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Antecedents of happiness at work: The moderating role of gender

Article title: Antecedents of happiness at work: The moderating role of gender

Authors: Al-Taie, M.

Journal: Cogent Business & Management

Bibliometrics: Volume 10, Number 03, pages 1, 3, 7 and 14

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2023.2283927

When this article was published in an issue, there were some errors in the text, which are now corrected as below.

Page 1: In Abstract, the sentence

…This study investigates the relationship between organizational (high commitment human resources practices (HCHRPs); perceived organizational support (POS); and organizational respect for non-work (ORN)) and personal factors (passion for work (PFW), employee psychological capital (PsyCap), and gender), and HAW as a holistic and multidimensional construct…

Is corrected as

…This study investigates the relationship between three organizational factors (high commitment human resources practices (HCHRPs); perceived organizational support (POS); and organizational respect for non-work (ORN)) and three personal factors (passion for work (PFW), employee psychological capital (PsyCap), and gender), and HAW as a holistic and multidimensional construct…

Page 3: In Section 1, the sentence

…This study attempts to address this scarcity by investigating the antecedents of HAW in the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) higher education sector, based on Fisher’s (2010) holistic conceptualization of HAW.

Is corrected as

…This study attempts to address this scarcity by investigating the antecedents of HAW in the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) higher education sector.

Page 7: In Section 3.2.1, the sentence

…Finally, a UWES-9, developed by Schaufeli et al. (2006), was used to measure work engagement, with the following sample item: “At my work, I feel bursting with energy”. The Cronbach’s Alpha (α) for this construct was found to be 0.94 in this study.

Is corrected as

…Finally, a UWES-9, developed by Schaufeli et al. (2006), was used to measure work engagement, with the following sample item: “At my work, I feel bursting with energy”. The Cronbach’s Alpha (α) for this construct was found to be 0.90 in this study.

Page 14: In Section 5.2, the sentence

…Reporting happiness at work results from different parts of the globe (i.e., the Middle East) rather than the dominant part (i.e., western countries) might add more insight into this important organizational phenomenon and allow for cultural differences in that regard.

Is corrected as

…Reporting happiness at work results from different parts of the globe (i.e., the Middle East) rather than the dominant part (i.e., western countries) might add more insight into this important organizational phenomenon and offer an opportunity to understand cultural differences in that regard.