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Benchmarking operational conditions, productivity, and costs of harvesting from industrial plantations in different global regions

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Pages 225-250 | Received 29 Dec 2022, Accepted 11 Dec 2023, Published online: 10 Jan 2024


There has been a global increase in the demand for woody biomass in the last decade. The imperative to achieve the highest production per unit of land while preserving natural forest resources has expanded intensive forest cultivation in industrial plantations. The development of a global bioeconomy is expected to further increase the demand for biomass for material and energy use from industrial forest plantations. Efficiently planning supply from these timber sources requires up-to-date information on current harvesting systems. This study aims to provide an overview of existing systems and their performance in industrial plantations located in seven relevant global regions. Eight regional experts combined knowledge, supported by relevant literature, to create a unique database for benchmarking harvesting systems regarding their productivity and supply costs. Current mechanized systems can reach harvesting productivity exceeding 100 m3 per productive machine hour (PMH), while roadside costs range between 5 and 20 USD m−3 solid volume. Harvesting systems are modified continuously to adapt to plantations’ characteristics and industrial requirements in the different regions. Local socioeconomic factors and the historical sectorial evolution in each region significantly impact the selection of harvesting systems, mechanization levels, type of machinery, and resulting harvesting costs. Expanding plantations to more marginal lands requires further research on adapting agricultural/construction machinery to steep terrain plantations. International literature tends to represent large-scale, highly mechanized systems well. In contrast, fewer studies are available for characterizing small-scale systems, particularly in developing regions.


There has been a growing global demand for wood for material and energy uses in the past decades (FAOSTAT Citation2020). The need to achieve high production per unit of forest land while preserving natural forest resources has led to the development of intensified forest cultivation modules based on fast-growing species, densely planted and managed with a high input level, capable of maximum returns. These forests fall under the definition of “forest plantations.” More specifically, in this study, “industrial plantations” are defined according to Jürgensen et al. (Citation2014) as “Forests of primarily introduced and native species, established through planting or seeding mainly for the production of wood or nonwood products.”

Industrial plantations differ fundamentally from natural forest stands since they serve different ecological, economic, and social functions. More specifically, Industrial plantations are commercially planned for optimum woody biomass production in monocultures, where Pinus, Eucalyptus, Populus, and Acacia are the most common commercial species (FAO Citation2006).

The supply of roundwood from this forest category has increased significantly recently, reaching an estimated volume of 561 M m3 in 2012, representing 33.4% of the global roundwood annual harvest (Jürgensen et al. Citation2014). The first ten countries in order of wood supply from plantations were identified to be Brazil, the United States, China, India, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Thailand, and Indonesia (Jürgensen et al. Citation2014).

According to the INDUFOR Databank, the global area of these plantations reached 54 Mha in 2012, with the US (13 Mha), China (7 Mha), and Brazil (7 Mha) having the most extensive areas (Barua et al. Citation2014). A recent remote sensing mapping of “industrial plantations” estimated that seven tropical countries reached approximately 10 Mha by 2014 (Petersen et al. Citation2016). However, uncertainties still exist in mapping current industrial plantation areas and their regions.

The expansion of industrial plantations is expected to increase in the next decades. According to FSC/INDUFOR (Citation2012) projections, the area dedicated to “industrial plantations” could reach 91 M ha by 2050, almost doubling the current existing area. Under these conditions, it is expected that industrial plantations could supply between 1 and 2 billion m3 per year, thus meeting more than 50% of the global roundwood demand by 2050 (FSC/INDUFOR Citation2012). In addition, under ambitious climate change mitigation targets, the production of wood from industrial plantations could increase to approximately 3–4 billion m3 by 2050 (Lauri et al. Citation2017).

Harvesting operations in plantations can contribute to 30–40% of roundwood production cost (i.e. including tree establishment, cultivation and harvesting) (Barrios et al. Citation2008; Bendlin et al. Citation2016). Together with road transportation, they can account for over 50% of the final wood production cost (Minette et al. Citation2008; Machado et al. Citation2014; Favreau and Ristea Citation2017) and sometimes exceeding 70% (Pulkki Citation2001).

The homogeneity of plantation systems and the generally favorable terrain conditions in which they are established are ideal for mechanizing harvesting operations to maximize efficiency and minimize wood supply costs (Zhang et al. Citation2019). However, expanding industrial plantations has led to planting trees in sites that are more difficult to mechanize, such as steeper slopes and environmentally sensitive areas. Accordingly, there is a growing interest in designing new harvesting systems and machinery for plantations that can operate in increasingly challenging site conditions (McEwan et al. Citation2020).

Therefore, the geographical allocation of future plantation investments requires a better understanding of current harvesting systems, their performances, and related costs. In this context, a comparison of different global regions is necessary to reveal both similarities and differences though-benchmarking exercises, where the competitiveness is evaluated from different perspectives (Siry et al. Citation2006; Cubbage et al. Citation2010, Citation2014; Lundbäck et al. Citation2021). In the case of wood harvesting, some international benchmarking examples under standardized cost accounting methodologies have recently been reported (Di Fulvio et al. Citation2017; Ghaffariyan et al. Citation2017).

Thus, this study aims to benchmark harvesting systems in industrial plantations across different global regions. This study analyses harvesting systems’ efficiencies from various sources, including experts’ input, literature studies, and datasets from the investigated regions. The study also includes cost rate estimates for applied systems and cost ranges per unit of harvested products.

Another primary goal of the study is to provide a snapshot of the state-of-the-art systems deployed in industrial plantations to harvest wood for material uses. The methodological approach and results of this study are intended to guide future research and industrial development in forest operations and evaluate regional competitiveness.

Materials and methods

Data collection and system boundaries

Forest operation experts (i.e. the coauthors of the present study) from different global regions and with local expertise in their respective geographical areas provided data for this study from their specific global region. Most experts involved in this study are forest operations researchers who participated in previous benchmarking studies (Di Fulvio et al. Citation2017). The remaining experts are researchers who led previous studies on forest operations in industrial plantations within their respective regions. The experts identified and compiled the most relevant information sources and publications in their regions in a shared database. Each expert provided productivity and cost figures for their region’s most relevant and current harvesting systems.

The literature selected by the regional experts included a characterization of harvesting systems used in harvesting plantations, providing estimates of system productivity and costs.

The regional experts investigated studies in their respective regions by using web browsing, entering combinations of words such as plantation type (“industrial/roundwood plantation”), names of species (“Eucalyptus, Poplar, Pine”), operation names (“harvesting,” “logging”), and names of their respective regions (e.g. ”the US”). After the web search, each expert screened the studies for relevance, excluding those not deemed relevant (i.e. not representative of site/machine conditions).

Preference was given to scientific papers published between 2010 and 2021 to facilitate comparability of technologies and costs. Data sources, ranked in order of preference, included primary scientific articles, technical reports, Doctoral/MSc Theses, and local publications and unpublished datasets provided by the authors.

The boundaries of the harvesting systems encompassed all operations from the stump to the roadside landing/landing site (hereafter referred to as “landing“). These operations included tree felling, extraction of trees or tree sections to the landing, and processing trees/tree sections into logs and/or woodchips. The primary product under consideration was wood for material used as logs or woodchips. However, some of the studies selected presented integrated systems that produced both wood for material use and energy-wood biomass. In the latter case, only the extraction and processing of roundwood were considered, excluding any additional operation dedicated to the extraction and processing of energy-wood assortments. For a more comprehensive description of the working environment in each region, site characteristics were considered, where applicable. Information on the working environment included main tree species, rotation length, management type, yield (removal per hectare), harvested tree size, extraction distance to the landing, slope, and final use of the harvested products (assortments), as the main features impacting harvesting operations.

Harvesting systems were identified in each study and classified according to the type of assortment extracted (to the landing) and assigned to three broad categories: Full-Tree (FT) (extraction of the whole tree), Tree-Length (TL) (extraction of delimbed and topped trees), Cut-To-Length (CTL) (extraction of log assortments).

The collection of information for individual harvesting operations included a description of machinery and the workforce used in each work step (felling, extraction, processing) along with work efficiencies/productivity, preferably provided as solid volume over bark (m3) per Productive Machine Hour (PMH) (working time excluding delays). In addition to net productivity, delays and technical utilization rates were recorded when available.

The following costs were also collected: operational cost rate per Scheduled Machine Hour (SMH) (SMH=working hours including delays), cost of each operation per unit of product over bark (USD m−3), and cost of the harvesting system per unit of product over bark (USD m−3).

Data harmonization

Given the benchmarking from different observations/sources, the study required a standardization to common units based on some standard conversion coefficients. Weights of products were converted to solid volumes over bark (m3 solid) according to green wood densities provided in the respective studies or according to the density factors presented in Miles and Smith (Citation2009).

Conversion between PMH and SMH was obtained using work delays recorded in each single-machine study. Alternatively, if the information was missing or irrelevant, typical technical utilization rates for forest operations were sourced from Brinker et al. (Citation2002) for the different operations.

Costs were collected in local currencies (LCU) and then converted to US Dollars (USD) using historical exchange rates related to the year of publication of each paper/report as per www.exchangerates.org.uk and https://www1.oanda.com/currency/converter/. No other attempts were made to harmonize costs (inflation rates, GDP growth), and only costs collected from studies published between 2010 and 2020 were assumed to be comparable.

Data handling

An expert group was established in 2019, comprising experts from various regions: Australia, Brazil, East Asia, Europe (one each from Italy and Spain), South Africa, and the United States. These regions were chosen for their representation of current industrial plantation areas. Unfortunately, some other relevant regions, such as India, Chile, New Zealand, and Indonesia, were not included due to the inability to reach experts capable of supporting the benchmarking initiative.

In the first phase (2019), a template for extracting and collecting information from selected studies was designed and distributed to the regional experts (see Supplementary Information I).

Each regional expert was requested to complete at least two templates (summary of two studies) during this initial phase, allowing a period of familiarization to identify the most relevant literature. Subsequently, in the second phase, the experts conducted a broader literature search and provided a “synthesis report” (approximately 500 words); this included a description of typical industrial plantation modules, systems, productivity, and cost ranges in their region/s. Based on this comprehensive review, 68 studies were identified and added to a shared database.

Each observation/study collected in the master database contained a “Study ID” and related features. The identified studies provided varying information, depending on their scope. Some focused on specific harvesting operations (tree felling, extraction), while others considered the entire harvesting system (from stump to roadside) or reviewed various systems applied in a region.

The records in the database were then grouped by region (and species inside broader regions): Australia (11 records), Brazil (20 records), East Asia (5 records), European poplar (4 records), Iberian Eucalyptus (4 records), South Africa (15 records) and US (9 records).

The oldest study in the dataset dated back to the year 2000; however, most of the studies collected (57) were from within the designed target period (2010–2021).

The attributes were systematically compiled in an Excel database for each study, including the variables listed in . If a study included multiple working conditions/harvesting systems, separate records were created. The full observed ranges for each variable were extracted (min.-max.). However, only the statistics (average, standard deviation) were extracted if data were presented in aggregated statistical form.

Table 1. Variables that were extracted from each study and included in the database.

The primary descriptors of working conditions and productivity in the different regions (Annex I) were statistically compared. For this purpose, the average for each study/observation was first computed, while the variation range was also extracted (where available). Pearson’s correlation tests were conducted in the R statistical software package on the average of the variables extracted from each study, and the correlation was deemed significant for p-value <0.05.


Regional experts’ overviews

This section presents a summary description of regions of interest, plantation characteristics (), typical harvesting systems, their performances, and typical costs () as provided by the experts involved in the benchmarking study. It complements the figures reported in , relying on expert knowledge.

Table 2. Regional context, cultivation schemes and products reported by regional experts.

Table 3. Harvesting systems, productivity and costs ported by the regional experts.

Benchmarking harvesting conditions in industrial plantations

Timber from Eucalyptus plantations is mainly destined for pulpwood production. Their rotation length (3–15 years) is generally shorter than that of Pine, which can produce both sawlogs and pulpwood (14–40 years) (). Poplar rotations are between 10–23 years if aimed at a mix of different assortments (e.g. in Italy). Yield from plantations ranges from 50 to 700 m3 ha−1. Generally, the harvest volume correlates with rotation length (r = 0.568, p = 0.034). However, it is interesting to note the difference in the main annual increment (MAI) between Eucalyptus (33 m3 ha−1 year−1) and Pine (21 m3 ha−1 year−1) in Brazil. This can be explained by factors such as planting densities, site differences, and silviculture management between the two species in the various countries. The lowest harvest volume per hectare was observed in Eucalyptus plantations in East Asia, where the volume usually remains under 100 m3 ha−1 due to the high demand for industrial raw materials in that region.

Figure 1. Removal volume as a function of rotation length (Pi = pine, Eu = Eucalyptus, Po = Poplar, Ac = Acacia, Tk = Teak). Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range between x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, CHN = China, ESP = Spain, ITA = Italy, MYS = Malaysia, PRT = Portugal, THA =Thailand, US = United States, ZAF = South Africa).

Figure 1. Removal volume as a function of rotation length (Pi = pine, Eu = Eucalyptus, Po = Poplar, Ac = Acacia, Tk = Teak). Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range between x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, CHN = China, ESP = Spain, ITA = Italy, MYS = Malaysia, PRT = Portugal, THA =Thailand, US = United States, ZAF = South Africa).

The mean stem volume at harvest is also correlated with rotation length (r = 0.720, p = 0.001) (). The stem volume of Eucalyptus plantations is generally lower than 0.5 m3 tree−1, whereas pine is generally higher. This is mainly due to longer pine rotation lengths to produce high-value products (e.g. sawlogs, veneer logs, etc.), resulting in stem sizes as large as 2.0 m3 in Australia. At harvest time, the stem volume of Poplar for pulpwood production in the US is similar to that of Eucalyptus. In contrast, a stem volume of approximately 1.0 m3 is cut when Poplar is used to produce veneer, sawlogs, and pulpwood in Europe.

Figure 2. Individual stem volume as a function of rotation length (Pi = Pine, Eu = Eucalyptus, Po = Poplar, Ac = Acacia, Tk = Teak, Rb = Rubberwood). Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, CHN = China, ESP = Spain, ITA = Italy, MYS = Malaysia, PRT = Portugal, THA =Thailand, US = United States, ZAF = South Africa).

Figure 2. Individual stem volume as a function of rotation length (Pi = Pine, Eu = Eucalyptus, Po = Poplar, Ac = Acacia, Tk = Teak, Rb = Rubberwood). Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, CHN = China, ESP = Spain, ITA = Italy, MYS = Malaysia, PRT = Portugal, THA =Thailand, US = United States, ZAF = South Africa).

Benchmarking operational productivity

The productivity of harvesters is significantly correlated with stem volume (r = 0.766, p = 0.003) (). The highest productivity is observed with the large stems in Australian pine plantations, where a single grip harvester can produce more than 100 m3 PMH−1. Similar productivity is also observed in South African pine operations. In contrast, lower harvester productivity is observed in Eucalyptus plantations, which results from the harvest of smaller stem volumes; in this case, a productivity of 50 m3 PMH−1 is achievable for stem volumes of 0.5 m3. A primary difference between the use of harvesters in Eucalyptus and pine plantations is that, in the former case, the machine is also used for debarking pulpwood at the stump, while in pine operations, debarking is usually performed at mills. Under the considered range of conditions, productivity increased at a rate of 4.2 m3 PMH−1 per 0.1 m3 of stem volume under a linear modeling approximation.

Figure 3. Harvester productivity in Eucalyptus (Eu), Pine (Pi), and Poplar (Po) plantations as a function of stem volume. Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, ITA = Italy, PRT = Portugal, ZAF = South Africa).

Figure 3. Harvester productivity in Eucalyptus (Eu), Pine (Pi), and Poplar (Po) plantations as a function of stem volume. Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, ITA = Italy, PRT = Portugal, ZAF = South Africa).

The productivity of feller-bunchers weakly correlates with stem volume (r = 0.367, p = 0.330). It is generally double that of harvesters, exceeding 100 m3 PMH−1 in most pine operations compared to single-grip harvesters. Relatively high productivity is observed in stem volumes below 0.5 m3 in Eucalyptus plantations (). The higher productivity of feller-bunchers, when compared to harvesters, is explained mainly by the fact that feller-bunchers only fell and bunch trees, without incurring extra processing time associated with delimbing, debarking and crosscutting trees. Multiple stems offset the impact on productivity in smaller tree volumes, although this advantage is lost when the felling head can not accumulate multiple stems. This is the case, for example, of feller-bunchers operating in poplar plantations in Italy, where stems need to be laid down carefully for further grading to minimize losses and maximize stem value recovery.

Figure 4. Feller-buncher productivity in Eucalyptus (Eu), Pine (Pi), and Poplar (Po) plantations as a function of stem volume. Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, ITA = Italy, US = United States, ZAF = South Africa).

Figure 4. Feller-buncher productivity in Eucalyptus (Eu), Pine (Pi), and Poplar (Po) plantations as a function of stem volume. Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, ITA = Italy, US = United States, ZAF = South Africa).

The productivity associated with the extraction of roundwood with a forwarder in CTL systems varied between 9.0 and 86.0 m3 PMH−1, with the highest productivity reached in the case of Australian pine operations (). Generally, productivity tended to be correlated with removal volume per hectare (r = 0.607, p = 0.148) and inversely correlated with extraction distance (r = −0.600,p = 0.207). However, the relations are not statistically significant, given the limited number of observations and the high background noise originating from other influencing factors often excluded from the measurements.

Figure 5. Forwarder productivity as a function of removal volume per hectare (top) and extraction distance (bottom) in Eucalyptus (Eu), Pine (Pi), and Poplar (Po) plantations. Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, ESP = Spain, ITA = Italy, PRT = Portugal, ZAF = South Africa).

Figure 5. Forwarder productivity as a function of removal volume per hectare (top) and extraction distance (bottom) in Eucalyptus (Eu), Pine (Pi), and Poplar (Po) plantations. Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, ESP = Spain, ITA = Italy, PRT = Portugal, ZAF = South Africa).

Depending on factors such as extraction distance, number of log grades, and slope, a CTL system might be balanced with one harvester and one forwarder. In some cases, for example, when the productivity of the harvesters is much higher than that of forwarders, more than one forwarder is required to maintain the balance of the system (e.g. Pine plantations in South Africa and Australia). Long extraction distances reveal that forwarders travel on forest roads to carry logs to unloading areas (e.g. Spain) in some operations. In other cases, forwarders are used to extract logs to the roadside, unloading points, and load logging trucks.

Skidder productivity is not significantly correlated with removal volumes and extraction distances (p > 0.05), given the limited number of observations and the influence of other confounding factors (). These factors include removal volume, bunch size (which affects the number of trees moved per trip), terrain conditions, and tree size (diameter and volume). Skidders are generally used for shorter extraction distances and carrying smaller payloads than forwarders. In the analyzed studies, the average overall extraction distance was 248 m (min. 50 m, max. 705 m) for skidders and 380 m (min. 105 m, max. 200 m) for forwarders. Skidding productivity may reach maximum values generally higher than the ones observed for forwarders. Thus, the maximum productivity of grapple skidders reached 120 m3 PMH−1 in the US and South African Pine plantations. Grapple skidders generally work with feller-bunchers in FT systems. In some cases (e.g. in the US, Pine plantations), their productivity is well balanced with that of a feller-buncher. In contrast, in other cases (e.g. Brazilian or Australian Eucalyptus plantations), it is significantly lower than for feller-bunchers, requiring more than one skidder to maintain system balance.

Figure 6. Skidder productivity in Eucalyptus (Eu), Pine (Pi), and Teak (Tk) plantations as a function of removal volume per hectare (top) and extraction distance (bottom). Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, THA =Thailand, US = United States, ZAF = South Africa).

Figure 6. Skidder productivity in Eucalyptus (Eu), Pine (Pi), and Teak (Tk) plantations as a function of removal volume per hectare (top) and extraction distance (bottom). Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, THA =Thailand, US = United States, ZAF = South Africa).

Processor productivity varied between 5.0 and 139 m3 PMH−1. These machines generally work at landings in FT systems (feller-buncher, grapple/cable skidder). Productivity of processors is generally correlated with stem volume in the case of single stem handling (e.g. in pine plantations); however, this was not the case when combining all the studies in the dataset (r= − 0.296, p = 0.628), given the considerable heterogeneity of working conditions ().

Figure 7. Processor productivity in Eucalyptus (Eu), Pine (Pi), and Poplar (Po) plantations as a function of stem volume. Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, ESP = Spain, ITA = Italy, US = United States, ZAF = South Africa).

Figure 7. Processor productivity in Eucalyptus (Eu), Pine (Pi), and Poplar (Po) plantations as a function of stem volume. Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively. (Country codes in the figure: AUS = Australia, BRA = Brazil, ESP = Spain, ITA = Italy, US = United States, ZAF = South Africa).

Motor-manual-based operations (motor-manual felling and processing, manual stacking for tractor/trailer-based forwarding to roadside) generally have a productivity below 15 m3 PMH−1 (). The only case where they exceeded this threshold was in teak plantations in Thailand (tree felling only). In the same region (South-East Asia), the lowest productivity was observed when operating with small stems in Eucalyptus plantations. Medium productivity levels were observed in Eucalyptus trees’ felling in Iberia and Italian poplar trees’ felling-processing. The large variety of systems based on motor-manual operations makes it difficult to compare them directly and perform statistical analyses; however, the observations reported indicate their productivity level compared to mechanized systems.

Figure 8. Productivity of motor-manual operations in Eucalyptus (Eu), Pine (Pi), Poplar (Po), Teak (Tk), and Rubberwood (Rb) plantations as a function of stem volume. (ZAF Pi = South Africa felling with chainsaw, ITA Po = Italy felling and processing with chainsaw, PRT Eu = Portugal felling with chainsaw, CHN Eu = China felling and processing with chainsaw and manual extraction, THA Eu = Thailand felling and processing with brush saw and extraction with farm tractor, THA Tk = Thailand felling with chainsaw, THA Rb = Thailand felling and processing with chainsaw). Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively.

Figure 8. Productivity of motor-manual operations in Eucalyptus (Eu), Pine (Pi), Poplar (Po), Teak (Tk), and Rubberwood (Rb) plantations as a function of stem volume. (ZAF Pi = South Africa felling with chainsaw, ITA Po = Italy felling and processing with chainsaw, PRT Eu = Portugal felling with chainsaw, CHN Eu = China felling and processing with chainsaw and manual extraction, THA Eu = Thailand felling and processing with brush saw and extraction with farm tractor, THA Tk = Thailand felling with chainsaw, THA Rb = Thailand felling and processing with chainsaw). Dots and grey lines represent the average value and the variation range in the x and y axes, respectively.

Benchmarking harvesting systems and their costs

Of the 85 observed harvesting systems, the majority (45) represented CTL harvesting, followed by FT (35) and TL (5) harvesting. CTL was the dominant system observed in Europe and East Asia. FT systems were the most frequent in the US. Although CTL was the most frequently observed system in Brazil and South Africa, many cases dealt with FT. Similarly, CTL was the dominant system in pine plantations and FT in Eucalyptus plantations in Australia. TL systems were observed in fewer cases and countries (South Africa, East Asia, and the US) ().

Figure 9. Number of observations by harvesting system and study region.

Figure 9. Number of observations by harvesting system and study region.

Based on studies published between 2010 and 2020, forest-to-landing harvesting and extraction costs are generally lower than 30 USD m−3 (). The lowest harvesting costs (under 5 USD m−3) are observed in Eucalyptus plantations in South-East Asia (China, Thailand), due to low labor costs of the motor-manual based systems applied in these regions. Similar costs were also achieved in Eucalyptus harvesting in Brazil due to high productivity in mechanized systems, high yields, and relatively low labor costs. After these two regions, South Africa and the US appear to be the most cost-competitive regions. In contrast, harvesting costs in Eucalyptus plantations in Iberia and Australia generally exceed 10 USD m−3, mainly due to difficult terrain/site conditions (Iberia) and high labor costs (Australia). The highest costs are reported in operations that involve processing high-value stems (e.g. veneer logs), such as Poplar in Italy or Paraserianthes in the Philippines.

Figure 10. Regional harvesting costs at the roadside (felling, extraction to roadside, and stem processing) for the species included in the study (Eu = eucalyptus, Pi = Pine, Po = Poplar, Pa = Paraserianthes, Tk = Teak) during the period 2010–2020. Squares represent the average value; the grey lines are the cost variation ranges (min, max).

Figure 10. Regional harvesting costs at the roadside (felling, extraction to roadside, and stem processing) for the species included in the study (Eu = eucalyptus, Pi = Pine, Po = Poplar, Pa = Paraserianthes, Tk = Teak) during the period 2010–2020. Squares represent the average value; the grey lines are the cost variation ranges (min, max).

A breakdown of the costs by operation in each harvesting system reveals that felling and processing accounted for the largest cost share (generally over 50% of the total cost in CTL systems) (). This figure can increase to 80% in FT systems, due to high processing costs. Processing costs increase, particularly with single stems (e.g. a slasher deck in South Africa), and decrease when multiple stems are processed (e.g. multi-stem processing of Eucalyptus in Brazil). Among mechanized CTL systems, forwarding costs may exceed felling and processing costs, mainly when logs are extracted over relatively long distances (e.g. in the Iberian Eucalyptus case). In contrast, it remains under 50% of the total cost in plantations with shorter extraction distances (Australia, Brazil, and South Africa).

Figure 11. Cost breakdown by harvesting system (CTL, FT) and plantation type (Eu = Eucalyptus, Pi = Pine, Po = Poplar) in the study regions. Me = fully mechanized, Se = semi-mechanized.

Figure 11. Cost breakdown by harvesting system (CTL, FT) and plantation type (Eu = Eucalyptus, Pi = Pine, Po = Poplar) in the study regions. Me = fully mechanized, Se = semi-mechanized.


Similarities and differences across regions and systems

This study gathered data from both literature and personal communications by experts to provide an overview of current harvesting systems and their performance in industrial plantations. Based on this, it is possible to point out some similarities and differences that are relevant to understanding current trends and future evolution in the sector.

In terms of wood products, two extremes can be observed; some systems aim at high-value recoveries and high fiber volume recovery, as in poplar plantations in Italy (Spinelli et al. Citation2011) and the US (Spinelli et al. Citation2008), where specific quality requirements need to be met (i.e. veneer, sawlogs, pulpwood products combination). Accordingly, the harvesting systems in these regions are designed to integrate motor-manual selection operations (manual bucking of logs) with mechanized felling and extraction. Similar trends can be observed in fully mechanized systems in Australian pine plantations, where up to ten different products can be included in optimizing value recovery with on-board computers.

At the other end of the spectrum, it is the mass production of pulpwood, which is typical of Eucalyptus plantations that are expanding in different regions. Here, it is theoretically possible to maximize the level of mechanization and potentially apply multiple stem handling systems. However, the degree of mechanization is still governed by regional socio-economical and local operational factors.

Mechanized systems, which maintain high productivity and minimize labor input, are generally preferred in most regions, regardless of labor cost (Australia, Brazil, Iberia, South Africa, US).

However, semi-mechanized systems, based on motor-manual operations, are still applied in regions with relatively low labor costs and limited capital available for investment in mechanized equipment. An example is Eucalyptus plantations in East Asia, where despite low productivity associated with manual/motor-manual work, costs per m3 are competitive and comparable to those achieved with fully mechanized systems applied in the other regions ().

General socio-economic conditions, development of the plantation industry, scale of operations, integration of forest operations in the industry, and business size can influence the selection of equipment and systems in each region. Typical of Brazil and Australia, purpose-built harvesters imported from abroad by large-scale forest companies/contractors co-existed with excavators acquired by smaller contractors on the local market and converted into forest harvesters by adding harvesting heads (also imported from abroad). This investment strategy allows small companies to reduce their investment effort, operate at low hourly operational costs, and maintain high productivity levels. It is also a sensible strategy wherever high import taxes are a reality (Seixas and Ferreira Batista Citation2012, Citation2014).

A similar phenomenon can be observed in Thailand, where small contractors invest in labor-intensive operations, whereas larger companies prefer purchasing and retrofitting machinery. Similarly, in South Africa, motor-manual felling is still applied in small-scale operations, whereas fully mechanized systems are applied in large-scale operations. Therefore, capital availability remains a pivotal factor regardless of regional economics.

In some very industrialized countries, like Italy or Spain, motor-manual felling in plantations is still a common practice due to the relatively smaller scale of operations compared to some other regions where the operation scale is relatively larger (Australia, Brazil). The ownership of single small woodlots in Italy or Spain (e.g. <5 ha) can play a significant role in equipment selection, discouraging large investments. The selection of smaller and more basic equipment is also driven by local knowledge available for assistance with specialized forest machinery. This can lead forest entrepreneurs to focus on small equipment or simpler systems based on conventional farm/construction machinery they are already familiar with.

In the US and Iberia, FT and CTL systems are the most common, consistent with the historical development of forest harvesting systems in these regions (i.e. the US and Europe). In other regions, CTL and FT systems are observed to largely co-exist.

In most regions, pulpwood from Eucalyptus plantations is delivered at the industry gate without bark, which is left at the stump or piled at the landing. Therefore, debarking is an additional factor to be considered when designing and planning operations and systems in Eucalyptus plantations if compared to conifers plantations (Murphy et al. Citation2017).

Full-tree processing is still a significant bottleneck in what are essentially hot systems (Hogg et al. Citation2010), given the short interaction between feller-buncher felling, subsequent grapple skidder extraction, and debarking/processing with processors. In those cases, the number of log grades also determines the system to use. For many assortments, it might be challenging to process and stack the logs at the landing, particularly in areas with restricted landing/storage space. Here, CTL might be the option. For these reasons, in South Africa, FT systems based on single-stem processing are being replaced by CTL systems with processing and debarking capabilities at the stump (Norihiro et al. Citation2018). Given the easier removal of bark when wood moisture content is still high, the need to debark trees shortly after harvest further favors CTL operations.

In other regions, there is a tendency toward increasing multi-tree handling in Eucalyptus stands, mainly when stem size ranges between 0.1 and 0.5 m3 (Bertin Citation2010). This is so, given that multi-stem handling can reduce the incidence of processing times (bucking, delimbing) and, consequently, the total cost at the roadside of FT systems ().

An opposite strategy for coping with hot FT systems in Eucalyptus plantations has been delimbing-debarking-chipping units, which appeared to be a cost-competitive alternative in Australia and the US (Strandgard et al. Citation2019).

The productivity level shown in this study for specialized harvesters is 40–50 m3 PMH−1 for stem volumes of 0.5 m3. The highly structured (geometric layout) working environment typical of industrial plantations has allowed achieving these high productivity levels, even when using non-purpose-built equipment. However, given the ongoing expansion of plantations to more challenging sites (e.g. in Brazil or South Africa), a substantial amount of research is being conducted to study the factors (e.g. steep terrain) that can affect the efficiency of the operations in these conditions (Miyajima et al. Citation2016; Ackerman et al. Citation2018).

Strengths and weakness of the study

This study included an overview of current systems applied to the harvesting of industrial plantations located in several global regions. Experts from different regions supported and complemented findings from the literature and improved the understanding of trends.

While not exhaustive globally due to the relatively small sample size, the study focused on specific regions where plantations are well-established or still expanding. Some regions, like East Asia, posed challenges in accessing data, mainly due to a language barrier in understanding local literature or conversing with local experts.

The study acknowledges its limitations, as there may be studies carried out by local universities or research institutes that are not published in peer-reviewed journals and were not fully accessible. In some regions, such as the US, a noticeable trend in the last ten years is the abundance of studies on harvesting plantations for energy wood or integrated timber and energy wood production (Ghaffariyan et al. Citation2017). Conversely, the number of recent studies exclusively focused on the harvesting of roundwood in Eucalyptus or Poplar plantations is finite. This limitation hinders a full comparison of economic performances in the US with those achieved in other regions. The literature gap emphasizes the need for new studies in this field to update current performances and enhance the modeling of future sectoral developments through up-to-date datasets.

Most of the collected studies were based on large-scale operations, and as a result, our study may not represent well small-scale semi-mechanized operations which remain prevalent in many regions. For example, according to our Brazilian expert, motor-manual felling is still widely practiced in the region, yet we could not find published studies reporting productivity and costs for this type of operation in that specific region.

To harmonize the collected data from different studies and regions, we applied standardized factors, converting the data to a common reference unit. For example, the conversion between net and gross productivity was obtained through utilization rates. In some cases, specific factors from the studies were available, or we applied relevant ones for the particular region, as seen in Wenhold et al. (Citation2019) for South Africa. In other cases, we had to rely on more general utilization factors, as described in our methodology. It’s important to acknowledge that this approach may have introduced some bias in the comprehensive representation of the local equipment status and usage (Abbas et al. Citation2021).

In some of the studies analyzed, we encountered units that proved challenging to compare across the dataset. For instance, in one study, the productivity was measured in “trees per hour,” which had to be supplemented with stem volume figures to establish a standard volumetric measure (m3 solid PMH−1). Despite numerous initiatives to establish common data collection standards (Magagnotti et al. Citation2013; Ackerman et al. Citation2014), there is still a need to standardize data collection methodologies in forest operation research. Another aspect requiring a standardized approach was the treatment of exchange rates from local currencies to USD. Due to the continuous and rapid fluctuations of exchange rates over time, we could not fully account for the yearly variations in economic competitiveness. However, we opted for this approach due to its simplicity. While there are more sophisticated methods for standardizing monetary values and comparing costs across regions (Di Fulvio et al. Citation2017), they would entail additional economic assumptions. Additionally, we did not attempt to update costs over time; instead, our goal was to standardize them by limiting the collection period to ten years.

It’s essential to emphasize that the costs reported in this study are exclusively those directly associated with the harvesting operation. They do not encompass other cost items such as machinery relocation, operation planning, overhead, operator travel, and other administrative expenses. Including these would result in harvesting costs exceeding the ones reported in the study.

Recommendations for future research

Future harvesting systems and equipment must continuously adapt to specific product combinations based on industrial plantation operational parameters (species, rotations, site conditions) and industrial demands. On one end, some systems focus solely on low-cost mass production of fiber/pulpwood, while others prioritize maximizing value recovery, even at the expense of higher costs.

Moreover, local socioeconomic factors and historical sectorial evolution in each region still significantly influence the selection of harvesting systems, machinery, and mechanization levels.

The peer-reviewed literature considered in this study appears to concentrate on large-scale, highly mechanized systems. It is not solely the cost that determines the equipment selection. This aspect would need to be further examined through dedicated studies to identify the most effective solutions in each region. For example, CTL systems might be preferred where slash must be left in the forest to maintain soil fertility or protect the soil from erosion. In contrast, in cases without those constraints, FT systems could be favored.

Plantations being established on more remote sites, such as those dominated by steep terrain and marginal lands, creates a new challenge for many existing systems and machinery. These are often based on local equipment borrowed from other sectors (such as construction and agriculture). Therefore, their adaptation to more rugged and complex terrain requires further investigation to analyze their pros and cons compared to purpose-built equipment.

Finally, this study highlighted the difficulty of obtaining up-to-date and comparable forest harvesting data. Despite the growing amount of information available on the web through numerous scientific publications and technical reports, there is still a need to establish networks of experts who can assist in compiling and scrutinizing the data collected from these studies.


This benchmarking study offers an overview of the most relevant harvesting systems currently applied in industrial roundwood plantations across different global regions. It enables the identification of current productivity and cost levels, along with factors influencing system selection and performance. Additionally, the study suggests literature gaps and future needs for adapting harvesting systems to evolving conditions.

The study emphasizes the necessity for protocols and guidelines in creating, processing, and updating benchmarking datasets. This ensures that up-to-date information on harvesting productivity and costs is readily available to researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers. Such protocols could be structured as a “Logging Watchdog,” providing a continuously updated global database.

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We acknowledge support from the Horizon Europe project ForestNavigator— Navigating European forests and forest bioeconomy sustainably to EU climate neutrality (grant agreement No 101056875).

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online at https://doi.org/10.1080/14942119.2023.2296789.

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This work was supported by the HORIZON EUROPE Framework Programme [101056875].


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Annex I

Table A1. Benchmarking plantation characteristics, harvesting systems, productivity, and costs across the different study regions.