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C-peptide and diabetic neuropathy

Pages 1471-1488 | Published online: 02 Mar 2005


  • GREENE DA, SIMA AAF, FELDMAN EL, STEVENS MJ: Diabetic neuropathy. In: Ellenberg and Rifkin Diabetes Mellitus H Rifkin, D Porte, R Sherwin (Eds), Appleton and Lange, Stanford, CT, USA (1997):1009–1076.
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  • •Recent epidemiological data from the UK.
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  • •The first description of axoglial dysfunction in Type 1 DPN.
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  • ••Detailed depiction of the basic differencesbetween mtirine Type 1 and Type 2 DPN.
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  • •Detailed description of the differences in early gene responses in nerve regeneration in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
  • PIERSON CR, ZHANG W, MURAKAWA Y, SIMA AAF: Insulin deficiency rather than hyperglycemia accounts for impaired neurotrophic responses and nerve fiber regeneration in Type 1 diabetic neuropathy. I Neuropath. Exp. Neurology(2003) 63:260–271.
  • •Description of differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes with respect to neurotrophic factors and cytoskeletal protein expression.
  • LI Z, ZHANG W, GRUNBERGER G, SIMA AAF: Hippocampal neuronal apoptosis in Type 1 diabetes. Brain Res. (2002) 946:212–231.
  • ••The first experimental evidence forspontaneous cerebral apoptosis as a cause of cognitive dysfunction in Type 1 diabetes.
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  • PIERSON CR, ZHANG W, SIMA AAF: Proinsulin C-peptide replacement in Type 1 BB/Wor-rats prevents deficits in nerve fiber regeneration. J. Neuropath. Exp. Neurol (2003) 62(7):765–779.
  • ••Experimental evidence for the preventativeeffect of C-peptide on nerve fibre degeneration.
  • LI Z-G, ZHANG W, SIMA AAF: C-peptide prevents hippocampal apoptosis in Type 1 diabetes. Int. I Exp. Diab. Res. (2002) 3:241–246.
  • ••Evidence for the involvement of impairedinsuling/C-peptide in hippocarnpal apoptosis and its prevention by C-peptide treatment.
  • LI Z, ZHANG W, SIMA AAF: C-peptide enhances insulin-mediated cell growth and protects against high glucose induced apoptosis in SH-SY5Y cells. Diab. Metab. Res. Rey (2003) 19:375–385.
  • •Detailed in vitro study delineating the molecular basis for the anti-apoptotic effects of C-peptide.
  • RUSSELL JVV, FELDMAN EL: Insulin-like growth factor-I prevents apoptosis in sympathetic neurons exposed to high glucose. Holm. Metab. Res. (1999) 31:90–96.
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  • ••Excellent review of the physiological effectsof C-peptide.
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  • ••Recent paper demonstrating the beneficialeffects of C-peptide on sensory NCV in Type 1 diabetic patients. Small but very well-performed study.
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