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Assessment of the physico-chemical and sensory properties of frozen fillets of tuna and tuna-related fish species marketed along the Tanga and Mtwara coastlines, Tanzania

Article title: Assessment of the Physico-Chemical and Sensory properties of frozen fillets of Tuna and tuna-related fish species marketed along the Tanga and Mtwara Coastlines, Tanzania

Authors: John Lujuo, Ernatus Mkupasi and Hieromin Amon Lamtane.

Journal: International Journal of Food Properties

Bibliometrics: Volume 25, Number 1, pages 2661–2673

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10942912.2022.2150211

When the above article was published online, we have identified few errors which are listed below. These changes have been updated and the article has been republished online.

Text Corrections

The following sentence on page 2662, 4th line of second paragraph was replaced:


Free radicals such as aldehydes, ketones, organic acids, and hydrocarbons are reported to be hazardous and have shown a correlation with inflammatory diseases, cancer, atherosclerosis, and aging conditions in humans[16,17].


Free radicals are reported to be hazardous and have shown a correlation with inflammatory diseases, cancer, atherosclerosis, and aging conditions in humans[16,17].

The following sentence on page 2664, 6th line of third paragraph was replaced:


Sample variations were reduced by preparing fillet cubes of the same size and using the same methods each time.


Sample variations were using the same methods each time.

The following sentence on page 2670, 7th line of second paragraph was removed:

Fillets from tuna fish caught and kept in ice water and then in chilled storage tend to change in structure.[41]

Reference corrections:

Removed references:

[16] Kampa, M.; Nifli, A. P.; Notas, G.; Castanas, E. Polyphenols and Cancer Cell Growth. Rev. Physiol. Biochem. Pharmacol. 2007, 159(June), 79–113. DOI: 10.1007/112_2006_0702.

[41] Taylor, R. G.; Fjaera, S. O.; Skjervold, P. O. Salmon Fillet Texture Is Determined by myofiber-myofiber and myofiber-myocommata Attachment. J. Food Sci. 2002, 67(6), 2067–2071. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.2002. tb09502.x.

Added references:

[16] Oyerinde AS, Selvaraju V, Babu JR, Geetha T. Potential Role of Oxidative Stress in the Production of Volatile Organic Compounds in Obesity. Antioxidants [Internet]. 2023;12(1):1–18. Available from: https://doi.org/ 10.3390/antiox12010129