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The Siege of Leningrad as a Trope for Public Debate


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4 “‘Sindrom publichnoi nemoty’: istoriia i sovremennye praktiki publichnykh debatov v Rossii,” ed. N.B. Bakhtin and B.M. Firsov (Moscow, 2017); see also previous discussions in the collection: Ot obshchestvennogo k publichnomu, ed. O.V. Kharkhordin (St. Petersburg, 2011).

5 For examples of these initiatives, see the article by Vadim Bass and Aleksei Pavlovskii in this issue.

6 See lists of published diaries in the indices of the series “Leningrad i Leningrad oblast’ v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine,” which was prepared by staff members at the Russian National Library (http://nlr.ru/res/inv/blokada/seria.php).

7 N.A. Lomagin, Neizvestnaia blokada (St. Petersburg: 2004); N.A. Lomagin V tiskakh goloda blokada Leningrada v dokumentakh germanskikh spetssluzh, NKVD I pismakh leningradtsev (Moscow: 2019); V.A. Mosunov, Proryv blokady Leningrada, operatsiia “Iskra” (Moscow, 2019); S.V. Iarov Blokadnaia etika: predstavleniia o morali v Leningrade v 1941–1942 gg. (Moscow, St. Petersburg: 2013); S.V. Iarov Povsednevnaia zhizn’ blokadnogo Leningrada (Moscow: 2018); The Leningrad Blockade, 1941–1944: A New Documentary History from the Soviet Archives, eds. R. Bidlack and N. Lomagin (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2012); L.A. Kirschenbaum The Legacy of the Siege of Leningrad, 1941–1995: Myth, Memories, and Monuments (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006); A. Peri, The War Within: Diaries from the Siege of Leningrad (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017); A. Zemskov-Züge Zwischen politischen Strukturen und Zeitzeugenschaft. Geschichtsbilder zur Belagerung Leningrads in der Sowjetunion 1943–1953 (Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2012); Idem, “Narrating the Siege of Leningrad: Official and Unofficial Practices in the Memorialization of the Great Patriotic War” in Unsettling History: Archiving and Narrating in Historiography, eds. S. Jobs and A. Lüdtke (Frankfurt am Mein: Suhrkamp, 2010), 199–218.

8 Pamiat’ o blockade: svidetel’stva ochevidtsev i istoricheskoe soznanie obshchestva, ed. M. Loskutov (Moscow: 2006); I. Sandomirskaia, Blokada v slove: ocherki kriticheskoi teorii i biopolitiki iazyka (Moscow, 2013); Blokadnye narrativy. Sbornik statei, eds. P. Barskova and R. Nikolozi (Moscow: 2017); T. Voronina, Pomnit’ po nashemu: sotsrealisticheskii istorizm i blokada Leningrada (Moscow: 2018).

9 N. Shurenok, “‘Budem preduprezhdat’ liudei, chto oni mogut stolknut’sia s informatsiei, vyzyvaiushchei emotsional’noe potriasenie’: v Peterburge sporiat o budushchem muzee blokady,” Solta (November 30, 2018): www.colta.ru/articles/specials/19886-budem-preduprezhdat-lyudey-chto-oni-mogut-stolknutsya-s-informatsiey-vyzyvayuschey-emotsionalnoe-potryasenie.

10 S. Glezerov, “Kak govorit; o blockade. Nyzhen li Peterburgu novyi muzei?”, Sankt-Peterburgskie vedomosti (September 5, 2018): https://spbvedomosti.ru/news/nasledie/kak_govorit_o_blokade.

11 Special edition of the program “Kulturnyi shok” on “Ekho Moskvy” called “Bitva za ‘Prazdnik’: mozhet li vyzhit’ v Rossii nezavisimoe kino.”

12 A. Taranukha. “Spiker Zaksobraniia otvetil protivnikam voennogo parada v godovshchinu sniatiia blokady Leningrada,” Delovoy Peterburg (January 21, 2018): www.dp.ru/a/2018/11/21/Spiker_Zaksobranija_otveti.

13 V. Iakovlev, “Pochemu ia protiv muzeia blokady na Smol’noi naberezhnoi,” Fontanku.ru (December 24, 2018): www.fontanka.ru/2018/12/24/072.

15 Blokada, 1941–1944. Leningrad (St. Petersburg: 1988); for more on this publication see: “Vozvrashchennye imena. Knigi pamiati Rossii,” http://visz.nlr.ru/pages/blokada-kniga-pamyati.

16 A. Assmann Raspalas’ sviaz’ vremen? Vzlet i padenie temporal’nogo rezhima Moderna (Moscow: 2017).

17 For more on the Soviet version of retrospectivism of the 1960s and 1970s, see: V. Donovan, “’Idia nazad, shagaem vpered’: kraevedcheskie muzei i sozdanie mestnoi pamiati v Severo-Zapadnom regione. 1956–1981,” Antropologicheskii forum, no. 16 (2012): 383; Zh.V. Kormina and S.A. Shtyrkov, “’Eto nashi iskonno russkoe, i nikuda nam ot etogo ne det’sia’: predystoriia postsovetskoi desekuliarizatsii” in Izobretenie religii: desekuliarizatsiia v postsovetskom kontekste, eds. Zh.V. Kormina, A.A. Panchenko, and S.A. Shtyrkov (St. Petersburg: 2015): 11–19; Zh.V. Kormina, ‘Imperator osmatrival gorod’: siurrealisticheskii sotsializm i politika pamiati,” Novoye literaturnoe obozrenie no. 152 (2018): 34–57.

18 An example of similar disputes was the discussion of the Immortal Regiment march, which appears on the agenda every year in the context of conversations about the loss or, on the contrary, the preservation of memory. For a detailed analysis of performative practices and discourses that have formed around this march, see A. Arkhipova, D. Doronin, A. Kirziuk, D. Radchenko, A. Sokolova, A. Titkov, and E. Iugai, “Voina kak prazdnik, prazdnik kak voina: performativnaia kommemoratsiia Dnia pobedy,” Antopologicheskii forum, no. 33 (2017): 84–122.

19 “Blokada s oblastnoi sud’boi: pochemu Peterburg otkazalsia on novogo museia,” RBK, (February 1, 2019): www.rbc.ru/spb_sz/01/02/2019/5c5452df9a794738c64df932.

20 “Novyi muzei blokady poluchil zakladnoi kamen’ v Peterburge. Aktivisty vstretili sobytie piketami,” Fontanka.ru (September 8, 2018): www.fontanka.ru/2018/09/08/040.

21 D. Kotsiubinskii, “Otkrytoe pis’mo vremenno ispolniaiushchemu obiazannosti gubernatora Sankt-Peterburga Beglovu A.D.,” www.facebook.com/daniel.kotsiubinsky/posts/2118255508221549.

22 Ia. Gilinskii, “Militaristskaia pamiat’ o blokade nedopustima,” Gorod 812. Peterburgskii zhurnal (November 26, 2018): http://gorod-812.ru/militaristskaya-pamyat-o-blokade-nedopustima.

23 P. Besedin, “Blokada posle Blokady: pochemu my strashimsia svoikh pobed?,” IA “Regnum” (January 29, 2019): https://regnum.ru/news/society/2562061.html.

24 “Kakoi smysl’ v pamiati o blokade Leningrada?,” www.spbmuseum.ru/lectures/49810.

25 M. Lambek, “The Past Imperfect: Remembering as Moral Practice,” in Tense Past: Cultural Essays in Trauma and Memory, eds. P. Antze and M. Lambek (New York, London: 1996), 239–240.

26 “Spiker parlamenta Peterburga raskritikoval komediiu o blokade Leningrada,” RIA “Novosti” (January 6, 2019): https://ria.ru/20190106/1549070021.html.

27 M. Zviagintseva, “Milionov: My potrebuem zapreta knigi britanskoi lzheuchnoi o blokade Leningrada,” Laif.ru (December 26, 2016): https://life.ru/952644.

28 Elena Chikhova’s article “Moia blokadnaia pamiat’” was published in the Swiss newspaper Neue Zurcher Zeitung, and then translated into Russian and published in Novaia gazeta (No. 50, May 13, 2019).

29 “’Pravo rassuzhdat’ o prichinakh voiny.’ Spory vokrug stat’i o blokade,” Radio Svoboda (May 9, 2019): www.svoboda.org/a/29930207.html.

30 T. Zamirovskaya, “’Svidetel’stva na Strashnom sude, kotoryi otmenili.’ Polina Barskova, Irina Sandomirskaia i Matvei Iankelevich—ob antologii blokadnoi poezii ‘Written in the Dark,’” Colta (May 9, 2017): www.colta.ru/articles/literature/14718-svidetelstva-na-strashnom-sude-kotoryy-otmenili.

31 For more on the affective management of trials of the past, see S. Ushakin, “Vospominaia na publike: ob affektivnom menedzhmente istorii,” Gefter (November 14, 2014): http://gefter.ru/archive/13513.

32 “Beglov o parade v Den’ sniatiia blokady: Nel’zia lishat’ veteranov prazdnika,” IA “Regnum” (December 4, 2018): https://regnum.ru/news/polit/2531358.html.

33 D. Kotsiubinskii, op. cit.

34 See J.K. Olick, The Politics of Regret: On Collective Memory and Historical Responsibility (New York: Routledge, 2007).

35 A recent post on Regnum’s website begins: “In tackling the topic of the siege, historians and people from the creative professions must recognize the responsibility they are taking on—they are talking about one of the most terrible humanitarian catastrophes in the history of humankind.” (V. Karev, “Blokada Leningrada—kak Kholokost dlia evreev. Na etom stroitsia identichnost’. Inter’viu s Nikitoi Lomaginym,” Regnum (January 1, 2019): https://regnum.ru/news/society/2547411.html.)

36 For more on the role of human rights work on the history of memorial museums see D. Khlevniuk, “Pochuvstvovat’ prava cheloveka: affect v muzeiakh pamiati,” in Politika affekta: muzei kak prostranstvo publichnoi istorii, eds. A. Zavadskii, V. Sklez, and K. Suverina (Moscow: 2019).

37 S. Glezerov, op. cit.

38 D. Fassin and R. Rechtman, The Empire of Trauma: An Inquiry into the Condition of Victimhood (Princeton, NJ, Oxford: 2009),15.

39 D. Aleksandr, “Kulturnaia travma i kollektivnaia identichnost’,” Sotsiologicheskii zhurnal, no. 3 (2012): 16.

40 S. Ushakin, “Nam etoi bol’iu dishat’? O travme, pamiati i obshchestvakh,” in Travma: punkty. Sobronik statei, eds. S. Ushakin, E. Tribuna (Moscow:2019), 5–41.

41 Aleida Assmann proposes an entire typology of witnesses: A. Assman, Dlinnaia ten’ proshlogo: memorial’naia kul’tura i istoricheskaia politika (Moscow: 2014), 52–57.

42 A.D. Nichols, Impact, Legitimacy, and Limitations of Truth Commissions (New York: Palgrave Pivot, 2019).

43 Law of the Russian Federation No. 1761-1 of October 18, 1991.

44 Law of the Russian Federation No. 1244-I of May 15, 1991.

45 For example, one section of the article “Liquidators of the Consequences of the Accident at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant” on Wikipedia is called “Participants in the liquidation and victims of the accident.”

46 S. Mirnyi “Chernobyl kak infotravma,” in Travma: punkty. Sobronik statei, eds. S. Ushakin, E. Tribuna (Moscow: 2019), 234.

47 E. Zhemkov and A. Roginskii, “Mezhdu sochustviem i ravnodushiem—reabilitatsiia zhertv sovetskikh repressii,” 21. This article is based on a paper presented at the international conference “Posle diktatur: rabota s zhertvami v Evrope” (Hannah Arendt Institute for the Research on Totalitarianism. Dresden, June 27–29, 2013), published in German in Nach den Diktaturen. Der Umgang mit Opfern in Europa, Dresden, 2016.

48 In February 2019, the discussion “Chto izvestno sovremennoi psikhologii o travmaticheskoi pamiati” [What modern psychology knows about traumatic memory] was held on the platform of Memorial International Society. The term “collective memory” is also used in materials produced by the GULAG History Museum.

49 For more on responses to the draft law on the victims of war, which was debated from the mid 1990s to the early 2000s, see T. Voronina, op. cit., 237.

50 Novyi muzei blokady poluchil zakladnoi kamen’ v Peterburge. Aktivisty vstretili sobytie piketami,” Fontanka.ru (September 8, 2018): www.fontanka.ru/2018/09/08/040.

51 T. Vol’tskaia, “Ot parada do ‘Blokadnoi lastochkie’: Peterburg vspominaet blokadu,” Radio Svoboda (January 27, 2019), www.svoboda.org/a/29733759.html.

52 B. Gladarev, “Istoriko-kul’turnoe nasledie Peterburga: rozhdenie obshchestvennosti iz dukkha goroda,” in Ot obshchestvennogo k publichnomu, ed. O.V. Kharkhordin (St. Petersburg, 2011), 70.

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