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Thematic Cluster: Tracing Out Scalable Landscapes: Interpretative Layers About Plantation Designs

Tracing out scalable landscapes: interpretative layers over plantation designs



  • Beckford, George. 1972. Persistent Poverty: Underdevelopment in Plantation Economies in the Third World. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  • Crutzen, Paul, and Eugene Stoermer. 2000. “The Anthropocene.” IGBP Newsletter 41:17–18.
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  • Haraway, Donna, Noboru Ishikawa, Scott Gilbert, Kenneth Olwig, Anna Tsing, and Nils Bubandt. 2016. “Anthropologists Are Talking – About the Anthropocene.” Ethnos 81 (3): 535–564. https://doi.org/10.1080/00141844.2015.1105838.
  • Heredia, Beatriz. 1989. Formas de Dominação e Espaço Social. A Modernização da Agroindústria Açucareira em Alagoas. São Paulo: Ed. Marco Zero.
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  • Ishikawa, Noboru, and Ryoji Soda. 2019. Anthropogenic Tropical Forests: Human–Nature Interfaces on the Plantation Frontier. Singapore: Springer.
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  • Latour, Bruno, Isabelle Stengers, Anna Tsing, and Nils Bubandt. 2018. “Anthropologists are Talking – About Capitalism, Ecology, and Apocalypse.” Ethnos 83 (3): 587–606. https://doi.org/10.1080/00141844.2018.1457703.
  • Leite Lopes, José Sergio. 1978. O Vapor do Diabo: O Trabalho dos Operários do Açúcar. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra.
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  • McKittrick, Katherine. 2013. “Plantation Futures.” Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism 17 (3): 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1215/07990537-2378892.
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  • Murphy, Michael W., and Caitlin Schroering. 2020. “Refiguring the Plantationocene.” Journal of World-Systems Research 26 (2): 400–415. https://doi.org/10.5195/jwsr.2020.983.
  • Ofstehage, Andrew. 2021. “Working the Plantationocene.” Society for the Anthropology of Work. https://doi.org/10.21428/1d6be30e.932d8ce0.
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  • Steffen, Will, Jacques Grinewald, Paul Crutzen, and John McNeill. 2011. “The Anthropocene: Conceptual and Historical Perspectives.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 369 (1938): 842–867. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2010.0327.
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  • Tsing, Anna L. 2015. Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibilities of Life in Capitalist Ruins. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Tsing, Anna L. 2019. Viver nas Ruínas: paisagens e Multiespécies no Antropoceno. Brasília: IEB Mil folhas.
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