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Recent developments in the treatment of bipolar disorders

Pages 1621-1632 | Published online: 02 Mar 2005


  • KESSLER RC, MCGONAGLE KA, ZHAO S et al.: Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of DSM-III-R psychiatric disorders in the United States. Results from the National Comorbidity Survey. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry(1994) 51:8–19.
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  • WALDEN J, SCHAERER L, SCHLOESSER S, GRUNZE H: An open longitudinal study of patients with bipolar rapid cycling treated with lithium or lamotrigine for mood stabilization. Bipolar Disord. (2000) 2:336–339.
  • CALABRESE JR, SUPPES T, BOWDEN CL et al.: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, prophylaxis study of lamotrigine in rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. Lamictal 614 Study Group. Clin. Psychiatry (2000) 61:841–850.
  • CALABRESE JR, BOWDEN CL, SACHS GS et al.: A double-blind placebo-controlled study of lamotrigine monotherapy in outpatients with bipolar I depression. Lamictal 602 Study Group. Clin. Psychiatry(1999) 60:79–88.
  • •This is an important clinical trial that demonstrates the efficacy of lamotrigine in bipolar depression.
  • BOWDEN CL, CALABRESE JR, SACHS G et al: A placebo-controlled 18-month trial of lamotrigine and lithium maintenance treatment in recently manic or hypomanic patients with bipolar I disorder. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (2003) 60:392–400.
  • •This is an important clinical trial that demonstrates the efficacy of lamotrigine in maintenance therapy for bipolar disorder.
  • CALABRESE JR, BOWDEN CL, MEE-LEE D et al.: Lamotrigine or lithium in the maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder. American Psychiatric Association 155th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA (2002).
  • NORMANN C, LANGOSCH J, SCHAERER LO, GRUNZE H, WALDEN J: Treatment of acute mania with topiramate. Am. J. Psychiatry (1999) 156:2014.
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  • VIETA E, TORRENT C, GARCIA-RIBAS G et al: Use of topiramate in treatment-resistant bipolar spectrum disorders. Clin. Psychopharmacol (2002) 22:431–435.
  • MCINTYRE RS, MANCINI DA, MCCANN S et al.: Topiramate versus bupropion SR when added to mood stabilizer therapy for the depressive phase of bipolar disorder: a preliminary single-blind study. Bipolar Disord. (2002) 4:207–213.
  • YATHAM LN, KUSUMAKAR V, CALABRESE JR et al.: Third generation anticonvulsants in bipolar disorder: a review of efficacy and summary of clinical recommendations. I Clin. Psychiatry(2002) 63:275–283.
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  • SCHAFFER CB, SCHAFFER LC: Open maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder spectrum patients who responded to gabapentin augmentation in the acute phase of treatment. Affect. Disord. (1999) 55:237–240.
  • PERUGI G, TONI C, RUFFOLO G et al:Clinical experience using adjunctive gabapentin in treatment-resistant bipolar mixed states. Pharmacopsychiamy (1999) 32:136–141.
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  • MCELROY SL, SOUTULLO CA, KECK PE Jr, KMETZ GF: A pilot trial of adjunctive gabapentin in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Ann. Clin. Psychiatry (1997) 9:99–103.
  • GHAEMI SN, KATZOW JJ, DESAI SP, GOODWIN FK: Gabapentin treatment of mood disorders: a preliminary study. Clin. Psychiatry (1998) 59:426–429.
  • KNOLL J, STEGMAN K, SUPPES T: Clinical experience using gabapentin adjunctively in patients with a history of mania or hypomania. I Affect. Disord (1998) 49:229–233.
  • SOKOLSKI KN, GREEN C, MARIS DE, DEMET EM: Gabapentin as an adjunct to standard mood stabilizers in outpatients with mixed bipolar symptomatology. Ann. Clin. Psychiatry (1999) 11:217–222.
  • YOUNG LT, ROBB JC, HASEY GM et al: Gabapentin as an adjunctive treatment in bipolar disorder. J. Affect. Disord. (1999) 55:73–77.
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  • PANDE AC, CROCKATT JG, JANNEY CA, WERTH JL, TSAROUCHA G: Gabapentin in bipolar disorder: a placebo-controlled trial of adjunctive therapy. Gabapentin Bipolar Disorder Study Group. Bipolar Disord. (2000) 2:249–255.
  • OBROCEA GV, DUNN RIVI, FRYE MA et al.: Clinical predictors of response to lamotrigine and gabapentin monotherapy in refractory affective disorders. Biol. Psychiatry(2002) 51:253–260.
  • MISHORY A, YAROSLAVSKY Y, BERSUDSKY Y, BELMAKER RH: Phenytoin as an antimanic anticonvulsant: a controlled study. Am. J. Psychiatry(2000) 157:463–465.
  • APPLEBAUM J, LEVINE J, BELMAKER RH: Intravenous fosphenytoin in acute mania.' Clin. Psychiatry (2003) 64:408–409.
  • CENTORRINO F, ALBERT MJ, BERRY JM et al: Clinical experience with oxcarbazepine in 56 hospitalized psychiatric patients. Bipolar Disord. (2003) 5:39.
  • GRUNZE H, WALDEN J: Relevance of new and newly rediscovered anticonvulsants for atypical forms of bipolar disorder. .1. Affect. Disord. (2002) 72 (Suppl.):S15–S21.
  • HUMMEL B, WALDEN J, STAMPFER R et al.: Acute antimanic efficacy and safety of oxcarbazepine in an open trial with an on-off-on design. Bipo/ar Disord. (2002) 4:412–417.
  • NASSIR GHAEMI S, KO JY, KATZOW JJ: Oxcarbazepine treatment of refractory bipolar disorder: a retrospective chart review. Bipolar Disord. (2002) 4:70–74.
  • MCELROY SL, KECK PE, STANTON SP et al.: A randomized comparison of divalproex oral loading versus haloperidol in the initial treatment of acute psychotic mania. J. Clin. Psychiatry (1996) 57:142–146.
  • WINSBERG ME, DEGOLIA SG, STRONG CM, KETTER TA: Divalproex therapy in medication-naive and mood-stabilizer-naive bipolar II depression. Affect. Disord. (2001) 67:207–212.
  • DELBELLO MP, SCHWIERS M, ROSENBERG HL, STRAKOWSKI SM: Divalproex for the treatment of aggression associated with adolescent mania. Bipolar Disord. (2003) 5:41–42.
  • SACHS GS, GROSSMAN F, GHAEMI SN, OKAMOTO A, BOWDEN CL: Combination of a mood stabilizer with risperidone or haloperidol for treatment of acute mania: a double-blind, placebo-controlled comparison of efficacy and safety. Am. J. Psychiatry(2002) 159:1146–1154.
  • REVICKI DA, PARAMORE LC, SOMMERVILLE KW, SWANN AC, ZAJECKA JM: Divalproex sodium versus olanzapine in the treatment of acute mania in bipolar disorder: health-related quality of life and medical cost outcomes. Clin. Psychiatry (2003) 64:288–294.
  • SUPPES T, ANDERSON R, DENNEHY E et al.: An open add-on study of oxcarbazepine versus divalproex to treat hypomanic symptoms in patients with bipolar disorder. 43rd Annual NCDEU Conference, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2003).
  • TOHEN M, BAKER RW, ALTSHULER LL et al.: Olanzapine versus divalproex in the treatment of acute mania. Am.j Psychiatry(2002) 159:1011–1017.
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  • BOWDEN CL, CALABRESE JR, MCELROY SL et al.: A randomized, placebo-controlled 12-month trial of divalproex and lithium in treatment of outpatients with bipolar I disorder. Divalproex Maintenance Study Group. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (2000) 57:481–489.
  • GYULAI L, BOWDEN CL, MCELROY SL et al: Maintenance efficacy of divalproex in the prevention of bipolar depression. Neuropsychopharmacology (2003) 28:1374–1382.
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  • •This is an important clinical trial that demonstrates the efficacy of olanzapine in maintenance therapy for bipolar disorder.
  • TOHEN M, MARNEROS A, BOWDEN CL et al.: Olanzapine versus lithium in relapse prevention in bipolar disorder: a randomized double-blind controlled 12 month clinical trial. 43rd Annual NCDEU Conference, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2003).
  • TOHEN M, CHENGAPPA KN, SUPPES T et al.: Olanzapine combined with mood stabilizers in prevention of recurrence in bipolar disorder: an 18-month study. Biol. Psychiatry (2003) 53:134S.
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  • YATHAM LN, GROSSMAN F, AUGUSTYNS I, VIETA E, RAVINDRAN A: Mood stabilisers plus risperidone or placebo in the treatment of acute mania. International, double-blind, randomised controlled trial. Br. I Psychiatry (2003) 182:141–147.
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  • GHAEMI SN, KATZOW JJ: The use of quetiapine for treatment-resistant bipolar disorder: a case series. Ann. Clin. Psychiatry (1999) 11:137–140.
  • ZARATE CA Jr, ROTHSCHILD A, FLETCHER KE, MADRID A, ZAPATEL J: Clinical predictors of acute response with quetiapine in psychotic mood disorders. Clin. Psychiatry (2000) 61:185–189.
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  • ZARATE CA, PAYNE JL, QUIROZ JA et al.: A double-blind study examining the efficacy of clozapine in treatment-resistant mania and mixed states. Biol. Psychiatry (2003) 53:37S.
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