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Research Article

Enhanced estimation of population mean using simple random sampling

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Article: 2335949 | Received 19 Jul 2023, Accepted 18 Mar 2024, Published online: 04 Apr 2024


The present study suggests an enhanced class of estimators for the population mean estimation utilizing simple random sampling (SRS). The bias, mean square errors (MSE), and minimum MSE of the suggested estimators are computed to the approximation of order one. The efficiency conditions are obtained by comparing the MSE of the proposed and existing estimators. An empirical investigation is carried out using some real and artificially generated symmetric and asymmetric populations. The empirical findings are observed to be positive, clearly demonstrating the preponderance of the suggested estimators over the existing estimators.

1 Introduction

The traditional ratio, regression, and exponential approaches have been widely utilized for population mean estimation in the recent years due to their simple structure and computational ease. With the help of various auxiliary variable-related parameters, including coefficients of variation, skewness and kurtosis, along with the population mean, the standard ratio and exponential estimators have been improved by various researchers to estimate the unknown population mean of the study variable. When applying the ratio, regression, and exponential estimation methods, the population characteristics of the auxiliary variable must also be available ahead of time. Watson (Citation1937) considered auxiliary information and proposed the conventional regression estimator of population mean of the study variable which is best linear unbiased (BLU) estimator. Cochran (Citation1940) proposed the conventional ratio estimator of population mean under SRS. Srivastava (Citation1967) utilized auxiliary information and suggested a power ratio estimator of population mean under SRS. Walsh (Citation1970) suggested a ratio type estimator for the population mean under SRS. Bahl and Tuteja (Citation1991) proposed an exponential ratio estimator of population mean under SRS. Sisodia and Dwivedi (Citation1981), Singh and Kakran (Citation1993), Upadhyaya and Singh (Citation1999), and Singh (Citation2003a) utilized known parameters of auxiliary variable and suggested some modified ratio estimators of population mean under SRS. Singh et al. (Citation2009) suggested a generalized exponential ratio type estimator of population mean which was later on enhanced by Yadav and Kadilar (Citation2013) by utilizing Searls (Citation1964) technique. Yan and Tian (Citation2010) utilized the coefficient of skewness of auxiliary variable and presented a ratio method of estimation of population mean, whereas Subramani and Kumarapandiyan (Citation2012) considered co-efficient of variation and median of an auxiliary variable and developed an estimation procedure of population mean. Jeelani et al. (Citation2013) developed a modified ratio estimators of population mean utilizing a linear combination of co-efficient of skewness and quartile deviation, while Jerajuddin and Kishun (Citation2016) suggested a modified ratio estimators for population mean utilizing size of the sample chosen from the population. Kadilar (Citation2016) suggested an improved ratio cum exponential ratio estimator of population mean. Soponviwatkul and Lawson (Citation2017) considered utilizing a coefficient of variation, correlation coefficient and a regression coefficient, and construct a new ratio estimator for estimating population mean under SRS. Ijaz and Ali (Citation2018) suggested some improved ratio estimators for estimating population mean utilizing SRS. Yadav et al. (Citation2019) adopted various auxiliary information and developed a class of population mean estimators under SRS. Yadav et al. (Citation2019) examined the efficiency of their developed estimators using primary data of production of peppermint oil obtained from the crop from Banikodar Block of Barabanki District situated in Uttar Pradesh, India.

The studies discussed in previous paragraph are either equally or less efficient than the conventional regression (BLU) estimator. In this article, we propose an enhanced class of estimators for the population mean (PM) estimation of the study variable (SV) employing the data from auxiliary variable (AV) based on SRS. The aim of this paper is to:

  1. Propose an enhanced class of estimators for the PM estimation under SRS that competes with the existing estimators, especially regression (BLU) estimator,

  2. Compare theoretically the efficiency of the suggested estimators with the current estimators,

  3. Exemplify the proposed estimators using some real-life populations,

  4. Perform a simulation study using some artificially generated symmetric and asymmetric populations.

The current paper is further designed in the succeeding sections. In Section 2, methodology and terminologies used are explained. In Section 3, some prominent estimators along with their bias, MSE, and minimum MSE expressions are discussed. In Section 4, we suggest an enhanced class of estimators for PM estimation under SRS along with the bias, MSE, and minimum MSE expressions. The efficiency conditions are obtained in Section 5. In Section 6, an empirical illustration of the efficiency of the suggested estimators is provided by using some examples based on some real populations as well as some artificially generated populations. The paper is concluded in Section 7.

2 Methodology and notations

Let a population P= (P1, P2,…, PN) be the composition of the distinguishable items with a finite size N. Choose a sample of n size based on a finite population of N length by employing simple random sampling without replacement. Let yi and xi symbolize the SV and AV for the ith (i = 1, 2,…, N) unit from P. Let y¯=i=1nyi/n and Y¯=i=1Nyi/N be the sample and population mean of SV y, respectively; x¯= i=1nxi/n and X¯=i=1Nxi/N be the sample and population mean of AV x. Let Mx and My be the median of AV and SV, respectively. Let sy=i=1n(yiy¯)2/(n1) and Sy=i=1N(yiY¯)2/(N1) be the sample and population standard deviation of SV y. Let sx=i=1n(xix¯)2/(n1) and Sx=i=1N(xiX¯)2/(N1) be the sample and population standard deviation of AV x. Let C y=S y/Y¯ and Cx = Sx/X¯ be the population coefficient of variation of SV and AV, respectively. Let ρxy represent the population correlation coefficient between AV and SV.

The characteristics of the suggested estimators are further deduced using the notations below:

Let us consider the error terms as e0=(y¯Y¯)/Y¯ and e1=(x¯X¯)/X¯ such that the expected values of these error terms are zero and E(e 02)= fCy2, E(e 12)= fCx2, and E(e0e 1)= fρxyCxCy, where f=1/n.

3 Existing estimators

The current section devotes to some prominent available estimators which are discussed below along with their MSE/minimum MSE expressions.

The usual unbiased estimator is given by: tm=y¯,with the variance as V(tm)=fY¯2Cy2.

The usual ratio estimator was proposed by Cochran (Citation1940) which is given by: tr=y¯X¯x¯,with the bias and MSE as Bias(tr)=fY¯(Cx2ρxyCxCy),MSE(tr)=fY¯2(Cx2+Cy22ρxyCxCy).

The usual regression estimator was proposed by Watson (Citation1937) which is given by treg=y¯+β(X¯x¯),with the bias and minimum MSE at the optimum value of scalar β(opt)=ρxyY¯X¯CyCx as Bias(treg)=0,minMSE(treg)=fY¯2Cy2(1ρxy2)

Srivastava (Citation1967) suggested the power ratio estimator as follows ts=y¯(X¯x¯)δ,with the bias and minimum MSE at the optimum value of scalar δ(opt)=ρxyCyCx as Bias(ts)=fY¯δ((δ+1)2Cx2ρxyCxCy),minMSE(ts)=fY¯2Cy2(1ρxy2).

Walsh (Citation1970) suggested the following ratio estimator as tw=y¯(X¯X¯+θ(x¯X¯),with the bias and minimum MSE at the optimum value of scalar θ(opt)=ρxyCyCx as Bias(tw)=fY¯θ(θCx2ρxyCxCy),minMSE(tw)=fY¯2Cy2(1ρxy2).

Sisodia and Dwivedi (Citation1981) utilized the auxiliary information and suggested the following ratio estimator tsd=y¯[X¯+Cxx¯+Cx],with the bias and MSE as Bias(tsd)=fY¯λ1(λ1Cx2ρxyCxCy),MSE(tsd)=fY¯2(Cy2+λ12Cx22λ1ρxyCxCy), where λ1=X¯X¯+Cx.

Bahl and Tuteja (Citation1991) proposed the exponential ratio estimator as tre=y¯exp[X¯x¯X¯+x¯],with the bias and MSE as Bias(tre)=fY¯(38Cx212ρxyCxCy),MSE(tre)=fY¯2(Cy2+Cx24ρxyCxCy).

Singh and Kakran (Citation1993) used the coefficient of kurtosis and construct the following ratio estimator tsk=y¯[X¯+β2(x)X¯+β2(x)],with the bias and MSE as Bias(tsk)=fY¯λ2(λ2Cx2ρxyCxCy),MSE(tsk)=fY¯2(Cy2+λ22Cx22λ2ρxyCxCy), where λ2=X¯X¯+β2(x).

Upadhyaya and Singh (Citation1999) utilized the transformed auxiliary information and suggested the following estimators: tup1=y¯[CxX¯+β2(x)CxX¯+β2(x)],tup2=y¯[β2(x)X¯+Cxβ2(x)X¯+Cx],with the bias and MSE as Bias(tup1)=fY¯λ3(λ3Cx2ρxyCxCy),Bias(tup2)=fY¯λ4(λ4Cx2ρxyCxCy),MSE(tup1)=fY¯2(Cy2+λ32Cx22λ3ρxyCxCy),MSE(tup2)=fY¯2(Cy2+λ42Cx22λ4ρxyCxCy), where λ3=CxX¯CxX¯+β2(x) and λ4=β2(x)X¯β2(x)X¯+Cx

Singh (Citation2003a) examined the following ratio estimator: ts1=y¯[X¯+ρxyX¯+ρxy],with the bias and MSE as Bias(ts1)=fY¯λ5(λ5Cx2ρxyCxCy),MSE(ts1)=fY¯2(Cy2+λ52Cx22λ5ρxyCxCy), where λ5=X¯X¯+ρxy.

Singh et al. (Citation2009) considered various auxiliary information and suggested following class of exponential estimator: tsn=y¯exp[(uX¯+v)(ux¯+v)(uX¯+v)+(ux¯+v)],with the bias and MSE as Bias(tsn)=fY¯(2τ2Cx2τρxyCxCy),MSE(tsn)=fY¯2(Cy2+τ2Cx22τρxyCxCy), where τ=aX¯2(aX¯+b).

Yadav and Kadilar (Citation2013) suggested an improved class of exponential ratio estimator: tyk=ky¯exp[(uX¯+v)(ux¯+v)(uX¯+v)+(ux¯+v)]with the bias and minimum MSE at optimum value of k(opt)=A/B as Bias(tyk)=kfY¯(2τ2Cx2τρxyCxCy)+Y¯(k1),min.MSE(tyk)=Y¯2(1A2B), where A=1+f(2τ2Cx2τρxyCxCy) and B=1+f(Cy2+5τ2Cx24τρxyCxCy).

Here, u and v are either real amounts or some available population parametric values of AV x.

Kadilar (Citation2016) developed an improved ratio cum exponential ratio class of estimator: tgk=y¯(X¯x¯)αexp[X¯x¯X¯+x¯],with the bias and minimum MSE at optimum value of scalar αopt=(2ρxyCyCx)2Cx as Bias(tgk)=fY¯[α(1+α)2Cx2+α2Cx2+38Cx2(α+12)ρxyCxCy],minMSE(tgk)=fY¯2Cy2(1ρxy2).

Ijaz and Ali (Citation2018) suggested the following class of estimators for the estimation of population mean: tia=wy¯+(1w)y¯X¯x¯,with the bias and minimum MSE at optimum value of scalar w(opt)=1ρxyCyCx as Bias(tia)=(1w)fY¯(Cx2ρxyCxCy),minMSE(tia)=fY¯2Cy2(1ρxy2).

Yadav et al. (Citation2019) suggested the following class of estimators for population mean under SRS: tp1=y¯[β2(x)MxX¯+ρxyβ2(x)MxX¯+ρxy],tp2=y¯[β2(x)MxX¯+ρxyCxβ2(x)MxX¯+ρxyCx]tp3=y¯[β1(x)MxX¯+ρxyβ1(x)MxX¯+ρxy],tp4=y¯[β1(x)MxX¯+ρxyCxβ1(x)MxX¯+ρxyCx],tp5=y¯[nX¯+ρxynX¯+ρxy],tp6=y¯[nX¯+CxnX¯+Cx],tp7=y¯[nX¯+ρxyCxnX¯+ρxyCx],tp8=y¯[nρxyX¯+CxnρxyX¯+Cx],tp9=y¯[nCxX¯+ρxynCxX¯+ρxy].with the bias and MSE as Bias(tpi)=fY¯φi(φiCx2ρxyCxCy),i=1,2,,9,MSE(tpi)=fY¯2(Cy2+φi2Cx22φiρxyCxCy),

where φ1=β2(x)MxX¯β2(x)MxX¯+ρxy, φ2=β2(x)MxX¯β2(x)MxX¯+ρxyCx, φ3=β1(x)MxX¯β1(x)MxX¯+ρxy, φ4=β1(x)MxX¯β1(x)MxX¯+ρxyCx, φ5=nX¯nX¯+ρxy, φ6=nX¯nX¯+Cx, φ7=nX¯nX¯+ρxyCx, φ8=nρxyX¯nρxyX¯+Cx, and φ9=nCxX¯nCxX¯+ρxy

4 Proposed estimators

Almost all estimators reviewed in the previous section are either less or equally efficient to the classical regression (BLU) estimator. This work aims to develop an enhanced class of estimators for the estimation of PM of SV using information on AV. Here is the proposed class of estimators: T=k1y¯(X¯x¯)k2exp{(uX¯+v)(ux¯+v)(uX¯+v)+(ux¯+v)},where kj, j = 1, 2 are constant to optimize the MSE, while u and v are either real amounts or some available population parametric values of AV x. Some sub-class of T are tabulated in .

Table 1 Several individuals from the proposed estimators.

By employing the notations provided in “Methodology and notations,” we can express the suggested estimator as T=k1Y¯(1+e0){1k2e1+k2(k2+1)2!e12}{1λe1(1λe1+32λ2e12)}where λ=2(uX¯/(uX¯+v)).

Here, Taylor’s series expansion is used and the error terms having power greater than 2 are neglected. This provides the following expression: TY¯=Y¯[k1{1+e0k2e1λe1k2e0e1λe0e1+k2(k2+1)2e12+k2λe12+32λ2e12}1].

Considering expectation both the sides to the above expression, we get Bias(T)=fY¯[k1{1(k2+λ)ρxyCxCy+k2(k2+1)2Cx2+k2λCx2+32λ2Cx2}1].

Squaring and considering expectation both sides to the above expression provides MSE(T)=Y¯2(1+k12[1+fCy2+{k2(2k2+1)+4λ2+4k2λ}fCx24(k2+λ)fρxyCxCy]2k1[1+{k2(k2+1)2+k2λ+32λ2}fCx2(k2+λ)fρxyCxCy]).

The above MSE equation can further be expressed as MSE(T)=Y¯2(1+k12F12k1F2),where F1=1+fCy2+{k2(2k2+1)+4λ2+4k2λ}fCx24(k2+λ)fρxyCxCy and F2=1+{k2(k2+1)2+k2λ+32λ2}fCx2(k2+λ)fρxyCxCy.

Minimizing the MSE(T) against k1 provides the optimum value of k1 as k1(opt)=F2F1.

Using the amount of k1(opt) in the MSE(T), we obtain MSE(T)min=Y¯2(1F22F1).

The optimization of k1and k2 simultaneously is very typical. Therefore, putting k1= 1 in the estimator T and minimize the MSE of T against k2 provides the optimum value of k2 as k2(opt)=ρxyCyCxλ.

5 Efficiency conditions

The MSE (T)min is compared with the variance/MSE/minimum MSE of the estimators discussed in “Existing estimators” and obtained the efficiency conditions mentioned below. MSE(T)<V(tm)F22F1>1fCy2.MSE(T)<MSE(tr)F22F1>1f(Cy2+Cx22ρxyCxCy).MSE(T)<MSE(t)F22F1>1fCy2(1ρxy2),where t=treg,ts,tw,tgk,and tia.MSE(T)<MSE(tsd)F22F1>1f(Cy2+λ12Cx22λ1ρxyCxCy).MSE(T)<MSE(tre)F22F1>1f(Cy2+Cx24ρxyCxCy).MSE(T)<MSE(tsk)F22F1>1f(Cy2+λ22Cx22λ2ρxyCxCy).MSE(T)<MSE(tup1)F22F1>1f(Cy2+λ32Cx22λ3ρxyCxCy).MSE(T)<MSE(tup2)F22F1>1f(Cy2+λ42Cx22λ4ρxyCxCy).MSE(T)<MSE(ts1)F22F1>1f(Cy2+λ52Cx22λ5ρxyCxCy).MSE(T)<MSE(tsn)F22F1>1f(Cy2+τ2Cx22τρxyCxCy).MSE(T)<MSE(tyk)F22F1>A2B.MSE(T)<MSE(tpi)F22F1>1f(Cy2+φi2Cx22φiρxyCxCy),i=1,2,,9.

Under these efficiency conditions, the proposed class of estimators represses the reviewed estimators. In practice, these efficiency conditions are verified through the empirical study performed in the next section.

6 Empirical study

This section presents an empirical study in three subsections. In Section 6.1, a numerical study is presented based on four different real populations, in Section 6.2, a simulation study is presented based on artificially generated symmetric and asymmetric populations, while in Section 6.3, discussion of empirical results is presented.

6.1 Numerical study

To improve the theoretical establishment, we have conducted an empirical investigation on four real populations. The descriptive information of these populations is tabulated in .

Table 2 Descriptive statistics of different populations.

The optimum values of k1 and k2 are computed and the results are listed in for all populations. Further, the range of k1 (for fixed values of k2) and k2 (for fixed values of k1) are computed and the results are listed in and , respectively, under which the proposed class of estimators T is more efficient than the existing estimators. It is noticed from and that there is sufficient scope of choosing the scalars k1 and k2 to get better estimators than the existing estimators. From the common range of k1 and k2 and optimum values k1 and k2 for all populations, it is noticed that the scope of obtaining better estimators from the proposed class of estimators is wide even if the guessed values of the scalars k1 and k2 departs substantially from the exact optimum values k1 and k2.

Table 3 Optimum values of (k1, k2) of the members of the proposed estimator for different populations.

Table 4 Range of k1 at the fixed value of k2 for different populations.

Table 5 Range of k2 at the fixed value of k1 for different populations.

We have also computed the bias, MSE, and PRE of the estimators and reported in . The following expression is used to calculate PRE: PRE=V(tm)MSE(T)×100,where T= tm,trtreg,ts,tw,tsd,tre,tsk,tup1,tup2,ts1,tsn,tyk,tgk,tia,tp1,tp2,tp3,tp4,tp5,tp6,tp7,tp8,tp9 and T

Table 6 Bias, MSE and PRE for several estimators.

6.2 Simulation study

To extrapolate the theoretical findings as well as to strengthen the findings of numerical study, we conducted a simulation study based on hypothetically generated symmetric and asymmetric populations. In order to generated the data, following Singh and Horn (Citation1998), we used the models listed below: y=3.4+(1ρxy)y+ρxy(SySx)xx=3.2+xwhere x and y are possessing the corresponding distributions. In particular, we generated the following populations.

  1. We generated a normal population of size N =1000 using xN(15,65) and yN(20,70).

  2. We generated a gamma population of size N =1000 using xgamma(6.005,0.05) and ygamma(7.009,1.09).

We have taken a sample of size n=200 from the above populations. To observe the behavior of the proposed estimators, utilizing 15,000 replications, we have computed MSE and percent relative efficiency (PRE) for the varying values of correlation coefficient as 0.1, 0.5, and 0.9. The PRE is calculated with the help of following expression. PRE=i=115,000(tmY¯)2i=115,000(TY¯)2×100

The simulation findings are reported in and for normal and gamma populations with bias, MSE, and PRE, respectively.

Table 7 Bias, MSE, and PRE of several estimators for simulated normal population.

Table 8 Bias, MSE, and PRE of several estimators for simulated gamma population.

6.3 Discussion of empirical results

After carefully observing the findings of the numerical and simulation studies, we have drawn the following observations:

  1. From , for each population, the outcomes show that the members T(j),j=1,2,,8 of the suggested estimator T obtain the lowest MSE and highest PRE as compare to the existing estimators such as the conventional mean estimator, usual ratio and regression estimators, Srivastava (Citation1967) estimator, Walsh (Citation1970) estimator, Sisodia and Dwivedi (Citation1981) estimator, Bahl and Tuteja (Citation1991) estimator, Singh and Kakran (Citation1993) estimator, Upadhyaya and Singh (Citation1999) estimators, Singh (Citation2003a) estimator, Singh et al. (Citation2009) estimators, Yadav and Kadilar (Citation2013) estimators, Kadilar (Citation2016) estimator, Ijaz and Ali (Citation2018) estimator, and Yadav et al. (Citation2019) estimators.

  2. From , the member T(1) is found to be best among the proposed class of estimator T in each population.

  3. The results reported in are based on normal population which reveal that the members T(j),j=1,2,,8 of the proposed estimator T repress the reviewed estimators with minimum MSE and maximum PRE for each value of ρxy. Moreover, as ρxy increase, the MSE and PRE of the members of the proposed estimators also decreases and increases, respectively.

  4. The results reported in are based on gamma population which demonstrate that the members T(j),j=1,2,,8 of the proposed estimator T repress the reviewed estimators with minimum MSE and maximum PRE for each value of ρxy. Moreover, as ρxy increases, the MSE and PRE of the members of the proposed estimators also increase, respectively.

  5. From and , the member T(1) is found to be best among the proposed class of estimator T in normal and gamma populations.

7 Conclusions

This paper suggested an enhanced class of estimators for the population mean estimation utilizing the simple random sampling scheme. The bias, mean square error, and minimum mean square error of the proposed class of estimators are obtained mathematically to the approximation of first order. By comparing the minimum MSE expression of the proposed estimators with the MSE/minimum MSE of the existing estimators, the efficiency conditions are determined. A numerical illustration involving four real populations and a simulation study involving artificially generated normal and gamma populations provide support for the efficiency conditions developed in “Efficiency conditions.” The empirical findings demonstrate that the proposed estimator represses the conventional estimators in each population which are further extended with the simulation findings. Therefore, it is advised to utilize the suggested estimators for the population mean estimation in practical issues.

Further, the suggested estimators can be examined for the population mean estimation using different sampling schemes like, stratified random sampling, stratified ranked set sampling, two-phase sampling, adaptive cluster sampling, probability proportion to size sampling, for more details refer the studies of Ahmad and Shabbir (Citation2018), Ahmad et al. (Citation2021), (2022), Iftikhar et al. (Citation2022), Bhushan et al. (Citation2022a), (2022b), (2023), Rana et al. (Citation2022), Bhushan and Kumar (Citation2023a), (2023b), Qureshi and Hanif (Citation2019).


The authors are extremely grateful to the learned referees for their valuable comments and to Editor-in-Chief.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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