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Common pitfalls in the use of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate for cardiac toxic drug poisonings

Received 25 Mar 2024, Accepted 26 Mar 2024, Published online: 10 Apr 2024



Hypertonic sodium bicarbonate is advocated for the treatment of sodium channel blocker poisoning, but its efficacy varies amongst different sodium channel blockers. This Commentary addresses common pitfalls and appropriate usage of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate therapy in cardiotoxic drug poisonings.

Sodium bicarbonate works synergistically with hyperventilation

Serum alkalinization is best achieved by the synergistic effect of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate and hyperventilation (PCO2 ∼ 30–35 mmHg [0.47–0.6 kPa]). This reduces the dose of sodium bicarbonate required to achieve serum alkalinization (pH ∼ 7.45–7.55) and avoids adverse effects from excessive doses of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate.

Variability in response to sodium bicarbonate treatment

Tricyclic antidepressant poisoning responds well to sodium bicarbonate therapy, but many other sodium channel blockers may not. For instance, drugs that block the intercellular gap junctions, such as bupropion, do not respond well to alkalinization. For sodium channel blocker poisonings in which the expected response is unknown, a bolus of 1–2 mmol/kg sodium bicarbonate can be used to assess the response to alkalinization.

Sodium bicarbonate can exacerbate toxicity from drugs acting on multiple cardiac channels

Hypertonic sodium bicarbonate can cause electrolyte abnormalities such as hypokalaemia and hypocalcaemia, leading to QT interval prolongation and torsade de pointes in poisonings with drugs that have mixed sodium and potassium cardiac channel properties, such as hydroxychloroquine and flecainide.

The goal for hypertonic sodium bicarbonate is to achieve the alkalinization target (∼pH 7.5), not complete correction of QRS complex prolongation

Excessive doses of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate commonly occur if it is administered until the QRS complex duration is < 100 ms. A prolonged QRS complex duration is not specific for sodium channel blocker toxicity. Some sodium channel blockers do not respond, and even when there is a response, it takes a few hours for the QRS complex duration to return completely to normal. In addition, QRS complex prolongation can be due to a rate-dependent bundle branch block. So, no further doses should be given after achieving serum alkalinization (pH ∼ 7.45–7.55).

Maximal dosing for hypertonic sodium bicarbonate

A further strategy to avoid overdosing patients with hypertonic sodium bicarbonate is to set maximum doses. Exceeding 6 mmol/kg is likely to cause hypernatremia, fluid overload, metabolic alkalosis, and cerebral oedema in many patients and potentially be lethal.

Recommendation for the use of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate in sodium channel blocker poisoning

We propose that hypertonic sodium bicarbonate therapy be used in patients with sodium channel blocker poisoning who have clinically significant toxicities such as seizures, shock (systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg, mean arterial pressure <65 mmHg) or ventricular dysrhythmia. We recommend initial bolus dosing of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate of 1–2 mmol/kg, which can be repeated if the patient remains unstable, up to a maximum dose of 6 mmol/kg. This is recommended to be administered in conjunction with mechanical ventilation and hyperventilation to achieve serum alkalinization (PCO2∼30–35 mmHg [4-4.7 kPa]) and a pH of ∼7.45–7.55. With repeated bolus doses of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate, it is imperative to monitor and correct potassium and sodium abnormalities and observe changes in serum pH and on the electrocardiogram.


Hypertonic sodium bicarbonate is an effective antidote for certain sodium channel blocker poisonings, such as tricyclic antidepressants, and when used in appropriate dosing, it works synergistically with hyperventilation to achieve serum alkalinization and to reduce sodium channel blockade. However, there are many pitfalls that can lead to excessive sodium bicarbonate therapy and severe adverse effects.

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