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β-blockers in heart failure: recently completed and ongoing clinical trials

, , &
Pages 415-428 | Published online: 24 Feb 2005


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  • •Early 6-blocker trial.
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  • ••[34-38] combined studies show that 6-blockers affectmortality in heart failure.
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  • ••6-blocker trial in ischaemic heart failure.
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  • THE CIBIS-II SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Design of theCardiac Insufficiency Bisoprolol Study II (CIBIS40. Fund. Clin. Pharmacol (1997) 11:38–42.
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  • ••Study shows the efficacy of I3-blocker in heart failure.
  • THE INTERNATIONAL STEERING COMMITTEE ON BEHALF OF THE MERIT-HF STUDY GROUP: Rationale, design and organization of the metoprolol CR/XL randomized trial in heart failure (MERIT-HF). Am. C ardiol (1997) 80:54–581
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  • ••See [46] for annotation.
  • THE BEST STEERING COMMITTEE: Design of the beta-blocker evaluation survival trial. Am. J. Cardiol. (1995) 75:1220–1223.
  • EICHORN E, DOMANSKI MJ AND THE BEST INVESTIGA-TORS: BEST. Beta-blocker evaluation survival trial. Presented at the American Heart Association. Atlanta, US November (1999)
  • RAVIELE A, BONGIORNI MG, BRIGNOLE M et al: Whichstrategy is 'best' after myocardial infarction? The Beta-blocker Strategy plus ImplanTable Cardioverter Defibrillator Trial: rationale and study design. Am. J. Cardiol. (1999) 83:104D–111D.
  • BOHLER S, SAUBADU S, SCHELDEWAERT R, FIGULLA H-R: Betaxolol versus carvedilol in chronic heart failure (BETACAR study). Arzneim.-Forsch/Drug Res. (1999) 49(0311–317.
  • SACKNER-BERNSTEIN JD: Use of carvedilol in chronic heart failure: challenges in therapeutic management. Frog. Cardiovasc. Dis. (1998) 41 (Suppl. 1):53–58.
  • •Review of the use of I3-blockers in heart failure.
  • SAXON LA, BOEHMER JP, HUMMEL J et al.: Biventricular pacing in patients with congestive heart failure: two prospective randomized trials. Am. J. Cardiol (1999) 83:120D–23D.
  • •Investigations into novel therapy in heart failure.
  • AURICCHIO A, STELLBRINK C, SACK S et al. The pacing therapies for congestive heart failure (PATH-CHF) study: rationale, design and endpoints of a prospective randomized multicenter study. Am. J. Cardiol. (1999) 83:130D–135D.
  • •See [55] for annotation.
  • DAUBERT C, LINDE C, CAZEAU S et al: Protocol design of the MUSTIC (Multisite Stimulation in Cardiomyopa-thy) study. Arch. Mal Coeur Vaiss (1998) 91:154 (Abstract).
  • •See [55] for annotation.
  • KLEIN H, AURICCHIO A, REEKS, GELLER C: New primary prevention trials of sudden cardiac death in patients with left ventricular dysfunction: SCD-HEFT and MADIT-II. Am. J. Cardiol (1999) 83:91D–97D.
  • •Review of defibrillation therapy and trials in heart failure.

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