiments, we tested whether human listeners can accurately infer behavioural contexts from spontaneous nonverbal vocalisations, using a yes/no match-to-context task (Experiment 1b) and a 10-way forced-choice context categorisation task (Experiment 2). The results show that listeners can accurately map nonverbal vocalisations to a wide range of behavioural contexts. For instance, whimpers were correctly perceived to indicate separation, while shrieks were accurately judged to reflect the discovery of a threat. The results across the two different kinds of tasks were remarkably consistent (see ).

The current study takes an alternative approach to the study of nonverbal vocalisations than previous research, by moving the focus away from the judgements of subjective states. Typically, perceptual judgments of emotional vocalisations are compared to expressers’ retroactive self-reports, which involves considerable subjectivity in determining the emotional state of the expresser (Shiota & Keltner, Citation2005). Alternatively, judgments are made of posed vocalisations, which might involve different structural regularities in emotional vocalisations as compared to spontaneously produced vocalisations (Bryant, Citation2020). Here, we provide evidence that listeners can infer a wide variety of behavioural contexts from vocalisations occurring in real life (e.g. fighting, tickling). The present study thus provides an objective examination of nonverbal vocal behaviour, and demonstrates for the first time the presence of identifiable associations between a range of human adult vocalisations and specific situational features.

The contexts employed in the present study were situations that we believe a significant proportion of people might encounter in their own lives. While it is plausible that participants’ associations between nonverbal vocalisations and contexts were based on individual learning, it is also worth considering recent research demonstrating that naive human listeners also match chimpanzee vocalisations to similar contexts to those used here (Kamiloğlu et al., Citation2020). Given listeners’ limited familiarity with chimpanzees, these findings suggest that the ability to infer specific behavioural contexts from vocalisations is unlikely to be exclusively grounded in learned associations. Instead, human listeners’ ability to infer specific behavioural contexts from both heterospecific and conspecific vocalisations could reflect capacities to pick up on phylogenetically conserved acoustic regularities. In many vertebrate species, low pitched, harsh vocalisations with nonlinearities grab perceivers’ attention and function to signal hostility towards others (e.g. Ladich, Citation1989; Mueller, Citation1971; Wagner, Citation1989). Such growl-like vocalisations also function as a signal of potential aggressive acts in humans (Tsai et al., Citation2010). Direct comparisons of the acoustics of vocalisations produced by different species in equivalent situations have demonstrated shared acoustic forms. For instance, an acoustic comparison of tickling-induced laughter from humans, orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos suggested that laughter produced while being tickled is homologous across great apes (Davila Ross et al., Citation2009). Our findings suggest that the acoustic structures of vocalisations produced in situations like discovering a large food source or being attacked might be shared across related species, allowing listeners to infer the production context from nonverbal vocalisations from different species. There might be thus preserved acoustic regularities in nonverbal vocalisations that are produced in specific behavioural contexts, mapping to certain functions.

While there are likely shared acoustic features in vocalisations produced in specific situations, such as discovering a large food source or being attacked, the importance, relevance, and typicality of these situations can differ significantly across species. This difference in relevance can impact the acoustic cues that a species come to produce through evolution. Therefore, recognising a particular situation based on nonverbal vocalisations can become more challenging when those vocalisations originate from contexts that are less typical or relevant to the listener's species. Future research that investigates the acoustic properties of vocalisations produced in equivalent behavioural contexts across related species will need to take into account variations in each species’ behavioural contexts to avoid overgeneralisation. Such a comparative approach could further illuminate preserved acoustic regularities in nonverbal vocalisations and their potential functional mappings.

Confusions in inferences of behavioural contexts

In Experiment 1b, listeners failed to accurately match vocalisations to one of the contexts: eating dispreferred food. However, participants were able to accurately categorise vocalisations from this context in Experiment 2 at better-than-chance rates when a clarification was provided for the description of this context. Having said that, performance was worse than for all of the other contexts (correct classification rate: 24.13%), and the most common type of categorisation confusion between contexts was that eating dispreferred food was often categorised as eating preferred food (confusion percentage: 64.11%). These results suggest that listeners accurately inferred from vocalisations that they involved eating, but with little sensitivity to the degree of preference for the food being consumed.

A closer look at the information communicated via the vocalisations produced in these contexts might be helpful for understanding the confusions. In our study, confusions in judgments of certain contexts from vocalisations might reflect them being similar situation classes. For instance, vocalisations produced in situations in which individuals were separated vs refused access were frequently confused, perhaps suggesting that they might have been interpreted by perceivers as indicators of loss of opportunity. Similarly, listeners’ confusions in the categorisation of vocalisations produced while being attacked, discovering threat, and threatening another might reflect the perception of these vocalisations as general threat displays, preparing the body for rapid action and signalling urgency and danger in the immediate environment. For instance, individuals from a Melanesian society, Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea, have been shown to interpret “fear” gasping and “anger” scowling as displays of threat (Crivelli et al., Citation2016). This might suggest that being threatened and threatening someone else might share similarities in the way they are expressed due to common characteristics like urgency and danger.

While performance in the match-to-context task used in Experiment 1b did not differ between positive and negative contexts, listeners performed better in the categorisation task for vocalisations produced in positive, as compared to negative, contexts in Experiment 2. We are hesitant to draw strong conclusion from these unexpected and inconsistent results; it is not clear whether there is a difference in accuracy in judgments of positive vs. negative vocalisations, but the present data provide no evidence of superior performance for negative as compared to positive contexts.

Limitations, implications and future directions

While our study offers valuable insights, it also highlights certain limitations that merit consideration in future research. When categorising behavioural contexts solely based on visual information, the judges were least accuracy in identifying the eating preferred food context, unlike the listeners. This observation suggests that visual cues in this specific context may be more ambiguous than nonverbal vocal cues. Moreover, the judges performed better in recognising the discovering food context (81.25% accuracy), while listeners often conflated it with being refused access to food. This finding highlights the importance of visual signals in the detection of this context, and point to how interpretations can differ when only a subset of cues is available. These discrepancies underscore the complexity of nonverbal vocal communication and the importance of considering both visual and auditory cues to gain a comprehensive understanding of behavioural contexts. Real-life social interactions often involve a myriad of cues, including visual information, such as facial expressions and body language. Understanding how these different sources of information interact with auditory information to aid in the recognition of context would not only enhance the ecological validity of the research, but also give a richer account of how human perceivers infer contexts from nonverbal emotional information.

The approach of obtaining expressions from online videos has its benefits, but it also comes with notable limitations. First and foremost, in many cases, especially in vlogger videos, the expressions could be exaggerated or downplayed due to acting, thereby influencing the spontaneity of the recorded emotional expressions. Even in situations where acting is not involved, the awareness of being recorded can cause people to modify their behaviour, which might therefore not reflect their authentically spontaneous reactions. Moreover, our approach to stimuli selection for being attacked context, considering the overarching scenario presented by the videos, might involve potential ambiguity. It is notable that these scenarios yielded a recognition rate of 41.69 for this context, slightly below the dataset's average of 46.44, hinting at possible ambiguity arising from this complexity. In future research, it will be important to refine the video selection criteria to mitigate such ambiguities, perhaps by focusing more on the vocalisations of the individuals directly engaged in the context under consideration. Moreover, despite our efforts to keep participants engaged with interactive elements, the sheer volume of stimuli and length of our study could have introduced participant fatigue, potentially affecting performance towards its end. To counteract such fatigue effects, future studies might consider not only using structured breaks or multi-session designs but also the possibility of involving a larger pool of participants, each completing a smaller subset of trials.

Another area of concern is the inherent expresser differences in the situations included in our study. For example, our being separated from mother category predominantly features children, which could make it easier to detect for listeners. Moreover, while we strived to present scenarios representative of certain physical situations, there is a possibility of subjectivity both in the expresser's vocalisation and in the assistants’ categorisation of the situations. For instance, in situations such as “eating preferred” versus “dispreferred” food scenarios, we recognise the personal nature of the expresser’s vocalisations and the interpretive challenges faced by the assistants categorising them. The expresser's reactions are influenced by individual preferences, while the assistants’ categorisations are subject to their own perceptions, which may not align. In future research, leveraging more objective methods, such as computer vision techniques for context detection, could help reduce bias and subjectivity, further enhancing the validity and generalisability of the findings.

Results from Experiment 2, when coupled with validation study 1a, suggest potential challenges in both the recognisability of vocalisations and in the precise identification of the context in which they were produced. The validation study yielded recognition accuracy that was above chance for most contexts, showing that the situations overall were clearly interpretable to observers. Nevertheless, performance was far from perfect, highlighting the existence of some ambiguity in the meaning of physical situations. This suggests that the relatively low associations between certain vocalisations and their intended contexts could be attributed to two intertwined factors: the inherent ambiguity (or quality) of the vocalisations themselves, and/or the potential inaccuracies in determining the original context in which the vocalisations occurred. This reinforces the importance of rigorous validation in future studies to ensure that the contexts in which vocalisations are produced are accurately and unequivocally captured.

Our findings could also be instrumental in advancing artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. The development of more socially aware AI systems could benefit from the incorporation of algorithms that can recognise and interpret human nonverbal vocalisations. These advancements could revolutionise fields ranging from customer service to health care, offering more nuanced and human-like interactions. Moreover, there are significant implications for health and clinical contexts specifically. Improved understanding of how individuals, particularly those with certain psychological disorders, interpret nonverbal cues could provide valuable insights for therapeutic interventions. Tailoring communication strategies to accommodate potential differences in nonverbal cue recognition might enhance treatment effectiveness and patient-practitioner rapport. Such future research endeavours hold promise to deepen our understanding and application of nonverbal vocal behaviour.


In conclusion, the present study provides empirical evidence for the theoretical proposal that spontaneous nonverbal vocalisations are perceived as responses to particular types of situations like being threatened or tickled (Russell, Citation1994; Scarantino, Citation2017). In contrast to studies relying on subjective judgements of listeners’ perceptions of emotions, examining responses to verifiable events provides an objective way of investigating the perception of nonverbal vocalisations. Moreover, this approach allows us to better understand vocal signalling behaviour across species. Research from biological sciences demonstrates that the structural forms of vocalisations are shaped by their communicative functions in many vertebrates (e.g. Morton, Citation1977). Here, we show that human listeners can accurately infer specific behavioural contexts from spontaneous nonverbal vocalisations, suggesting that structural forms in nonverbal vocalisations appear to be systematically shaped by our behavioural context, and our sensitivity to this information in others’ vocalisations may reflect a phylogenetically ancient vocal signalling system.

Ethics statement

This study (project no. 2020-SP-11883) was approved by the Faculty Ethics Review Board of the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

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We would like to thank Dr. Piera Filippi for useful comments on an earlier version of this manuscript.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Data availability statement

The data that support the findings of Experiment 1b are openly available from https://doi.org/10.21942/uva.13560374

, and the data that support the findings of Experiment 2 are openly available from https://doi.org/10.21942/uva.18972962 .

Additional information


R.G.K. and D.A.S. are supported by ERC Starting grant no. 714977 awarded to D.A.S.


1 Our pre-registration refers to ANOVA assuming that the data is normally distributed. We instead used Mann-Whitney test, because the data followed a non-normal distribution.


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