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Research Articles

“We are struggling to seek justice”: a study of the criminal justice system and transgender experiences in Pakistan



  • Anuvinda, P., & Siva, T. (2016). No country for transgenders? Economic and Political Weekly, 51(37), 19–22.
  • Avalos, S. (2022). The trans experience with the criminal legal system. Crime & Delinquency. https://doi.org/10.1177/00111287221134914
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  • Buist, C. L., & Stone, C. (2014). Transgender victims and offenders: Failures of the United States criminal justice system and the necessity of queer criminology. Critical Criminology, 22(1), 35–47. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10612-013-9224-1
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  • Dwyer, A. E., Ball, M. J., Bond, C., Lee, M., & Crofts, T. (2017). Reporting Victimization to LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex) Police Liaison Services: A Mixed Methods Study across Two Australian States. Report to the Criminology Research Advisory Council Grant: CRG 31/11-12. Canberra: Criminology Research Advisory Council.
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  • Ezie, C. (2023). Dismantling the discrimination to incarceration pipeline for trans people of color. University of St. Thomas Law Journal, 19.
  • Islam, S. (2019). A theoretical analysis of the legal status of transgender: Bangladesh perspective. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 3(3), 117–119.
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  • Johnson, C., Girgis, A., Paul, C., Currow, D., Adams, J., & Aranda, S. (2020). Australian palliative care providers’ perceptions and experiences of the barriers and facilitators to palliative care provision. Support Care Cancer, 19, 343–351.
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  • Khan, A. U. (2016). Gendered justice: Constitutions, trans-genders, and equality. LUMS Law Journal, 3, 69.
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  • King, S. (2019). The criminal justice system’s mistreatment of transgender individuals: A call for policy reform to assist a marginalized prisoner community. Inquiries Journal, 11(1).
  • Langenderfer-Magruder, L., Whitfield, D. L., Walls, N. E., Kattari, S. K., & Ramos, D. (2016). Experiences of intimate partner violence and subsequent police reporting among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer adults in Colorado: Comparing rates of cisgender and transgender victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 31(5), 855–871. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260514556767
  • Lee, Y. J., & Santiago, L. (2023). Race, class, and gender identity: implications for transgender people’s police help seeking. Police Practice and Research, 24(1), 17–31.
  • Leonard, W., Pitts, M., Mitchell, A., & Patel, S. (2008). Coming forward: The underreporting of heterosexist violence and same sex partner abuse in Victoria.
  • M’baye, B. (2013). The origins of Senegalese homophobia: Discourses on homosexuals and transgender people in colonial and postcolonial Senegal. African Studies Review, 56(2), 109–128. https://doi.org/10.1017/asr.2013.44
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  • Mallory, C., Hasenbush, A., & Sears, B. (2015). Discrimination and harassment by law enforcement officers in the LGBT community. UCLA: The Williams Institute.
  • Mennicke, A., Gromer, J., Oehme, K., & MacConnie, L. (2018). Workplace experiences of gay and lesbian criminal justice officers in the United States: A qualitative investigation of officers attending a LGBT law enforcement conference. Policing and Society, 28(6), 712–729. https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2016.1238918
  • Miles-Johnson, T. (2016). Perceptions of group value: How Australian transgender people view policing. Policing and Society, 26(6), 605–626. https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2014.996563
  • Mitra, P. (2018). Human rights violation of transgender people: A critical analysis on Bangladesh perspective. Kathmandu School of Law Review, 6, 165–175. https://doi.org/10.46985/jms.v6i2.212
  • Mogul-Adlin, H. (2015). Unanticipated: Healthcare experiences of gender nonbinary patients and suggestions for inclusive care [Doctoral dissertation]. Yale University.
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  • Owen, S. S., Burke, T. W., Few-Demo, A. L., & Natwick, J. (2018). Perceptions of the police by LGBT communities. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 43(3), 668–693. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12103-017-9420-8
  • Peitzmeier, S. M., Malik, M., Kattari, S. K., Marrow, E., Stephenson, R., Agénor, M., & Reisner, S. L. (2020). Intimate partner violence in transgender populations: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence and correlates. American Journal of Public Health, 110(9), e1–e14. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2020.305774
  • Reddy, G. (2005). Geographies of contagion: Hijras, Kothis, and the politics of sexual marginality in Hyderabad. Anthropology & Medicine, 12(3), 255–270. https://doi.org/10.1080/13648470500291410
  • Saddique, K. A. M. R. A. N., Mirbehar, S., Batool, H., Ahmad, I., & Gang, C. (2017). Transgender issues in Pakistani community. European Academic Research, 4(10), 9048–9057.
  • Stotzer, R. L. (2009). Violence against transgender people: A review of United States data. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 14(3), 170–179. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2009.01.006
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  • Stotzer, R. L. (2014). Law enforcement and criminal justice personnel interactions with transgender people in the United States: A literature review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 19(3), 263–277.
  • Taşcıoğlu, E. (2023). Circuits of Law: Everyday criminalisation of transgender embodiment in istanbul. In Criminal legalities and minorities in the global south: Rights and resistance in a decolonial world (pp. 231–251). Springer International Publishing.
  • Van Hout, M. C., Kewley, S., & Hillis, A. (2020). Contemporary transgender health experience and health situation in prisons: A scoping review of extant published literature (2000–2019). International Journal of Transgender Health, 21(3), 258–306. https://doi.org/10.1080/26895269.2020.1772937
  • Walters, M. A., Paterson, J., Brown, R., & McDonnell, L. (2020). Hate crimes against trans people: Assessing emotions, behaviors, and attitudes toward criminal justice agencies. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(21-22), 4583–4613. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260517715026
  • Wolff, K. B., & Cokely, C. L. (2007). “To protect and to serve?”: An exploration of police conduct in relation to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community. Sexuality and Culture, 11(2), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12119-007-9000-z