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Basic Research Article

Examination of ICD-11 PTSD and CPTSD using the International Trauma Questionnaire – Child and Adolescent version (ITQ-CA) in a sample of Danish children and adolescents exposed to abuse

Examen de TEPT y TEPTC de la CIE-11 utilizando el Cuestionario Internacional de Trauma – Versión para niños y adolescentes (ITQ-CA) en una muestra de niños y adolescentes daneses expuestos a abuso

在一个丹麦儿童和青少年样本中使用儿童和青少年版国际创伤问卷(ITQ-CA)考查 ICD-11 PTSD 和 CPTSD

Article: 2178761 | Received 27 Aug 2022, Accepted 30 Jan 2023, Published online: 28 Feb 2023


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