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Labour Economics and Education

Climbing the ladders of job satisfaction and employee organizational commitment: cross-country evidence using a semi-nonparametric approach

Article: 2163581 | Received 23 Nov 2021, Accepted 23 Dec 2022, Published online: 12 Jan 2023


Satisfied and committed employees play a major positive role in business performance in today’s globalized and competitive landscape. This paper contributes to the literature on the empirical determinants of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, drawing on a rich micro dataset for 36 countries, using a flexible semi-nonparametric approach, which nests and outperforms the standard ordered probit model. The findings indicate that job satisfaction and organizational commitment can be fostered by instruments which can be controlled by management. Our results shed timely light on how managers can improve job satisfaction and organizational commitment and address implications of the Great Resignation. However, despite the ever-increasing pace of globalization and expanding role of multinationals across the globe in shaping work environments, our results uncover that significant cross-country differences in job satisfaction and organizational commitment do exist, even after controlling for a plethora of job-and-workplace manageable attributes and individual (including religious dimensions) related characteristics.

1. Introduction

In today’s competitive landscape, human resources are increasingly recognized as the most valuable assets to any organization (Fulmer & Ployhart, Citation2014). Consequently, strategic human resources management plays a fundamental role in increasing employees’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment and consequently business performance (Brown et al., Citation2011). Within this context, researchers and human resource practitioners consider employees’ satisfaction as a critical goal to be achieved, which influences their commitment and other positive behavioral attitudes towards the organization (Brown et al., Citation2011).

Therefore, there is a growing body of empirical literature on the determinants of employees’ job satisfaction within human resource management and organizational behavior literature or, more broadly, in economics, psychology, and sociology (Belfield & Harris, Citation2002; Borjas, Citation1979; Clark, Oswald, Citation1996; Idson, Citation1990; Johnson & Johnson, Citation2002; Judge & Hulin, Citation1993; Judge et al., Citation2002; King & Williamson, Citation2005; Souza-Poza & Souza-Poza, Citation2003; Vieira, Citation2005; Westover & Taylor, Citation2010) and how such satisfaction relates to employees’ level of organizational commitment (Harter et al., Citation2002; Rayton, Citation2006; Saridakis et al., Citation2018; Valaei & Rezaei, Citation2016) and organizational performance (e.g., Harter et al., Citation2002; Koys, Citation2001).

This paper adds novel empirical evidence to the literature on job satisfaction and employee organizational commitment and its managerial implications. In order to achieve this objective, we address the following questions. First, we inquire if there are specific job satisfaction enhancing variables at managers’ disposal, or if job-satisfaction is intrinsic to workers (e.g., their demographics or religious beliefs). Second, we evaluate the extent to which employee organizational commitment is explained by job satisfaction. To answer these questions, we analyze a vast, detailed, rich sample of employees for a large number of countries − 36 – using a robust yet flexible semi-nonparametric model, of which the ordered probit model is a particular, restricted case. We focus on cross-country differences, as the data allow to isolate cross-country differences, after controlling for a rich plethora of job and workplace-related characteristics, in addition to individual related characteristics, including religious beliefs and practices. The results indicate that the conventional ordered probit model, which needs a distributional assumption about the error term, is rejected in favor of the proposed more flexible semi-nonparametric alternative, validating, thus, our approach. Moreover, the findings suggest that while not all determinants of workers’ job satisfaction can be influenced by management, it is most interesting to note that indeed some instruments that increase job satisfaction are available to managers and controlled by managers. The results also indicate that increasing job satisfaction increases employees’ organizational commitment. In addition, certain determinants of job satisfaction also exert a direct (not only indirect) effect on employee organizational commitment. Quite interestingly, there are striking cross-country differences on the determinants of job satisfaction and employee organizational commitment even after controlling for a rich plethora of job, workplace, and individual characteristics (including cultural and religious beliefs), which researchers and human resources managers alike ought to consider.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the literature on job satisfaction and employee organizational commitment. Section 3 presents the conceptual framework, the hypotheses to be tested, the data set collected, and the statistical and micro-econometric model used. Section 4 presents the estimation results and discusses the findings. Finally, Section 5 contains the main conclusions and directions for further research.

2. Literature review

2.1. Job satisfaction

In general, in the literature the concept of job satisfaction expresses the degree to which one feels positively or negatively about his or her job and involves a subjective evaluation of many work-specific factors such as pay, work autonomy, occupational prestige, supervision, promotional opportunities, and workplace relations (Clark, Oswald, Citation1996; Rayton, Citation2006; Saridakis et al., Citation2018; Wood & Ogbonnaya, Citation2018). For instance, Newstorm (Citation2007) summarizes it as “a set of favorable or unfavorable feelings and emotions with which employees view their work.” Other definitions can be found in Spector (Citation1997), Judge and Kammeyer-Mueller (Citation2012), and Frederici and Skaalvik (Citation2012).

There is also a debate on how one can measure job satisfaction (Judge & Kammeyer-Mueller, Citation2012; van Saane et al., Citation2003). Regardless of the exact definition of job satisfaction, it has long been found in the literature that employees’ reported feelings towards their job do convey useful managerial information on individual behavior and organizational performance (Akerlof et al., Citation1988; Harter et al., Citation2002; Hellman, Citation1997; Rayton, Citation2006; Saridakis et al., Citation2018; Shields & Price, Citation2002).

Several motivational theories have been used to address job satisfaction, including the needs hierarchy theory (Maslow, Citation1943), two-factor theory (Herzberg et al., Citation1959), X and Y theory (McGregor, Citation1960), needs achievement theory (McClelland, Citation1961), equity theory (Adams, Citation1963), expectancy theory (Vroom, Citation1964), goal setting theory (Locke, Citation1968), and job characteristics theory (Hackman & Oldham, Citation1976). These theoretical frameworks have guided empirical work on the determinants and outcomes of job satisfaction. At the empirical level, some studies have examined overall job satisfaction, while others have focused on satisfaction with a specific aspect of the job (Saridakis et al., Citation2018).

There is evidence that one’s job satisfaction relates to a diversity of job-related characteristics, although the findings are not completely consistent across studies, such as pay (Clark, Oswald, Citation1996; Heywood & Wei, Citation2006; Pouliakas & Ioannis, Citation2010), hours of work (Clark, Oswald, et al., Citation1996), job security (Artz & Kaya, Citation2014), promotion opportunities (Clark, Citation1998), job stress (Wang et al., Citation2014), work autonomy (Ross & Reskin, Citation1992), workplace relations with co-workers and management (Westover & Taylor, Citation2010), job-skill use (Allen & van der Velden, Citation2001; Amador & Vila, Citation2013; Belfield & Harris, Citation2002; Johnson & Johnson, Citation2002; Vieira, Citation2005), and job-life interference (Anderson et al., Citation2002; Scandura & Lankau, Citation1997).

Several authors have also examined the role of socio-demographic characteristics as explanatory variables for job satisfaction, such as gender (Clark, Citation1997; Linz, Citation2003; Souza-Poza & Souza-Poza, Citation2003; Witt & Neal, Citation1992), age (Chaudhuri et al., Citation2015; Clark, Oswald, et al., Citation1996; Linz, Citation2003; Saner & Eyüpoğlu, Citation2012), education (Clark, Oswald, Citation1996; Clark, Oswald, et al., Citation1996; Idson, Citation1990; Linz, Citation2003; Ross & Reskin, Citation1992; Vila & García‐mora, Citation2005), marital status (Clark, Oswald, et al., Citation1996; Linz, Citation2003; Saner & Eyüpoğlu, Citation2013), region or country (Borooah, Citation2009; Bozionelos & Kostopoulos, Citation2010; Díaz-Serrano & Vieira, Citation2005; Jones & Sloane, Citation2009; Mysíková & Večerník, Citation2013), union membership (Borjas, Citation1979; Clark, Oswald, et al., Citation1996; García-Serrano, Citation2008; Hammer & Avgar, Citation2005; Renaud, Citation2002), religious beliefs (King & Williamson, Citation2005), and public service versus private-sector employment (Top et al., Citation2015).

2.2. Organizational commitment

It is widely recognized that employees’ organizational commitment plays an important role in any organization, linked to important competitive advantages, such as employee turnover, absenteeism, and performance (Brown et al., Citation2011; Mowday et al., Citation1979; Walton, Citation1985). Price (Citation1997) defined organizational commitment as loyalty to a social unit. Others refer to it as the strength of identification and involvement with an organization (Mowday et al., Citation1979). Mowday et al. (Citation1979) identified the following three components of organizational commitment: a strong belief in the organization’s goals and values, a willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of it, and a strong intent to remain employed by the organization. Meyer and Allen (Citation1991, Citation1997) refer to one’s organizational commitment as a psychological state that has at least three separable components: affective commitment (a desire), continuance commitment (a need), and normative commitment (an obligation) to maintain employment in an organization. Affective commitment is an attitudinal process that involves employees’ identification with, attachment to, and involvement in the organization’s efforts to share its values and goals. Continuance commitment relates to employees’ awareness of the costs associated with leaving the organization. Normative commitment reflects the feeling of obligation towards the organization based on their personal values and beliefs. In general, commitment captures the worker-employer ties or attachment.

Several studies have examined the determinants of organizational commitment, although the findings are not completely consistent across different studies. Such research has addressed the explanatory role of variables including rewards or compensation (Paik et al., Citation2007), job–life balance (Azeem & Akhtar, Citation2014) and demographic characteristics such as gender (Mathieu & Zajac, Citation1990), age (Allen & Meyer, Citation1993; Suliman & Lies, Citation2000; Yucel & Bektas, Citation2012), and education (González et al., Citation2016). A close reading of empirical studies suggests that many determinants of job satisfaction also impact organizational commitment. The extent to which their effect on organizational commitment is direct, indirect (via the mediating effect of job satisfaction), or both is an important empirical issue in the literature. This study contributes to the literature in this regard.

2.3. Connecting job satisfaction and organizational commitment

The existing empirical evidence on job satisfaction and organizational commitment still reflects a lack of unanimity on the causal ordering between these constructs (Saridakis et al., Citation2018). A vast majority of studies have evidenced that job satisfaction is an antecedent of organizational commitment (Chan & Qiu, Citation2011; Elangovan, Citation2001; Top & Gider, Citation2013; Top et al., Citation2015). However, others have proposed that organizational commitment shapes job satisfaction (Bateman & Strasser, Citation1984; Paik et al., Citation2007; Vandenberg & Lance, Citation1992), while some authors also view these constructs as potentially reciprocally related (Farkas & Tetrick, Citation1989; Huang & Hsiao, Citation2007; Lance, Citation1991; Saridakis et al., Citation2018).

3. Methodology, data, and the statistical model

3.1. Methodology

displays the conceptual framework for empirical examination, which includes the following hypotheses:

Figure 1. The conceptual model.

Note: This figure depicts our proposed conceptual model to be used for empirical purposes and the corresponding hypotheses to be tested. The model considers that employee and job/workplace attributes influence job satisfaction and organizational commitment. As job satisfaction might also influence organizational commitment, this means that employee and job/workplace attributes may impact organizational commitment directly and/or also indirectly due to their effect on satisfaction. It can, however, also be the case that some attributes have no impact on organizational commitment or eventually act only through one of the channels instead of both.
Figure 1. The conceptual model.

H1 -

Employee characteristics influence job satisfaction.a

H2 -

Job or workplace characteristics influence job satisfaction.

H3 -

Job satisfaction influences organizational commitment.

To investigate H1, we test the effect of workers’ characteristics on job satisfaction, controlling for confounding effects arising via observed job or workplace characteristics. If job attributes were not controlled for them, employee attributes regression coefficients could also capture the effect of those attributes due to the correlation between both variables. In H2, we test the influence of job or workplace characteristics on job satisfaction, controlling for the influence of workers’ observed attributes. Despite the lack of consensus in the literature regarding the causal ordering between these two variables, we entertain in H3 job satisfaction as a determinant (even if partially) of organizational commitment, while we also consider the possibility that job satisfaction is endogenously determined with organizational commitment via an instrument variable approach.

Two additional hypotheses are necessary to close the model:

H4 -

Employee characteristics have a direct impact on organizational commitment.

H5 -

Job or workplace characteristics have a direct impact on organizational commitment.

In order to test H4, one must control for the effect of job satisfaction and job or workplace characteristics on organizational commitment. To test H5, we must control for the influence of job satisfaction and employees’ characteristics on organizational commitment.

Therefore, the present framework allows to examine the extent to which the effect of employee and job-and-workplace characteristics on organizational commitment runs directly is mediated by job satisfaction, or both. For instance, if such an effect is totally mediated via job satisfaction, then there is no room for any direct effect of these variables on the organizational commitment equation (otherwise, those variables will also have a direct impact).

3.2. Data

The present study uses data from the 2015 Work Orientation module of International Social Survey Program (ISSP) survey, which was implemented in 2015–2016 in a large number of countries. The national surveys include random samples of the population and include questions regarding the general and working populations. We only use data on working respondents. The final sample, after eliminating missing values on relevant variables, includes 14,437 working respondents. A similar procedure has been used by other researchers (e.g., Saridakis et al., Citation2018).

The survey collected information on respondents, in this case employees, including characteristics such as age, gender, education, marital status, trade union membership, religious beliefs, religious services attendance, and country of employment. The survey also includes questions on job or workplace characteristics, namely number of weekly hours worked, type of organization (public or private employer), whether the respondent supervises other workers or not in the workplace, whether the employee has recently received any training to improve skills at the workplace or elsewhere (which can be viewed as the extent to which the job provides or allows training opportunities to improve skills), perceived professional use of past experience and skills, perceived work–life balance, perceived relations in the workplace (between management and employees and between colleagues), perceived incidence of stress at work, and, finally, respondents’ evaluation of their job on a five-point scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. These responses are given to statements such as a) My job is secure, b) My income is high, c) My opportunities of advancement are high, d) My job is interesting, e) I can work independently, f) In my job I can help other people, g) My job is useful to society, and h) In my job I have personal contact with other people. presents the summary of descriptive statistics on employee and job-related characteristics, along with a description of other independent variables to be used in the regression analysis.

Table 1. Data and variables description.

The survey also asked the following question: How satisfied are you in your (main) job? The level of satisfaction had to be reported on a seven-point scale ranging from completely dissatisfied to completely satisfied (see ). Moreover, respondents were asked the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with the following three statements: a) I am willing to work harder than I have to in order to help the firm or organization for succeed, b) I am proud to be working for my firm or organization, and c) I would turn down another job that offered quite a bit more pay in order to stay with this organization. The levels of agreement to these statements were reported on a five-point scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. These three items naturally correspond to our measures of organizational commitment to the extent that they capture workers’ levels of involvement, affection, attachment, or dedication to the firm or organization.

Table 2. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment description.

3.3. The statistical model

The constructs to be explained in this paper are the level of job satisfaction and the level of organizational commitment. For the empirical analysis and following the conceptual framework previously described, the determinants of job satisfaction include both employee and job or workplace-related characteristics. These are also considered determinants of organizational commitment together with job satisfaction. For this purpose, we estimate separate equations for job satisfaction and organizational commitment: a common procedure in the literature.

Due to the ordinal nature of the dependent variables, a linear regression approach is not suitable. Instead, an ordered probit type model may be used. Another common alternative in the literature is to assume that the error term follows a logistic pattern, which yields the so-called ordered logit model (Greene, Citation2018).

Consider that the dependent variable (job satisfaction or organizational commitment) for respondent i is determined by the following stochastic process:

(1) yi=βxi+εii=1,,N(1)

where yi is a latent variable, xi is a set of explanatory variables, β is the vector of parameters to be estimated, andεi stands for a random term.

However, in the data, we do not observe yi but an indicator variable yi, which indicates the level of satisfaction or the level of organizational commitment, depending on the case under scrutiny, to which the respondent belongs, such that:

(2) yi=jifμj1<yiμjj=1,,J(2)

The thresholds µ are unknown and cut the assumed distribution for the error term into segments, being that µj-1 <µj. Assuming that the error terms, εi, are independent and follow a standard normal distribution, the probability that respondent i belongs to each alternative j is given by:

(3) Pyi=j=ΦμjβxiΦμj1βxiifj=1,,J(3)

The log-likelihood function to be maximized is given by:

(4) LogL=i=1Nj=1JλijlogΦμjβxiΦμj1βxi(4)



Identification in this model is achieved by excluding the constant term and by fixing one of the µj (Stewart, Citation2004). Another alternative would be a simple normalization that keeps the constant term but fixes µ1 equal to zero (Greene, Citation2018).

The ordered probit model, although widely used to examine ordinal data, depends on a strong assumption about the error term. Our estimation model uses, as a robust yet flexible alternative approach to the stringent assumption associated with the standard ordered probit model, a semi-nonparametric estimator of an unknown density, proposed by Gallant and Nychka (Citation1987). This procedure can be written as the product of a squared polynomial and a normal density. It is noteworthy to mention that the resulting model nests the standard ordered probit model, thus allowing for hypothesis testing in order to choose the appropriate model.

The semi-nonparametric approach approximates the unknown density as:

(5) fKε=k=0Kγkεk2ϕεk=0Kγkεk2ϕε(5)

The required distribution function is specified as:

(6) FKε=k=0kγkεk2ϕεk=0Kγkεk2ϕε(6)

EquationEquation (5) defines a family of semi-nonparametric distributions for increasing values of K, and the unknown density can be closely approximated by this Hermite series by increasing the choice of K – the degree of the polynomial -, provided that it satisfies certain smoothness conditions (Gallant & Nychka, Citation1987; Stewart, Citation2004). Following Gallant and Nychka (Citation1987), the model parameters can be consistently estimated by maximizing a pseudo-likelihood function which replaces in EquationEquation (4) the standard normal cumulative distribution by the one defined in (6).

The model requires a location normalization for identification. One way of doing this is to fix the first threshold (µ1) to its ordered probit estimate by using (4), which closely resembles the procedure used by Melenberg and van Soest (Citation1996) in the context of a probit model. It is also worth noting that when K = 0, K = 1, and K = 2, the model is equivalent to the conventional ordered probit model. The choice of K is part of the model selection procedure by testing between different alternatives. In this paper, model estimation and further testing rely on Stewart (Citation2004).

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Results

We start by noting that likelihood-ratio tests, included in , regarding the explanation of job satisfaction for different values of K from 3 to 5 reject the standard ordered probit model against the semi-nonparametric alternative in all cases. Moreover, likelihood-ratio tests for K against K-1 reject the null hypothesis at significance levels of 10% or less for K ≤ 4 but not for K above this limit, suggesting the selection of a K = 4 model.

Table 3. Job satisfaction: LRT tests for model choice.

Estimation results for the K = 4 semi-nonparametric ordered probit model are presented in , in which workers’ reported level of job satisfaction is explained through two sets of employee and job-related characteristics. The null hypotheses that each of these sets of variables does not explain workers’ job satisfaction are rejected at conventional significance levels using the likelihood-ratio tests included in . These results validate hypotheses H1 and H2.

Table 4. The determinants of employees’ job satisfaction.

Table 5. Job satisfaction hypothesis testing.

However, it is worth noting that not all variables included in those sets have explanatory power, such is the case of individual characteristics like age, gender, and whether or not the employee is a union member (). Other attributes such as education, religious beliefs, and country of residence explain job satisfaction. For instance, as education increases, the likelihood of being completely satisfied decreases, and that of being completely dissatisfied increases. In terms of religious beliefs, Buddhists show the highest probability of being completely satisfied with their jobs.

Most interestingly, there are significant differences in job satisfaction by country. Out of 36 countries included in the regression and after controlling for the effect of a large number of other individual and job-related characteristics, Georgia and India occupy the two extremes. That is, the highest likelihood of being completely satisfied is found in India and is the lowest in Georgia, all else equal. Compared with the United States, which corresponds to the reference category in the regression, the probability of a worker being completely satisfied is higher, and the probability of being completely unsatisfied is lower, for countries such as India, Mexico, Venezuela, Spain, Russia, Israel, Croatia, Chile, Austria, and the Czech Republic. The reverse (i.e., the probability of being completely satisfied is lower and that of being completely unsatisfied is higher, as compared with the United States) is true in Georgia, Taiwan, China, Japan, Lithuania, Suriname, Sweden, Australia, Germany, and Slovenia. There is no statistical difference in those probabilities between the United States and the remaining 15 countries used in the analysis, all else equal.

The heterogeneity in job satisfaction across countries is in some cases quite striking, such as the finding that Venezuelans had a higher probability of reporting (high) job satisfaction compared to Americans, while Germans had in turn a lower probability. There is no clear-cut explanation for these differences, but one can note that Germany is known as a strong labor market, while Venezuela has been experiencing an economic crisis. Consequently, it could be the case that due to the well-known dual vocational education and training system in Germany, once one starts a career in a specific field it is quite difficult to change careers. Moreover, increased unemployment experienced by Venezuelans during the time of the survey could make workers in Venezuela happy to have a job at all. In order to evaluate this argumentation, we included a new explanatory variable based on the following 5-point scale ordinal question from the survey How difficult or easy do you think it would be for you to find a job at least as good as your current one?. This new variable assumes a value equal to 1 for responses of the type very difficult and fairly difficult and 0 in the other situations and undoubtedly captures the worker’s perceptions of both macro-general and micro-idiosyncratic factors that impact his or her perceived desirability of his or her circumstances. However, including this variable as a regressor does not eliminate the existence of significant cross-county differences.

Job-and-workplace characteristics matter for employees’ level of job satisfaction in most cases. The aspects of being a public servant, feeling of security in a job which brings a high income, having many opportunities for advancement, accessing training to improve skills, feeling interested in one’s job, feeling useful to society, helping other people, and having the ease of taking time off during working hours positively impact reported job satisfaction. The same is valid for those who feel they have non-stressful work, good relations among workmates, good relations between management and employees, application of past experience and skills, and no interference with family life. Some of these attributes and, therefore, workers’ level of job satisfaction can be controlled by management. In other words, managers have at their disposal some instruments that can be used in order to foster employees’ satisfaction with the job.

The likelihood ratio tests included in suggest the use of a K = 4 semi-nonparametric ordered probit model to explain employees’ organizational commitment, whose estimation results are included in . Moreover, based on the information included in , the null hypothesis that workers’ job satisfaction does not influence organizational commitment is rejected, thus supporting H3. The regression results predict that higher levels of job satisfaction imply higher levels of organizational commitment. However, a word of caution is worth since job satisfaction might be endogenous namely due to omitted variables that affect organizational commitment and are correlated with job satisfaction (Saridakis et al., Citation2018), which we address subsequently.

Table 6. Organizational commitment: LRT tests for model choice.

Table 7. The determinants of employees’ organizational commitment.

Table 8. Organizational commitment hypothesis testing.

A commonly proposed technique for correcting the potential bias arising from such a problem is the use of instrumental variables (IV) techniques. This requires the existence of at least one observable variable which influences job satisfaction but does not affect employee’s organizational commitment. By inspection of the estimated results included in , we conclude that having a non-stressful work exerts a (positive) direct impact in job satisfaction but does not directly explain organizational commitment. Indeed, ample support for this mediatory role of job satisfaction in the effect of occupational stress on organizational commitment has already been reported by Aghdasi et al. (Citation2011).

In order to address the robustness of our previous results, the following two-step strategy has been implemented within our semi-nonparametric approach. From the coefficients of the estimated job satisfaction equation included in which include a dummy for having a non-stressful work among the covariates, we calculated in a first step the corresponding predicted values for the job satisfaction index yi(see EquationEquation (1)). In a second step, we estimated a semi-nonparametric ordered probit (K = 4) for the organizational commitment constructs, which includes this predicted index among the covariates. Other explanatory variables included in the organizational commitment equations are the same as in , except the work stress indicator which has been removed. The estimated coefficient associated with the satisfaction index is positive and significant at the 5% level for all the organizational commitment constructs, thus confirming that job satisfaction explains and exerts a positive effect on employee’s organizational commitment. Estimated values for this coefficient across organizational commitment constructs are as follows: I am willing to work harder than I have to in order to help firm or organization for succeed (coef. = 0.0874, s.e. = 0.0383), I am proud to be working for my firm or organization (coef. = 0.2967, s.e. 0.0850) and I would turn down another job that offered quite a bit more pay in order to stay with this organization (coef. = 0.2502, s.e. 0.0971), where reported standard errors are robust and based on the Huber-White sandwich estimator of variance. In addition to this exercise, we also carried out further analysis by estimating a parametric ordered probit model for organizational commitment which treats job satisfaction as potentially endogenously determined and where the change in work stress is used once again as the instrument (performed by using the extended regression command eoprobit from the STATA statistical package). This approach implied a maximum likelihood joint estimation of two ordered probit models for job satisfaction and organizational commitment which allows for the correlation between the errors of these two equations. Such as before, the results indicated a positive and statistically significant role of job satisfaction to the determination of organizational commitment. Moreover, the null hypothesis of zero correlation between error terms of the two equations is not rejected at the 1% of significance across the three organizational commitment constructs, being the estimated results as follows: I am willing to work harder than I have to in order to help firm or organization for succeed (corr. = 0.1227, s.e. = 0.3131), I am proud to be working for my firm or organization (corr. = 0.0621, s.e. 0.1073) and I would turn down another job that offered quite a bit more pay in order to stay with this organization (corr = −0.1272, s.e. 0.1704). Therefore, we cannot reject the hypothesis of exogeneity of job satisfaction in the organizational commitment equations. In sum, the previously reported positive impact of job satisfaction on organizational commitment is robust and not undermined by the endogeneity issues.

The null hypotheses that employee characteristics and job characteristics do not directly influence organizational commitment are rejected at conventional levels of significance, thus validating H4 and H5, respectively (). This implies that job and worker attributes do not determine organizational commitment only indirectly via their effect on job satisfaction, but also directly. In such a case, organizational commitment varies within each level of job satisfaction, depending on the values of those attributes. Nevertheless, some particularities can be isolated when examining the set as a whole and investigating the role of specific variables. Only a few cases will be mentioned below, although others can be easily identified within the estimated results included in .

For instance, although gender has no visible effect on job satisfaction, it directly impacts the degree of agreement on the willingness to work harder in order to help the firm or organization succeed. In this case, women are less likely to strongly agree and more likely to strongly disagree, compared to men. However, gender has no visible effects on other organizational commitment indicators such as the pride of working for the firm or the willingness to turn down another job that offers quite a bit more pay in order to stay with the organization. The same is valid for union membership, whose coefficient is not statistically different from zero in the satisfaction equation. However, unionized workers are more unwilling to work harder in order to help the firm succeed than their non-unionized counterparts, but do not differ from these with respect to the pride of working for the firm or the willingness to stay in the job.

There are substantial heterogeneous outcomes regarding the impact of religious beliefs on organizational commitment. Hindus and Catholics are apparently more available to work harder to promote the success of the firm or organization. Hindus, Islamic, Protestants, and Catholics are more likely to be proud to work for a firm or organization. Buddhists are more probable to turn down another job in order to stay in the firm or organization. Years of completed education exert no direct effect on organizational commitment but only indirectly through their influence on job satisfaction.

There is also significant heterogeneity regarding the influence of country of residence on organizational commitment, which varies within a specific construct as well as across constructs (). Regarding the statement concerning their willingness to work harder in order to help a firm succeed, workers in Venezuela had the highest probability of strongly agreeing and the lowest probability of strongly disagreeing, all else equal, with the other extreme of the ranking occupied by France. The United States ranked fourth, although the difference was not statistically different from the second and the third (South Africa and Georgia, respectively). With respect to being proud of working for the firm or organization, Venezuela also led, while the other extreme of the ranking was found in Russia. In this case, the United States ranked third but was not statistically different from the second in the ranking (Spain), and France occupied a middle position. Despite some visible differences in these two rankings, such as the position of France, a Spearman rank correlation equals 0.606 (P = 0.000), indicating the positive significant association between them, therefore suggesting a proximity of type of organizational commitment captured by these two variables. However, substantial differences emerge when these rankings are compared with that of the willingness to turn down another job that offered quite a bit more pay in order to stay in the firm or organization. In this case, workers in Japan were the ones with the highest probability of strongly agreeing and the lowest probability of strongly disagreeing, followed by China, Israel, and the Philippines (). The other extreme is occupied by Iceland, and the United States ranks thirty-second out of 36 countries. Employees in Venezuela, which occupied the top of the ranking in the former constructs, now occupy the twenty-sixth position. A Spearman rank correlation coefficient included at the bottom of does not support any significant association between this ranking and the two previously examined. This finding suggests that the type of organizational commitment captured by this variable and the former ones are quite different, as it is likely closer to some sort of continuance commitment. Employees with high levels of continuance commitment remain in the organization because they need to stay until they find a more suitable opportunity elsewhere (Meyer & Allen, Citation1997).

Table 9. Regression coefficients ranking by country and Spearman rank correlation by organizational commitment constructs.

4.2. Discussion

Job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and the relationship between them have been debated in several scientific areas. The present study contributes to this empirical literature by evaluating the determinants of these two constructs using a semi-nonparametric estimation of separate ordered probit models, with the benefit of not imposing ex ante stringent distributional assumptions regarding the error term. For this purpose, we consider a conceptual framework where job satisfaction may act as an antecedent of organizational commitment.

Empirical testing revealed interesting results. The results support our empirical estimation strategy, as the simple ordinary probit model – a specific case of our more general, more flexible non-parametric model – is rejected in favor of the general form we herein propose. Job satisfaction depends on certain employees’ characteristics and job-related attributes, in line with the literature. Furthermore, job satisfaction significantly influences organizational commitment but does not fully explain such organizational commitment behavior. Finally, organizational commitment depends directly and indirectly (via job satisfaction) on employees and job-related attributes. These outcomes have several managerial implications.

It has been argued that organizational commitment contributes to business success, and our results indicate that management may foster organizational commitment to a certain extent. In fact, certain variables that directly and/or indirectly determine organizational commitment are not readily under the management’s control, such as, and for instance, gender, religious beliefs and practices, public versus private sector work, country of residence. However, many instruments can be used by management in order to directly and/or indirectly enhance organizational commitment, including creating conditions to reduce stress in the workplace (due to its indirect impact on organizational commitment via job satisfaction) and promoting good relations between workmates and with management. Whenever possible, enabling an employee to take time off during working time and improving the coordination between job and family life also seems important in order to achieve that goal, which points to the role of flexible workplace arrangements and practices for individuals, teams, and organizations (Anderson et al., Citation2002; Scandura & Lankau, Citation1997). Recruiting workers with previous experience and skills to be used at work or providing training to improve workers’ skills in order to avoid job-skill mismatch can help promote satisfaction and commitment. Other instruments relate to the development of practices that promote employees’ positive feelings about job aspects such as pay, security, or autonomy and provide opportunities for job career development. Our results are useful for managers to address perils of the Great Resignation of late 2021 and early 2022, with high number of resignations and high labour market tightness in labour markets such as the USA and associated potential for non-optimal job turnover and wage-growth induced inflation. In fact, the information herein uncovered may be used for managers to design human resource policies and practices that foster job satisfaction and organizational commitment, thus potentially avoiding excessive job turnover in a win–win manner for workers and organizations.

Finally, country-specific factors play a significant role in job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Indeed, job satisfaction varies substantially according to country of residence, after controlling for a large set of personal and job or workplace-related attributes. The same is true regarding organizational commitment. Moreover, the impact of country of residence on the explanation for the likelihood of turning down another job that offered quite a bit more pay in order to stay at the firm and the explanation for the other two organizational commitment constructs differs substantially. These results suggest that, despite the convergence in workplaces and workforces in many aspects due to globalization and the expanding role of multinationals, managers and human resources professionals alike must be aware that substantial differences still exist across countries (even after controlling for religious dimensions).

5. Conclusions and future research directions

This paper examined job satisfaction and organizational commitment using a sizeable, rich, micro data set for a large number of working respondents in 36 countries. Due to the ordered nature of the dependent variables, we estimate ordered probit equations using a semi-nonparametric approach, which revealed itself to be far superior to the conventional ordered probit model thus validating our proposed empirical strategy. The results indicate that employee and job-related attributes directly and indirectly (through job satisfaction) affect organizational commitment. However, within each of those sets, not all variables play the same role or are equally controllable for managerial purposes. Our empirical results do uncover a set of workplace-related variables which managers can leverage to significantly foster organizational commitment. A very interesting result is that despite the ubiquitous and inexorable globalization process, job satisfaction and organizational commitment differ significantly across countries, even after a large set of controls for individual and job-workplace related characteristics is considered. Managers ought to consider said micro determinants of job satisfaction and organizational commitment and cross-country differences to design well-informed human resources policies that aim to foster job satisfaction and organizational commitment, which could help address job resignations that contribute negatively to optimal job turnover; an economic problem acutely felt in certain labour markets experiencing the present day so-called Great Resignation.

The semi-nonparametric approach does not address some aspects which could be explored in future research, such as a potential reciprocity between the organizational commitment and job satisfaction, which could be relevant (Saridakis et al., Citation2018). Moreover, a replication of the methodology applied to different countries separately could add to the understanding of cross-country differences or similarities in the determinants of job satisfaction and organizational commitment as well as the relationship between these two constructs.

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This paper/research is financed by Portuguese national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., project number UIDB/00685/2020.

Notes on contributors

José A. C. Vieira

José A. C. Vieira is a Professor of Economics at the School of Business and Economics of the University of the Azores, in Portugal. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Amsterdam, in Netherlands. His main research areas include tourism and labour economics. He is a member of the editorial board of Tourism Economics.

Francisco J. F. Silva

Francisco J. F. Silva is an Assistant Professor of Operations Research at the School of Business and Economics of the University of the Azores, in Portugal. He holds a Ph.D. in Management from the University Pompeu Fabra, in Spain. His main research areas include operations research and tourism economics.

João C. A. Teixeira

João C. A. Teixeira is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the School of Business and Economics of the University of the Azores, in Portugal. He holds a Ph.D. in Finance from Lancaster University, in the United Kingdom. His main research areas include banking and corporate finance.

António J. V. F. G. Menezes

António J. V. F. G. Menezes is an Associate Professor of Economics at the School of Business and Economics of the University of the Azores, in Portugal. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Boston College, in the U.S.A. His main research areas include labor economics and transportation economics.

Sancha N. B. de Azevedo

Sancha N. B. de Azevedo is a manager in the marketing area. She holds a MSc in Economics and Business Sciences and an undergraduate degree in Economics at the School of Business and Economics of the University of the Azores, in Portugal.


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